Friday 29 July 2022

Theon Greyjoy battles the Starks

 So after a summer break for me, Ste and I met up for a Thursday night battle down at Justplay (who currently have a 30% sale on ASOIF stuff) with Ste tinkering with his Starks and i'm still tinkering with all armies...

We were playing Honed and Ready

My Theon led Greyjoys consisted of the following:

Commander: Theon Greyjoy - "Prince" of Winterfell • Silenced Men with Theon Greyjoy - "Prince" of Winterfell ( • Ironborn Reavers • Ironborn Reavers • Ironborn Trappers with Asha Greyjoy - Captain of the Black Wind & Qarl - Asha's Champion • Ironborn Bowmen • Drowned Men Non Combat Units • Wendamyr • Beron Blacktyde

Ste's list was almost fully painted but wanted to use some new "Starks" from his new starter set...

Commander: Daario Naharis - Stormcrow Captain • House Umber Berserkers withDaario Naharis - Stormcrow Captain • House Tully Cavaliers • Stormcrow Mercenaries with Rickon Stark - Prince of Winterfell & Osha - Spearwife Guardian • Shaggydog • Stark Sworn Swords • Stark Sworn Swords Non Combat Units • Catelyn Stark • Sansa Stark

Set up and Deployment

Stakes on the left, Weirwood centre left, wall centre right, corpse pile on the right

Starks (L to R): Umbers Berserkers, Stormcrows, Sworn Swords, Tully Cav with Shaggydog behind, Sworn Swords
Greyjoys: Bowmen, Reavers, Silenced Men with Drowned Men behind, Trappers, Reavers


Ste went first to seize letters, I took horses and advanced Silenced Men up and as Steve advanced his wings, I advanced my centre

Ste played a bit cagey to see where I put my Silenced Men, which was right in his face.I planned to hammer his right side and hold back on my left. Not subtle, but wanted to see how they faired...


So despite the wall I charged in, unfortunately rolling a 1 which givne the dice rolls, was disappointing

I managed to drop 2 Sworn swords though...

Ste felt I had a sneaky Greyjoy plan, and hummed and haa'd for an hour before running his Sworn swords away using Catelyn on the horses....

I had Beron influence the Silenced Men, draw two cards and weaken the Tully Cavaliers

I also pivoted to face the 

Steve was still playing cagey, moving teh berserkers to the rear of the Mercs as he had deployed badly he said...

I used Wendamyr on bags to play We do not Sow

Allowing the stakes to be destroyed...

Ste activated and did nothing with Shaggydog, I brought Arya and her trapper up to claim the centre, while STe finally figured he should attack and sent his "new" Sworn Swords in under Assault orders...

I only took 1 would thanks to Beron's influence and some nice armour saves

But I failed the panic, losing 3 men and Beron's influence. However, I did play Diversion tactics to get an auto charge in with the Reavers. And my second charge saw another 1 rolled, so no Krakens Wrath to get played!!!! AAArgh!!!!

I fluffed the dice, killing 2 Sworn swords who activated and cut down 5 Silenced Men. And then failed the bloody panic and dropped 3 men... I thought these guys were supposed to be good???

With my plan to hit the right falterin, i went for a 5+ charge to regain some momentum somewhere...And rolled a 6.

With Krakens Wrath I had all sorts of nic things and managed to drop 5 Starks

Just the Tully's left to go.I had hoped to lure them to my left...

But Ste went straight into Arya and the Trappers, killing 7...




Board at end of Turn 2

I was under the cosh and no mistake. Theon was likely to die this turn, but he isnt true Ironborn anymore....

                                                    TURN 3

Ste took the swords and killed Theon. But i played What is Dead may never die, and passed the panic.

I then activated the unit, using Raiding call to give me 3 models before losing 2 due to no having the swords. I felt retreating wouldnt help as Shaggydog would have had me, so I attacked and didnt do diddly...

Ste the activated the Sworn Swords with Assault Orders, having recovered it with Sansa and cut me down...

I then used We Do not Sow to swing with the Reavers again, dropping the Sworn Swords down to 2 men.

But with Catelyn influencing them, they hit back hard, dropping my Reavers down to 2 men

I then activated my Revaers for 4 attacks ona  2+ with Sundering... And he passed the one hit!!!Aw FFS!!!

Smelling blood, Shaggy dog looked to finish the Reavers off, but only killed one with hits.

Still, I was at a minus 4 for the panic check...

