Thomas & Paul put on their sixth themed event at Leodis Games, with a religious based theme and as usual, it was awesome. A great mix of newer players and old dogs...
No units could be the same in the two different lists, including NCUs, characters and attachments (unless you were a newcomer)
Ste and myself went over from Wardens of the North-West, with John Wall joining us from the London Old Gamers (he lives locally enough)
I elected for a Greyjoy army, with a Drowned God shrine as my terrain piece.
Silenced Men with Euron Greyjoy - Lord Reaper of Pyke (C)
Iron Victory Crew with Victarion Greyjoy - Master of the Iron Victory
Blacktyde Chosen with Baelor Blacktyde - Captain of the Nightflyer
Ironmakers with Asha Greyjoy - Captain of the Black Wind & Qarl
Balon Greyjoy
House Harlaw Reapers with Theon Greyjoy - "Prince" of Winterfell (C)
Ironborn Bowmen
Ironborn Reavers with Drowned Prophet
Stony Shore Pillagers with Drowned Prophet
Drowned Men
Drowned Men
Aeron Greyjoy
Beron Blacktyde
Scenario: A Game of Thrones
Adam "Addy246" Power
While its always great to see and play any of the DMG gang, Addy's list has been the Badge of Shame winner at the last 4 Leeds events. And he keeps running it!!! I have been lucky to avoid it, and as Ste has made me terrified of two units of Tully Cavaliers so I cried when drawn against this...
House Tully Cavaliers with Brynden Tully - Outrider Commander (C)
House Tully Cavaliers with Winterfell Guardian
House Tully Cavaliers with Winterfell Guardian
House Tully Cavaliers with Winterfell Guardian
Howland Reed
I elected to run Euron and "The Fleet's In" list as their units had a bit of staying power (I hoped). For this scenario, there was a Weir Wood in the centre and four random terrain pieces, resulting in another Weir Wood, two Hedges and a stake.
Tully: Cavaliers, Cavaliers with Brynden, Cavaliers & Cavaliers
Greyjoys: Blacktyde Chosen, Euron's Silenced Men, Ironmakers, Iron Victory Crew
I opted to go first, and had Balon take the Letters for two extra cards and a weakened unit of Cavaliers
Addy advanced a unit of Cavaliers off of the Horses, so I tried a crown panic but the Tully's passed.
As you can see, Addy and I decided to play on a 2ft x 4ft board, with neither side lacking subtlety. I just had to survive the charges coming my way, and I couldn't afford to spread out my infantry.
Board at End of Turn 1
Addy activated the unit on the left, which was the one I had weakened.
The weakened helped, but with Vulnerable and panicked six Iron Victory Crew died
But Victarion's Relentless kicked in, and Addy's double one on his panic dropped a horse
I used the Iron Price to heal up 3 wounds on the Iron Victory crew, before attacking well from the swords.
Addy sadly upped his dice, although he dropped a rank before passing the panic check, healing two and causing a wound on my unit.
A second unit of Cavaliers thundered home and absolutely snotted the Silenced Men, leaving Euron and two men...
because the Weir Wood didn't help these dice...
I knew exposing the Blacktyde's flank and rear to two un-activated Tully's but I had to gamble...
I managed two hits due to rolling one on the charge so no re-rolls
And Addy made both saves, causing me a wound... Woe is me!!!
Addy did take the mick, feeling sorry for me for such a pitiful attack...
And then activated Brynden's Sentinel to charge my Blacktyde in the flank. Damn, I forgot about that...
I held pretty well, only six men dropping. But then he got to activate a unit so romped into my rear...
A valiant effort, but sadly not enough, wiping them out and retreating the unit away to avoid and Ironmakers charge...
Start of next turn, Asha next to the Weir Wood failed her War Cry...
I need to keep her away from Weir Woods!!!
I activated my Silenced Men, but played Cunning Ploy to move the Ironmakers up. Addy ignored them, sending Brynden into finish of Euron and his Silenced Men.
Brynden got out of charge arc, and I'd dropped two units. I did win a unit of Golden Company Swordsmen as the spot prize, for being the first player to lose their commander.
I charged in with Asha and the Ironmakers, dropping one horse...
I then had Victarion and his iron Victory crew hack down two horses when they activated...
And Addy failed the panic, with a massive three and wiping the unit. Victarion giving me a bit of hope...
HOUSE TULLY 2 VP's (2 units)
Board End of turn 2
Asha passed her War Cry and gave the Tully's vulnerable, before taking the swords and attacking.
With Qarl's auto wounds, I then swung my mighty hammers and got ten hits from six attacks with Critical Blow...
