Had a great game down at Justplay https://justplaygames.uk/ in Liverpool on Thursday, meeting up with Raymond Grieves for our second battle. Last time out I didn't record but I got lucky and beat up some Nights Watch...
I took a fairly balanced list not knowing what I was facing, with the High Sparrow commanding from Kings Landing, with Joffrey as second NCU. The units on the field were:
Knights of Casterly Rock
Warrior Sons with Assault Veteran
Mountains Men with Guard Captain
Lannister Guardsmen with Ser Preston Greenfield
Lannister Guardsmen with Ser Meryn Trant
I wanted to run the two Kingsguard to see if the additional cards and conditions were all they were cracked up to be...

FAcing me for this game, Raymond had take The Blackfish on foot commanding a Stark and Tully force as below:
Umber Greataxes with The Blackfish
Stark Sworn Swords with Meera Reed
Stark Sworn Swords
Tully Sworn Shields
Tully Cavaliers
NCU's were Sansa and Arya
We rolled for scenario, with Clash of Kings coming up...
The terrain set up was a pair of Weir woods and a pair of corpse piles. Not very original I know, but not really impacting on the game with regard to unit and the objectives.
Having won the roll for turns and edges, I wanted to go second and as the Cavaliers and Berserkers were placed I matched up with Warrior Sons and Ser Prestons Guardsmen respectively.
Arya took the Letters, Joffey took the Horse advancing Ser Prestons Guards up on my left, who were panicked by Sansa on the crown...
Ser Prestons men then marched up onto the left objective.
The Tully Cavaliers decided not to go in to the Warrior Sons, and the High Sparrow healed up Ser Prestons Guards.
Going first in turn 2 isn't the advantage in this scenario it is in others, as you have two units on...
I send the Warriors Sons into the Cavaliers, but scored only a few wounds. The Cavaliers retreated off with manouver, then charged in next activation, so I was saving on 5+. Guess the Smith was smiling...
I healed the Sons up, and the other units came on. I was strong centrally and on the right, after the Greataxes rolled a 1 and failed to charge, I charged them while holding the objective and hoped Ser Preston could hold the left for a little bit longer than it looked...
End of turn 2 VP's Lannisters 1 Starks 1
The Sworn Swords flanked the left Guardsmen, whose armour was pretty good. Sadly, the Greataxes get to ignore it.
In the centre, the Cavaliers succumbed to the Warriors Sons and a charge by Knights of Casterly Rock, moving up to flank Meera's unit as Meryn Trants Guards held the centre objective. The Mountains Men hammered into the Sworn Shields. But it was the tactics and cards played over this turn that was important, with both counterplots used to keep my centre and right strong...
End of Turn 3 Lannisters 5 VP's Starks 3 VP's
The Cavaliers had came back on as were unactivated in turn 3 prior to their demise, and the Tully horse threatened the Lannister Knight flank. With first activation, I decided to use Joffrey on the swords to have the Mounatins Men finish off the Sworn Shields, allowing me to advance and threaten to counter the Cavaliers if they charged in. They duly did and did some real damage which was healed up by the Mother and moneys bags. The Mountains Men then looked to flank them and needed anything but a 1, which I obliged to roll. This freed up the Cavaliers with some Swift advance and other Stark card trickery, which brought the Greataxes centrally, and I found my Knights double flanked by Cavaliers and Sworns Swords, with my Mountains Men out of position and my Warriors sons holding the right objective with Sworn Shields threatening their flank/rear.

At least I had two guard units to threaten the Sworn swords on the left objective.
However, the Cavaliers wiped out my Knights, and with first activation next would hammer into the Warriors Sons. It was looking bleak for House Lannister...
End of Turn 4 Lannisters 7 VPs Starks 8VPS
Well I never say die, and though the Cavaliers did charge in and reduce me to my Assault Veteran (who was my on field commander), I activated them first, turned to face the Cavaliers and gained the Blessing of the Mother, and when the Sworn Shields smacked into their rear, the Smith smiled down on me again. My Mountains Men could not get in the fight at this point.
And when the Smith is feeling mighty, the Greataxes go to work...
With the demise of my on field commander and the Starks holding all three objectives, the game was over and the Starks triumphant...
From very close at end of turn 4, Turn 5 turned the battle into a 15-7 rout for the Blackfish...
That was a great game, and the cards for Raymond in turn 3 and 4 that allowed him to reposition won him the game as the Tully Cavaliers, who had went down so easily in turn 2 and 3 went through my two core units in quick succession, freeing objectives for the Stark infantry who could not stop the Blackfish's Greataxes from sweeping across my left to my right... Though early on I had the upper hand, I couldn't capitalise and was defending desperately in turns 4 and 5. If only the Mountains Men had got a 2+ on the charge, vicious and flanking is pretty devastating. Still, Raymond played his movement shenanigans to perfection and finished up with a major victory...
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