Friday 28 June 2019

Plunder the Temples: Native American Southern Tribes v Spanish Tercios

Chris is a better painter than me, but I make up for this by the speed I paint. Accordingly, I managed to do a small Spanish force of all new models and was raring to try them out. With Chris painting up two of the 4ground Aztec ruins he picked up at Phalanx, we managed a little battle with more new rules to work through.

Both forces were chosen by what we had recently painted.

My Spanish Tercios force consisted of the following:

1 x Experienced Commander

2 x 5  Soldados (upgraded to Veterans)

1 x 5  Cavallerias (Trained)

1 x 5 Milicianos Artillerios (Upgraded to veteran) manning a Medium cannon with grapeshot

My newly painted forces ideal for a Tercios force

Milicianos Artillerios

One unit of Soldados. (Apparently they look French, but I like the colours)

Cavallerias with mounted officer (though he's just a squaddie in this game)

Chris went for his Native American force, from the Southern Tribes.

His force consisted of the following:

1 x Experienced Southern Tribes Commander
2 x 7 Native American Archer Warriors
1 x 8 

The Native American forces
The Tribal commander

First unit of Native American Warrior Archers

Second unit of Warrior Archers

African Warriors

4GroundPublishing's Incan/Aztec Sacrificial Altar

Chris painted it and did the foliage and I think it looks awesome
The Temple Sentinel Tower is even better in my opinion

Having backed more heavily in the Kickstarters than I, Chris had 4 Gold doubloons, where as I only had two. Not any more. Thanks Chris!!!

With all our new figures and buildings (including some ruin walls from 4Ground which you'll see later), what better mission to play than "Plunder"!!!

So my Spanish Tercios had heard the rumour of some Native gold in the ruined city and set off in search of this "prize". The mission called for 2 buildings in the centre (fortunately, we had the two perfect ones to use) and Chris had to decide in which one the "prize" would be. In addition to the standard strike points for casualties, the Native American defenders would gain one per turn if I had captured the prize, whereas I would after Turn 2 if I did not have a unit within 4" of a building that may have the treasure. We agreed that it should be 4" from the entrance and we both had similar size forces, so would gain strike points at losing 5/10/15 men. The Game would last for 6 turns.

The Sacrificial Altar on my left, or the Sentinel Tower on my right were two objective buildings. The thicker foliage was difficult ground and blocked line of sight unless a unit was in it (well, it is a jungle)

I set up one unit of Soldados to head for each building, with the cannon on the left to support the group there, and the Cavallerias on the right to harass the native ahead of the sentinel tower as the second Soldados advanced on it with the commander.

Chris had to keep 1/3 of his force off in reserve, so set both Native American Warrior Archers up centrally to cover both entrances (the stairs at the Altar, and ladder on the tower)


I won the first draw and, activating on a spade allowed my Quick Cavellerias to advance with two free moves and a third down my right. The Cavellerias I hope would be more of a potential threat than an actual one.

Chris used his commander and moved both his Warrior Archers forward into the jungle.

My second activation was to push my cannon crew forward, but it was hard work given the slow speed.

The second Warrior Archers unit advanced up covering the Altar steps.

Next up my right Soldados advanced up, again pushing themselves to close ground while I had the numerical advantage.

I decided not to outstrip the cannon crew too much, so didn't push the Soldados too far ahead.


One of the 4Ground ruins

The cannon is lagging behind

My cavallerias were going the long wat round

Chris managed to roll successfully to bring on his reserves this turn. He opted to pass first turn, allowing me to move up the artillery again.

In the second round of activations, Chris got to go first and had his Warrior Archer on his right unleash a longe-range arrow salvo at my left Soldados.

Despite the range, the cover and the expected ineffectualness of the arrows, he managed to hit three times, killing two men.

I couldn't lose so many men so early, so spent a fortune point (doubloon). Sadly, my dice failed me even more so second time round.

And then my resolve 5 veterans decided discretion was better part of valour.

Retreating 4" as they became shaken, past the bewildered cannon crew.

I used my next activation to get my Cavallerias advancing up

While my "veterans" dice again failed to impress...

As my left stalled. Chris reinforced his right with the African Warriors, suggesting the Sacrificial Altar held the "prize". Or was it a bluff? Well, I figured I'd need to cover both to be sure/

The Tribal Commander and his native Warrior Archers advanced up to fend off my Cavallerias.

My commander and troops advanced up centrally, taking one fatigue of both the Soldados and Milicianos Arillerios (but only one of the Soldados despite the Commanders Inspiring trait...