In the flank, Addy needed 4+ but rolled terribly, losing the unit in one hefty hammer blow...
Addy countered with a sentinel move to get over and then charged into Victarions unit's flank
The Tully's wiped them out. I then decided against using Balon's ability, even though I had one unit left on the board, and activated Euron to take the Horses, moving into Bryndens flank. Addy took the centre objective, so I then played Devious methods an binned Mind Games to take Devastating Impact before charging home
Nine hits was the result, again Critical Blow helping out
Brynden held on with two wounds...
But healed up with Howland on the bags...
Tactics Board at End of Turn 3
HOUSE TULLY 4 VP's (3 units, 1 Objective)
HOUSE GREYJOY 2 VP's (2 units)
Addy went first, using Howland to take the Horses rather than heal, which was fair enough but he rolled poorly even with a reroll, and being near a corner, his distance and line of retreat was much reduced. Brynden turned to face his doom, as I played Devious Methods again and burned a card to take Devastating impact again
Seven hits resulted (as Howland had given me a -1 to hit)
And just like that, we were left with one unit each!!! Definitely gonna get some Starks painted in the New Year, as I like that card they have...
Addy sped of the centre to take a far right objective, as didnt wanna face a fully pillaged up Ironmaker unit, and he was ahead on points. But that was before Balon brought back Euron and his Silenced Men, Addy having forgot I could do that.
HOUSE TULLY 5 VP's (3 units, 2 objectives)
HOUSE GREYJOY 4 VP's (3 units, 1 objective)
We'd both worked out the arithmetic, and I took the Horses to stop Addy making any advance towards me, while moving Asha and her Ironmakers up to the left objective. Addy worked out he needed a one shot kill on turn six if he made the charge. Deciding it was unlikely, he declined to move and so we activated out the next remaining turn and turn 6.
END OF TURN 6 (and Game)
HOUSE TULLY 7 VP's (3 units, 4 objectives)
HOUSE GREYJOY 8 VP's (3 units, 5 objectives)
Board End of Game
(Tully Cavaliers had moved off our half of the board)
What a great game to start the event with, my worst nightmare turning into a dream come true!!!
Addy was brilliant, despite my bitchin' about his list for the first two turns as my units crumpled, I failed all my dice rolls and "Brynden Tully has bloody sentinel" moment!!! Two units down but a massive dice fail on a panic restored my faith in dice. Stealing Devastating impact twice turned the game, as did not jumping in with Balon to resuscitate a unit in Turn 2 or turn 3, when all seemed darkest. Great dice rolls helped by Addy's poor dice. Wow!!! I eeked out as unlikely a win as I could have hoped for...
Also allowed me to reminisce about first meeting the DMG guys back in early 2020
Game 2
Scenario: A Dance with Dragons
Mark "hogfather" Tarvet
Not met or played with Mark before, but he was great fun to play against, very chilled and relaxed as game went on and wanted to learn what I had as we played. I knew we'd hit it off as we elected to keep the objective cards "blind" until we took the objective.
Rose Knights with Loras Tyrell - The Knight of Flowers (C)
Golden Company Crossbowmen with Bronn - The Sellsword
Crownland Scouts
Riders of Highgarden
Olenna Tyrell, Lord Varys & Shyra Errol
I elected for my Theon "Finding my Faith" list, as I wanted to leave options for game 3
and enjoy playing this one more, as less orders etc to remember
as fewer different units and attachments. And it was more "godly"...
This scenario allowed for an NCU to replace a zone with a roll on the
"Pray to the Seven" table (as below)
Random Terrain: Wall, Bog, Bog, Bog, Corpse Pile
BARATHEONS: Crownland Scouts, GC Crossbows, Rose Knights & Highgarden Riders
GREYJOYS: Stony Shore Pillagers, Harlaw Reapers, Ironborn Bowmen, Reavers
(with Drowned Men tucked in behind)
My initial card hand...
I got to go first, taking the Letters and weakening the Golden Company Crossbows.
Mark took the Horses, while I marched up my Ironborn Bowmen (slowed by the bog)
I got hit by Varys taking the crown, losing three bowmen
The Drowned Men moved up in support as my army advanced heavily on my left, as Mark had earlier move up his Riders towards the right objective. The Baratheons held back a bit, despite the Harlaw Reapers being pushed up as bait.
I was bringing my greater number to bear as the Rider were off picture
The Crownland Scouts shifted back with their tactical reposition
before Olenna turned of Blind Beron abilities as she took the swords to allow the GC crossbows to shoot
But they only plinked two Reapers on account of some nice squids...
