Thursday 6 February 2020

Conquest: Last Arguments1600 pts Spire v Dweghom/100 Kingdom alliance

A three force battle? Why not? Chris. Andy and myself were up our local club in Preston (UK) this Tuesday and had an epic game of Conquest. 800pts of Dweghom and 800pts of 100 Kingdoms faced of against 1600pts of The Spire.

Chris has even been first to get paint on a unit...

Chris took was originally sceptical about how we would manage our card deck for activations. Really very simple, we alternated. (Which allows personal bias to make the game more interesting)

My 100 Kingdoms force was as follows:

Noble Knight on horse (Warlord)
3 Household cavalry (Medium)
3 Stands of Steel Legion with Standard (Heavy)
3 Stands of Mercenary Crossbowmen (Light)
6 stands of Men-at Arms (Medium)

The Dweghom force (Chris) had

Hold Raegh (Warlord)
5 stands of Hold Warriors
5 stands of Hold Warriors
3 stands of Hold Ballistae
3 stands of Hold Ballistae

Some of the natives came to have a nosey...

Andy used the same Spire list as last outing:


High Clone Executor (Warlord) with 12 Marksman Clones (Medium)
Mimetic Assassin with 24 Force Grown Clones (Light)
Pheromancer with 12 Force Grown Clones (Light)
Pheromancer with 12 Force Grown Clones (Light)
12 Force Grown Clones with Catabolic Node (Light)
12 Force Grown Clones with Catabolic Node (Light)
3 Brute Drones (Medium)
Abomination (Heavy)
Abomination (Heavy)

We actually rolled for scenario, but I wasn't disappointed for the same one we've been playing to come up again. We had already agreed to play on a 6ft by 4ft, which definitely works better in our opinion...

We had a bit more scenery, with our 4ground buildings and hills and woods, with the centre building being the main objective...

The club is in the middle of a Kings of War league, so it was quite busy...

Turns 1 and 2 were just the light units scouting on, although Andy did manage a 5+ in Turn 2 to allow his medium Clone Marksmen advance on and drop 3 of my Crossbowmen who had sped up on the left hill...

Chris advanced his Hold Ballistae on centrally and onto the right hill...


 I took a different view of the battlefield start of turn 3

Turn 3 was interesting as all the 100 Kingdom/Dweghom had all rolled to come on. Andy still had his Brutes and two Abominations off board. Here we see Andrew having just placed his Mimetic Assassin and supporting Force Grown Drones. As you can see, my cavalry came down the left, men at arms up the centre and non warlord led Hold Warriors up extreme right.

And here we see Andy changing his mind and bring them down to face off my against my Noble Lord...

Chris still has his Warlord unit to deploy (but has had a bit of a wait with indecisive Andy!!!)

The Dweghom Warlord follows in my Noble Lords wake. You may notice how all my units got to activate first, it's almost like the Dweghom planned it... Oh, and my crossbowmen were depleted to 5 men...

My Steel Legion were going to take the house!!!

And the scene was set for a proper battle!!!

We really need to get some paint on these guys!!!


Andy got the Brutes and one Abomination on.The Spire got the first turn, but thought I'd show off some of Chris's painting again first as Andy activated his Executor who would use forced march to allow his marksmen clones to move and fire...

For the second game in a row, I had a cunning plan that nearly worked... I activated the depleted Crossbowmen first and they moved then charged the Clone archers, foregoing any attack but stopping the Marksmen from shooting...

Well, actually aiming as they activated with their Warlord and cut the brave Mercs down, then fired their vollwy for little damage. (So my plan did work as a distraction)

The Dweghom Hold Warriors were given a chance to cut down the force grown clones but failed their charge, so the drones went in and exploded for little damage but dropped 4 Dwegs...

The other suspected Node carriers took the central objective but couldn't score as Light troops cant hold objectives, only contest...

The Ballistae were cutting the Drones down, but the Pheromancers healed them up....

Watching impatiently, my cavalry moved sideways to allow the shorties to try and close up...

Which looked more impressive than practical...

Bob toddled up but Andy wasn't distracted as he was deciding (at length) whether or not, or to, or not, or to try a charge v the Knights...

He did try, but failed, then brought up an Abomination to try and scare us...

The Brutes came on centrally as my Men at Arms plodded onwards and my Steel legion overtook the Ballistae to threaten the centre objective...


