Beachhead 2022 Facebook link was a great start to the Wargames Shows in UK for 2022. The 6 hour trip (12 hours round trip) was well worth the effort, as Chris and I of the Ribble Warriors gaming club in Preston teamed up with a local yokel in David Richardson from the Southampton Sluggaz as he is the local Para-BellumVanguard. We had a great weekend, introducing many visitors to the show to the fantasy world of Conquest, both rank and file Last Argument of Kings and the skirmish version, First Blood...
For more information on these games, you can immerse yourself on Para-Bellum website
As usual, I'll let the pictures do most of the talking...
Chris Carr (Ribble Warrior and co-UK NW Vanguard) with David Richardson (UK South Vanguard, of the Southampton Sluggaz)

Dave went and got an awesome banner made from Vistaprint...
Dave's Spire and 100K were put on table along with mine, for a massive 2500pts battle, had we decided to just do a demonstration game. In the end, we had so much interest we resorted to 1200pt participation games...
We used Dave's figures, as they were better painted than mine...
Some of Dave's blue Spire alongside Chris's pale Spire...
The rest of the Spire were inspiring... I'll get my coat!!!
The more the merrier...
We also displayed the resin Founder's Exclusives as they are so fantastically detailed...
My personal favourite, and I don't even play Nords...
The Ice Giant was the biggest draw on day 1, so many people wanted one...
My Steel Legion on show...
Chris playing Peek-a- Boo...
Dave and I started early to warm up the dice, with me using 100K
Chris would be running First Blood participation games on the beautiful 4ft x 4ft mat
Kraken Mats have designed in conjunction with Para-Bellum. A lot of interest in that.
As well as the Dweghom (dwarven or Karag Haim) buildings from
Most of the building are from 4Ground, and compliment the mat well...
Using Fire Dart, the Brutes should have been partially immolated, but Dave's dice were impressive!!!
The Men-at-Arms held strong against the Brutes (who had no impact hits due to the wood)
And then struck back ferociously, and the Brutes defence rolls were comical...
The cavalry were charged by FG Drones, and the Abomination was preparing to flank my Men at Arms...
But I got the inititative and charged the Household Guards into the Abomination,l eaving my cavalry to wipe out the FG drones by breaking them last turn, and shattering them in this one...
We had some interest and these chaps would return for a game later, as Dave explained how badly he was doing...
The Vanguard Clones added their weight to the FG drones, battering the Men at Arms
As the Abomination cut down stands of Household Guards
Fortunately, the Household Knights managed to flank the beast, cutting it down...
The Impact hits alone were brutal, as was
their Righteous charge!!!
Initiative next round would be the key to victory!!!
And the Knights won the roll off, smashing the Force Grown Drones under hoof!!!
And following up the next turn to crush the Spire Warlord giving the 100Kigndoms a solid victory!!!
With only some Clone Marksmen left, the fields belonged to the valiant Knights (and household guard leader)
Chris was bust demoing First Blood
While Dave set up for some participation of Last Argument of Kings...
A skirmish breaks out between 100K and Spire
Crossbowmen flanking managed to kill 4. And 4 sixes were rolled for resolve (needing 5 or less)
Quite a melee..
The Knights would turn the tide of that encounter...
Dave having a rummage for Dweghom figures....
Chris yapping....
As the battle heats up on the big board...
Things looked grim for the 100 Kingdoms forces...
The Knights had got flanked by the Vanguard Clones while the Brutes finished off the Men at Arms
Para-Bellum gifted some starter boxes and unit boxes which we donated to
JOKER SQUAD to raffle for their charity. The link above shows what they do, and they do it well so feel free to donate or contact them if you are running any UK events...
Dave is quite the entertainer...
More players were making this busiest show we've had to date...
Not another Abomination!!! No, Chris and Dave never bothered taking pictures of me doing anything so had to do a selfie!!! They said they were too busy, but I'm sure that was just an excuse...
Day 2 saw the return of the APEX predator to the table ( it was up in the painting display cabinets, where it got plenty of envious looks and comments...
We played a Monster Apocalypse with 2 big guys each side, Dave had his pair of Abominations, Chris his Apex Predator and Ice Jotnar, and me with a Mountain Jotnar and Abomination. My Abomination dropped one of Dave's before the Apex gulped down the mounatin Jotnar in one go
Big guys falling down...
All over the place...
Dave lost his second Abomination, while mine got the charge in on the Apex Predator...
After re-rolls, it was decidedly unimpressive...
So Chris won... But the Ice Jotnar and Apex wanted last Giant/T-Rex standing. The Giant lost easily!!!
Nothing beats an Apex Predator, especially when it's painted...
Another visitor...
Or three...
And another great big melee...
Household Guard with Crossbows behind. There used to be Spire in front....
Charging Drones up unsupported is dangerous
The Raptor Riders were also a big draw... Everyone loves Orcs on dinosaurs!!!
And the Resin exclusives are pretty awesome too...
And that's it, leaving you with another look at Dave's battle winning Knights, who literally wiped out anything they charged...
Great to meet up with a fellow Vanguard and so many people enthusiastic about the models, scenery and the games. Definitely worth the effort, and both Chris and I agree, we will be down at Beachhead 2023. Hope its not as windy and wet as this weekend though...