I healed up with the Drowned Men, and after the Golden Company had shot again, I healed up some more. With more activations, after the Baratheons on my left had done, Theon pivoted and marched up to threaten the Crownland Scouts next round.
The Stony Shore pillagers took the left objective.
Mark realised he needed to leave the right objective alone and get in the fight, but going over the corpse pile couldn't be avoided
A flank charge by sundering lances was helped by the lack of rerolls from the corpse pile, with Mark scoring five hits. I used the Drowned Prophet Resilience order...
and rolled a pair of sixes, so only one wound went through...
I activated the Reavers and attacked, and managed to cut down two riders...
The Rose Knights marched up and took the centre, reducing their move to 2". My Drowned Men had moved up to allow re-rolls, as I played We Do Not Sow when taking a zone to allow my Reavers to attack again
Mark played Loved by the Small folk, and a failed panic would have weakened me. But my dice were Blessed...
I caused 4 wounds, before Mark rolled a double one on the panic and took the remaining two wounds
HOUSE GREYJOY 2 VP's (1 unit, 1 objective)
HOUSE BARATHEON 1 VP (1 objective)
The GC Crossbows repositioned to support the Scouts while I had surged forth out of arc of the Rose knights (they had Overgrowth on them, so I didnt want to fight them)
Board End of Turn 2
I activated Theon's unit and charged into the Crownland Scouts flank, but I rolled a one and got four wounds but they passed the panic and healed two off Baratheon Conviction
Olenna took the Swords and had them attack back, before I took the bags to heal the damage done
The Golden company tactically moved up to threaten my Drowned Men who were annoying Mark with their support. The Rose Knights had turned to face the Reavers so i shot them in the flank, but they passed the panic. I took 4 wounds from the Overgrowth, healing two for the Drowned Men next turn
I took the Horses to moved the Reavers towards the right objective and away from the slow Rose Knights
I had spread out the enemy and was keeping my army topped up while outmaneuvering them. The Reavers did activate and moved onto the right objective
A Crown panic on the Stony Shore pillagers didn't work...
HOUSE GREYJOY 4 VP's (1 unit, 3 objectives)
HOUSE BARATHEON 2 VP's (2 objectives)
Board at End of Turn 3
Mark healed the Crownland Scouts from the bags. I had Blind Beron take the Swords and influenced the Harlaw Reapers, playing Opportunist to allow Precision and re-rolls
I scored an auto wound and five hits
Another Crown attack followed on the Reavers this time
But my dice were now being subject to the TO's investigation 😉😇😇
The GC crossbowmen shot up my Stony Shore Pillagers who failed a panic and dropped the token but I healed up. The Crownland Scouts and the Reapers were both hacking away at each others, with my forces gaining the upper hand.
The GC crossbows moved up using Sentinel, making their intentions clear. So my bowmen shot into their flank.
They charged into the Pillagers but I held and then attacked back dropping a rank, while the Crownland Scout retreated away from the Harlaw Reapers.
HOUSE GREYJOY 6 VP's (1 unit, 5 objectives)
HOUSE BARATHEON 3VP's (3 objectives)
I activated Theon and charged with the Harlaw Reapers into the last remaining Scout, wiping him out and surging in behind the GC Crossbows
Mark healed up the GC Crossbows off the bags, improving their morale and defence, so I took the swords
with Beron influencing the Pillagers as they attacked, dropping a rank. My right side Drowned Men had marched up to support last turn
Mark had taken the Horses to turn the Rose Knights towards my Drowned Men but i left the there so that I could shoot and avoid any long range Rose Knight charge
The Pillagers were attacked by the GC Crossbows, but I only took a wound. In return, I hacked back after re-aligning away from the Rose Knights
Three Precision hits wiped them out
Board at End of Turn 5 (& Game)
HOUSE GREYJOY 10 VP's (3 units, 7 Objectives)
HOUSE BARATHEON 5 VP's (1 unit, 4 Objectives)
Mark was great fun, really got into the theme of the game but was a it cagey of my force. I couldn't remember when, but he did trade tactics zones for prayers a few times with having 3 NCU's, but came to despise my Drowned Men (and my dice). I had some real luck again, but that was a really fun game and was really pleased to see Theon working for the Iron Islanders...
Scenario: A Clash of Kings
Elliot "Ell" Coulbeck
Ranger Hunters with Jon Snow - 998th Lord Commander (C)
Sworn Brothers with Eddison Tollett - Dolorous Edd
Veterans of the Watch with Grenn - Aurochs & Pypar - Monkey
Coldhands - Mysterious Ally
Aemon & Samwell Tarly
I ran Theon again, as it was my religious themed army and we had our own God shrines.
