Tuesday 30 November 2021

Greyjoys v Mormont heavy Starks

 With the league winding down, Ste and I had a friendly game between the House of Stark/Mormont of Bear Island and the House of Greyjoy from the Iron Islands down at Justplayin Liverpool

My list consisted of all my painted units to date:

Ironmakers with Asha (C) and Qarl
Ironborn Bowmen with Bronn
Ironborn Bowmen with Reaver Capt
Harlaw Reapers with Nute
Harlaw Reapers with Warsworn

NCU's: Erik Ironmaker and Aeron Greyjoy

Asha, Qarl and the Ironmakers...

Ironborn Bowmen with Reaver Captain

Old Eric and Damphair...

Harlaw Reapers and Nute the Barber...

The Game Mode was Dance with Dragons.

Ste's Stark force was as below:

Stark Bowmen with Rodrik Cassel (C)
House Mormont She-Bears with Sworn Sword Captain
House Mormont Bruisers with Syrio Forel
Stark Sworn Swords with Mormont Veterans

NCU's: Tycho Nestoris, Catelyn Stark & Arya Stark

Ste's been busy painting, as he's called his Banners!!!

And starting his Mormonts

Set up had a Weirwood and corpse piles either side of centre, and a pair of stakes front and back of the centre...

Ste set up left to right with Bowmen, She-Bears, Bruisers and extreme right Sworn Swords

I countered deploying heavily on left to outnumber the Starks and ignore the right objective with Reapers with Warsworn, Bowmen with Bronn, Reapers with Nute and Asha's Ironmakers on my centre

No real highlights in Turn 1 but I did not bring on my Outflankers. Arya did take the crown

But my first roll for morale 8 (9 with crown) bowmen with my new dice was rather nice!!!

I'd used the swords to remove the stakes too...

The She-Bears were first to advance right up...

The Stark Bowmen held back for fear of Outflankers as I advanced in good order...

End of Turn 1 Tactics board...

Turn 2

I activated first and ignored the horse as felt I had to be more in the face of the two stark units

I used Asha Warcry to hit the Bruisers...

Then charged in with the Harlaw Reapers with Nute...

Various cards,  bow attacks and other shenanigans later...

Tactics board filled up quickly after initial thrusts with Tycho taking the crown and hitting Bronn's Bowmen again...

Again, morale was holding...

I had advanced up onto the centre and left objectives as the She-Bears charged in against Nute... I dropped the left objective as failed the shooting panic...

He didn't survive and the Sworn Swords marched right past the objective to threaten Asha's rear...

View from Sworn Swords flank, end of Turn 2


HOUSE GREYJOY                      2 VP's

HOUSE STARK                               1 VP


The She-Bears charged in with a card and full gamut of tokens on my Reapers and my 9 saves were all failures...

And I failed the panic for the solo Reaper left!!! Ouch!!!

I'd lost both Reapers and was now in deep trouble...

On the table next to us, Aden on the right (looking like he's having a Homer moment) was facing Jamie's Lannister in the league...

With my movement reduced, I took the 4+ charge and crashed home, hitting with all but one attack... and failed my 2+ save!!!

Got a few Critical blows too...

And Qarl easily dispatched the wee Bravosi Braggard!!!

Alas, Ste was up for a long range 5+ charge and smashed home with the North remembers...

In the rear with Sundering and critical blow...

So much for a 2+ save...

Still, I passed my panic and dropped another Bruiser...

But undaunted, Ste struck back with precision and all the tricks...

No save for rolls of 6. End of Asha, Qarl and the Ironmakers...

Tycho hit the crown aiming for Bronn's Bowmen for a third crown panic...

And the passed in style again...

But its fair to say I was in over my head...


HOUSE STARK                        5 VP's

HOUSE GREYJOY                  2 VP's

I managed to survive the Sworn swords attack with my Bowmen (and what is dead may never die)

I activated back off swords and still survived...

after an Arya Crown attack...

I did manage to bring on some outflanking Bowmen...


HOUSE STARK                7 VP's

HOUSE GREYJOY            3 VP's

I activated off the swords in some style missing all 5 attacks

The Bruisers did some card movement and off horses to get into the outflanking Bowmen and carded them to the max, stealing the objective...

I took the bags to heal...

Oh, and I retreated out of melee when activating Bronns bowmen

I even got a good feeling on smacking the Bruisers

But despite being vulnerable, Ste still made two saves...

And passed the panic, the git...

His attacks bad stung but didnt wipe me out...

And the Sworn Swords failed their charge, leaving the Ironborn still on the board (somehow) but they wouldnt last another turn...

Which they didn't have too as Ste had hit the 10 VP's required



HOUSE GREYJOY                                         2 VP's

Well no complaints there, Ste is unbeaten in all 8 League games with his Starks having got them down to a tee and it was my first outing with the Greyjoys. I was disappointed with how quickly my harder melee units went "puff" but thrilled I could keep some units on at the end when I got the right cards. I really need to get some Reavers painted as I want to work around an Asha list fleeing her One-Eyed uncle (so her Reaver warband)


Kieran Scaddan and Duke's Gaming in Pontypool have an event on 4th December Dukes Gaming

I'll be running a two day event at Ribble Rumble on December 11th/12th at Element Games in Stockport, for 16 players The Ribble Rumble - ASOIF | Facebook    (SOLD OUT)

Justplay are running A SONG OF DICE & FIGURES VOL III on 11th December... Tickets

And  A SONG OF DICE & FIGURES VOL IV on Saturday 8th January... Tickets

John Craig is hosting Always Winter at Common ground Games in January 2022 (22nd/23rd) at Stirling, a two day event that I plan to go to, link here ALWAYS WINTER (I've got my ticket and there'll be at least 3 of us from The Wardens of the North-West!!!)

Gavin up at Gaming Figures in Redcar will doubtless run a few too Gaming Figures

As hopefully will Entoyment down in Poole, who organise the awesome Beachhead exhibition. Homepage - Entoyment Wargaming and Hobby Centre

Board & Swords https://www.boardsandswords.co.uk/ and Board in Brum  https://www.boardinbrum.co.uk/will hopefully add another event in before end of year...

All the above venues support the game and sell A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures. Check them out, or pop in and visit if you are in the area...