Chris again passed first turn allowing my left Soldados to advance up again behind the jungle thickage…

I also got my cannon into position, to try and keep the second unit of Warrior Archers back in the undergrowth of the distant ruin...

My next activation saw my Cavallerias go, and even with their quick and additional free move couldn't get into the light jungle and hit the Warrior Archers and the tribal chief. So I made the decision...

And dismounted my men, into cover so as to ensure no strike points this turn...

Having successfully forced my hand, Chris advanced in and let loose with the archers...

But his dice weren't as good as earlier, needing 8's to hit...

This dropped one of the Cavallerias, whose save in cover wasn't enough...

The Arcehrs fired  a second shot, dropping another...

My Commanders Soldados advanced up in the jungle too, centrally placed to assist go to either building entrance

This allowed Chris's second Archer unit to fire at my commanders squad

But at last, my dice started playing for me and I received no casualties. Chris also decided not to draw back behind the dense jungle...

The Sentinel Tower was looking good for the taking...

But with just 3 Soldados there, the Sacrificial Altar was looking a tough ask with the reserve of African Warriors rushing through the jungle to guard it.

However, the two units of Warrior Archers covered the Tower ladder...


I drew the quickest card, and allowed the artillery to finally let loose with grapeshot. Alas, it was lacklustre, only killing one native...

On my left, Chris's African Warriors charged out to assault my Soldado's

I took a point of fatigue to allow defensive fire which managed to drop one, but with the Natives sound of thunder and my expertly drilled troops, the Africans took two points of fatigue.

Not enough to deter the Warriors, who cut down a Soldado but who passed both resolve tests.

My next activation allowed my Soldados a dedicated attack, boosted by their Ruthless trait. However, the Africans resolve did not waiver.

On my right flank, the tribal chief led his men forward and killed another Cavellerias.

They fled, the last two men shaken...

As Tercios ignore Poorly Equipped on trained units, my artillery reloaded very quickly...

Which drew the attention of the Warrior Archers, reducing the artillery crew by two.


My casualties also mounted causing me my first strike point.


I managed to get a quick activation card, and used my Commanders Soldados. My commander allowed my 2 remaining Cavallerias to rally and then, pushing the Soldados into assaulting the Africans on my left...

They drove off the Africans, and reduced them considerably, but were left exposed...

At a shorter range, the Warrior Archers rapidly loosed a hail of arrows

Which shook my Commanders unit and drove them back.

The Sacrificial Altar was looking secure now, though my troops were suffering...

Fortunately, having been driven back allowed my Artillerios to take aim once more with the grapeshot and the range was good..

The remaining 3 African Warriors successfully rallied in the jungle

And then, from my right, the tribal leader and his archers dropped more arrows, wiping out my commander and his unit. Having spent my fortune points up, I couldn't save him...

Yet more long range sniping. Damn fine work from a Native point of view...

Still all was not lost, as my remaining two Soldados stormed up the stairs and began searching the Sacrificial Altar...

But it was a vain search!!! There was no gold to be had there. So my Cavallerias had to got at the ladder...

But not this turn, and the tribal chief was looking hungry...


Still, the view was nice up here...

Although the Africans were looking up at them in fury, as their casualties had given them a single strike point, to my 2...


My 6 of Spades was trumped by Chris's 11 for the first activation...

And not a single arrow failed to find its mark, killing my last two Cavallerias and any slim hope I had of retrieving the gold for Spain...

It was a bit one sided at this point...

My last two Soldados reloaded expecting a vengeful assault, but the Native forces had wised up and finished them off with poisoned arrows...

With everyone else dead, the Milicianos Artillerios fled back into the jungle, with the jubilant Natives in hot pursuit...

The final shot of the battlefield, with the natives in full control...

I gained 4 strike points to Chris's 1 and could not pass the test having lost my Commander. It was a great game, Chris totally duping me into where the gold was hidden when I had two units that could have stormed the Sentinel Tower, but no, I went to help out the left Soldados as it felt right, even if in mission terms it wasn't. The poor arrows were pretty good, given my saving throw rolls were so bad. I didn't get to see what the Cavallerias were like in combat, but the congested board had a good feel for the mission and Chris did fine job on playing to his strengths and ambushing me from a distance and in cover. My Soldados were good in melee, or rather Chris's dice weren't, but he outshot me with bows, rather embarrassingly. He deserved his win and the Sacrificial Altar had more blood on it for his efforts. Additionally, the gold remains hidden in in the Sentinel Tower, assuming there ever was any gold...