Elliot's Weir Wood (design and build link) giving him a +2 morale bubble (due to the Horn mug of mead and squirrel?) and my own Drowned Man wreckage giving me -2 wounds from failed panic...
Terrain & Deployment
NIGHTS WATCH: Jon's Rangers, Sworn Brothers, Coldhands behind, Veterans, Ghost
GREYJOYS: Pillagers, Reavers, Bowmen, Theon's Reapers with Drowned Men in rear
And we got to use Elliot's amazing Castle Black Tactics Board...
We even had a Jeor Mormont lookalike appearing in person as well!!! This handsome chap is Gavin Winspear, who runs Gaming Figures at Redcar (and have an ASOIF sale on now). He popped down with the Dead Meta lads as he sponsors the event and wanted to see how Tom used his support. It was great to catch up with him, been up to his store for events for Blood & Plunder and ASOIF pre-covid. Hope to get back there soon, its at the seaside and they sell Irn bru.
Starting Hand
I got to choose for the third time, taking the Letters and weakening Jon Snow's Rangers
The Nights Watch were a tougher force but I planned to hold centre with two units and archer drowned men support while swinging Theon and the Reapers around in a long right hook
My expanded hand was pretty good all round.
We played the tactics board out...
We both circled the centre, the Stony Shore pillagers being last activation and moving up to support the Reavers
Elliot activated the Rangers playing The Watcher on the Wall and marched Jon up 14" and near my Pillagers flank so I took the Swords and used the Bowmen to shoot rather pitifully at the Veterans.
Elliot took the Horses and moved Jon a little wider, shooting after moving for only one wound as the Prophet used his Resilience Order, but I took the bags to heal up.
I did not like the look of this!!!
So I shoved my Pillagers into their faces with a maneuver
Ghost took the far left objective, Coldhands marched over to support the Rangers, while I had brought a Drowned Man unit over to support the pillagers and dropped a few more Veterans activating the Bowmen. The Sworn Brothers stayed put, guarding their sacred tree. (I need it for me boats!!!)
With the Veterans still to activate, and the centre up for grabs, I copied Elliott, pivoting Theon and marching up out of charge arc and into the Veterans flank.
Elliot drew the Veterans back to face Theon and protect his tree, while I marched the Reavers up to take the centre (my other Drowned Men headed for the right objective)
HOUSE GREYJOY 1 VP (1 objective)
NIGHTS WATCH 1 VP (1 objective)
Ach well, might as well get stuck in. Putting Finger Dance on them, I charged off of the centre objective with the Ironborn Reavers into the Sworn Brothers, killing three.
Jon Snow charged in with the Rangers, doing eight hits ( I popped my Prophet order and expended the weakened making 5 saves, so taking 1 wound and two from panic). The Rangers retreated and shot, doing a meagre two hits and I saved both. Having been attacked last round too, I now had two Pillage tokens.
I took the Swords with Beron, influencing the Reavers and attacking, dropping three more Sworn brothers..
I had the Watch on the backfoot , but Coldhands was lurking as was Ghost
Aemon took the bags, healing five Sworn brothers so I used We Do Not Sow for a third attacks with the Reavers, using Krakens Wrath. I also showed my flank to Coldhands and let the veterans have a serious think...
Wow. Krakens Wrath gave me Precision and made the Brothers vulnerable, so I scored 4 wounds plus 3 hits...
leaving a single rank of Brothers
Coldhands charged into the Pillagers flank, killing three but passing the panic. I attacked back, scoring three precision hits!!!
Alas, Coldhands 3+ saved the three attacks that got through but I spent both Pillage tokens for Abundant Promises, to heal 4 wounds
The Veterans decided that Theon was too great a risk to leave running loose, so charged the Harlaw Reapers
But charging through the woods increased my save to 4+, and well, the dice seemed to land just right (again)
At the start of the turn, Elliot played Stand United Brothers and took 3 Veterans off to return 4 Sworn Brothers. So I used my Bowmen to shoot their flank
I caused four wounds and they failed the panic check to die!!! Except the fire that burns against the cold allowed them to survive!!!
I charged Coldhands with the Drowned Men, scoring one hit but with it being in the flank, the 3 Elliot rolled wasn't enough and Coldhands died
I then activated Theon and the Reapers, who got 4 hits against the Veterans and killed the despite their disrupt (although I took 3 wounds from the failure due to the Veterans Counterstrike)
GREYJOYS 5 VP's (2 units, 3 objectives)
NIGHTS WATCH 2 VP's (2 objectives)
Board Start of Turn 4
Coldhands proved that what is dead may never die and popped up to threaten my Drowned Men sitting on the right objective. ( The other Drowned men had moved up to protect the Reavers flank)
Jon Snow tried again, charging in to my Pillagers, who became panicked and vulnerable. I popped the Drowned Prophets resilience...
but really wasn't needed as I took one wound after re-rolls!!! And also passed the two shots that hit when they retreated away and shot me. Elliot was not impressed...