So my right hook had failed abysmally, so on the left... Well, the dice averages were not working in my favour this day, but I did drop them to a single rank,

My right flank simply got nowhere...

And the left odds were now heavily against me

My archers finally got to shoot, hitting the Sworn swords

Dropping 3 of the Starks, but as many Reavers thanks to another shocking roll!!!

With the odds now well in his favour, Ste and his Starks advanced on me...


HOUSE GREYJOY 4 VP's (4 objectives)

HOUSE STARK 4 VP's (2 units, 2 objectives)


I took the swords and had my Reavers hack down the sworn swords. Just. I need 2's to hit,a dn Ste passed 2 saves.

I had also used the order from the Drowned Men to heal two Trappers, and influenced them when Beron took the swords. My reavers were posied to stikre the rear of the Tully's

Ste weighed it up, and healed the Cavaliers up. I then used Rading call to maximise the Reavers as the bowmen were doomed I felt, taking 4 off them. So, auto in, but I roll a third 1 on a charge. I had "Opportunist card, which would ahve given me Vicious!!! Oh, how the fickle Gods of Dice punish me...
I did still drop a full rank off of the Cavaliers mind...

In sympathy, Ste managed 9 attacks with his berserkers when they cahrged my 3 Bowmen!!! He told everyone, but neglected to mention he had re-rolls...

Still, he only hit 3 times with them, and I saved 1

But alone, he managed to pass his morale check!!!

Qarl and the Trappers dropped another horse!!!

Shaggy dog leathered my Reavers (he had taken a wound when sitting on the objective last turn), but I used Diversion tactics on teh Drowned Men  who activated and flanked the Cavaliers

Alas, all 4 attacks missed


Swift Advance allowed the 2 Sworn Swords the cahrge to finish off the Reavers

Board at End of Turn 4

The lone Bowmen had retreated away from melee to retain the objective, but would die when he claimed it from the shots. I was pleased the trappers were still holding on, but the battle was lost...


HOUSE OF THE KRAKEN 7 VP's (1 unit, 6 objectives)

HOUSE OF THE DIREWOLF 8 VP's (4 units, 4 objectives)


Catelyn on swords saw the Cavaliers attack the  Drowned Men but the one wound didnt register....

I activated the Trappers and dropped the Cavaliers to 1 wound but he wouldnt die!!! 

Ste then healed the Cavaliers off the bags. So I had Beron take the crown!!!

And finally got rid of the Sworn Swords on the right!!!

The Cavaliers activated and did 2 wounds on the Drowned Men, but I had a Wendamyr token so healed them. before shaggydog attacked doing 2 more. My drowned Mens stick that did hit bounced off the cavalier armour. Steve moved the Berserkers onto the objective.

Board at End of Turn 5

The final coin count

END OF TURN 5 (& Game)

HOUSE STARK 10 VP's (4 units, 6 objectives)

HOUSE GREYJOY VP's (2 units, 6 objectives)

Well, in the end it was closer than it felt all game. The break meant my dice were rusty, and i didnt use a tray. (new ones from Carl Black due soon ) I usually rely heavily on good dice and I dont wanna complain anymore than i alreeady have. 3 disorderly charges, when I ahd the cards to really hurt Ste at crucial junctures, never mind no re-rolls!!! Still, Drowned men did well, and Asha in Trappers rocks. As usual, Ste played well, but definitely should know me well enough that I lack any real tactical planning. He is fun to watch as he tries to work out if i am doing something he cant fathom. Guess he's used to higher quality opponents than I.I mean I only managed to hold on early stages due to good healing hand of cards. Might rock with the greyjoys for a while now, or maybe tilt to Baratheons...

I know I would have WON if I'd been rolling into this


ELO is COMING (Stirling, Scotland), 13th August ELO is Coming

Sunday 11th September, Gaming Figures, Redcar 20 Players, 4 games event LINK

London GT ELO event for fluffy, friendly players 30th September Link

The MEGA 128 player 2 day event UK London Grand Tournament 1st & 2nd Oct Link

Event i'm running, a  chilled wind down after London 16 Player 2 day event 22/23rd Oct at the RIBBLE RUMBLE, ELEMENT GAMES, STOCKPORT, UK LINK

Sunday 6th November, Castle Gamers Starter Box Tourney, Gilead Village Hall, Heol Spencer, Coity, Bridgend, UK LINK  8 player, 30pt starter box event