Theon and the Reapers flanked the Sworn Brothers
and blood flowed freely in the Weir Wood grove...
Coldhands charged the Drowned Men's flank, scoring 4 hits...
I passed two of the saves on the required sixes. I healed it with their order next turn
The Bowmen shot Coldhands for no effect, the Moose's hide proving too tough
Having retreated away earlier with the Rangers, Ghost activated and charged the Pillagers but I survived on one wound. The Reavers killed the Sworn Brothers, taking the centre objective
GREYJOYS 9 VP's (3 units +1 for Theon killing it, 5 objectives)
NIGHTS WATCH 2 VP's (2 objectives)
I activated the Pillagers after healing two wounds from the Drowned men and also played Raiding Call to gain six men who then killed Ghost with a few precision hits.
Elliot took the Horses, moved up Rangers and shot my Pillagers for no real effect... So i healed up with a pillage and charged into Jon...
The Rangers attacked back, killing a few Pillagers as the Drowned Men on the right held from Coldhands attacks but did stop me scoring off the objective. I had Theon march onto the left, securing the battlefield...
HOUSE GREYJOY 12 VP's (4 units +1, 7objectives)
NIGHTS WATCH 2 VP's (2 objectives)
Man, that was amazing! I did play well but not sure anyone could have faced my dice and coped. Elliot faced it all with good grace, even Gavin watching was in awe. Elliot is a really good Night Watch players, and his right hook with John really should have done better, but the dice were just amazing for me, Jon's Rangers literally bounced every time off of the Pillagers, whereas the Reapers cut through the Veterans quite easily. My bowmen did well, and the Drowned Men support was fine, using rerolls on the bowmen a few times on the right while the left ones cut down Coldhands...
So with three wins, I had managed to place a respectable third.
Ste was on top for Game 3, but had a minor win and slipped down to fourth.. Well done Squire, nobly giving up a podium to your rightful liege Lord !!!
Have to give a big shout out again to Thomas for all his efforts for the community East of the Pennines with amazing prize support.
Tom wanted to say thanks for Tactics Boards courtesy of Josh "The Brick" at CMON
and also a big thanks to Tomas Luna for printing these 3D activation markers
I ended up with two of these wee beauties, with Third place and Best Themed Army for
Theon's Finding his Faith list.
I was very happy with Best Themed Army, and more surprised with a Third place.
John Wall's Free Folk
Stephen Connor's Targaryen
Joel Kelly's Drowned God Shrine is awesome!!!
Lee Parkins Targaryens
Mrs Whitworth deserves an award for the most garlicy home made sausage rolls and the amazing Bakewells. (Apparently the Mince Pies were nice, but I don't like them)
(Tim also won Best Objective)
Although it was definitely a close run thing v Elliot...
And a big thanks again to Gavin at Gaming Figures for sponsoring and support the event with unit boxes and Starters...
Need to mention Dave Nolan and his Free Folk army. Amazing. Lots of Skinchangers but no Bear dropping as used Community ruling. He was Best newcomer, finishing second at his first ASOIF event so has a new Targaryen starter set and units to work on now. He is also at my event next week, so look forward to maybe facing him if I play...
No pictures of the top man, or his army, Nicholas Keyes of Dice of Lead & Steel, an East Midlands Group for anyone way down south there...
He is the latest addition to the Leodis Kingsguard, having travelled up with Brandon and slaying all comers with his Baratheons. If he sounds familiar, he won the Daventry event after whooping my Dragons on goal difference at 12-12 (the git!!!)
A simply magical day gaming over in Leeds.
Sunday 8th December,
24 players
Entoyment Gaming & Hobby Centre,
Upton Road,
Element Legends ASOIAF
One Day Tournament
Saturday 11th January
Element Games, Hallam Street, Stockport, UK
"Blood Over Highgarden" - Become "Warden of Kent"
2nd Floor, 33 High St, Gillingham ME7 1BQ
8th & 9th February 2025
50 player event
Vlad's Emporium
278 St. Vincent Street,
G2 5RL,
March 1st/2nd 2025
(Sold out, reserves being taken)
Pontnewynydd, Pontypool, UK
(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West)
4 weeks later, March 29th/30th 2025
and needing no introduction...
(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West)