We won first activation, and the noble Hold Raeghgenerously allowed my cavalry off the leash (Chris on card activation duty) Sadly, charging through woods stopped my impact hits and inspiring, so I didnt do much damage. (3 drones, really???)

But I did score the first points, with the first successful charge in a round!!! Oh, and my Armour of Dominion stopped the abomination from using Cleave on my armour, which held up well...

And my Dweghom allies finally got their marching boots on and charged in to support my noble Knights. Well done lads!!!

Sadly, my Noble Lord then activated and called a challenge and while he was busy fumbling to draw his sword, the Mimetic assassin struck him down with two wounds doubling up due to deadly strike... (I dont think I've even got to roll against that little git yet!!!)

Without their leader, the Abomination used his cleave to tear through their armour, obliterating teh cavalry in short order!!! Still, the Hold Raegh wasnt scared and boldly issued a challenge!!! My Noble Lord on horse had succumbed to both these characters before, so I was intrigued to see who would come out on top with the Assassin having the edge in speed and evasion, the Raegh in resolve and general stubbornesss...

The Steel Legion slammed into the drones who wilted without any resistance, and allowed our Alliance to score a second point with a Righteous Charge!!!

One Pheromancer and drone unit  charged the hill as they were being peppered and stood better odds in melee...

When the Dwegs struck in melee, they scored and impressive 5 hits. But the Drones beings the Drones, we felt their 5 saves was more impressive overall!!!

The Mimetic Assassin activated and scratched the Hold Raegh, while evading all the return strikes...

Having taken the Hill on our left, the Brutes charged up and engaged the Men at Arms...

End of Turn 5

 Dweghom and 100 Kingdom Alliance 2 VP's, Spire 0 VP's

The second Abomination had came on centrally to contest the objective while the Dweghom depleted al the force growns they faced... Seems I had picked on the bigger guys!!!


Think Andy played his Warlord Ability, allowing his Abomination to smash into the Hold Ballistae, who surprisngly held on quite well...

The Marksmen clones fired into the Dweghom but their armour was solid as was their resolve.

The Brutes hurt the Men at Arms but they stayed strong...

While on the far right, the Hold Warriors finishe dof the small force growns who had held them up for so long...

Territorially, we held the right...

And Dweghom on a hill arent easily shifted!!!

Sorry for the shakes, but the Alliance definitely held the upper hand looking at the board...

The Hold Raegh even managed to connect in his duel. I cheered loudly!!!

Sitting in a house didnt seem very hard, so my Legion came off the objective to threaten the Spire rearguard, who promptly decided it would be better to take some humans with them...

The Hold Warriors were looking solid on the left despite the assassin wreaking havoc

In their duel, the Assasin again pierced the armoued Hold Raegh, who held the blade and delivered two blows, sending the Assassin reeling... I was enjoying this!!!

Andy then flanked my Men at Arms with a move and charge, so no melee but it scored him the ambush card objective. I felt like arguing that that thing was far too large to ambush anything, but I guess my men could have been pre-occupied!!!


Now 2-1 to the Alliance


The Alliance activated frst, the Hold Warriors putting a shift in, attacking without inspiring for the +1 bonus, and scoring enough to kill the force growns and the badly mauled assassin. They then charged into the Marksmen Clones who had been shooting them!!!

Definitely these guy were keeping the Alliance in it...

The multi-limbed spawn struck down some Warriors in melee, but it wouldnt be enough....

My badly outnumbered by bigger things Men at Arms did manage an impressive strike on the Brutes

While the Steel Legion couldn't quite finish of a dozen force growns...

Needless to say, the Abomination in the flank wiped out my Men at Arms

The Ballistae held the hill but had the other unit wiped out by a hungry Abomination, while the closest one took the objective...

End of TURN 7

2 VP's apiece

The Abominations sure do thin out a battlefield for you!!! Brutes dropped a few of my Steel legion with impact hits for good measure too...


The Dweghom (they;re officially in charge from here on in) easily wiped out the Executor and his Clone Marksmen

Awesome unit with Hold Raegh!!!

Well, it just goes to show that painted models dont always die first!!!

I mean they died, they just didn't die first

My Steel legion cut down the last of the Force Growns and took the last Spire character with them. And were felled by the Brutes!!!


The Spire 5 VP's, Dweghom Alliance 2 VP's

The 4, yes , 4 remaining Spire models sat where they were scoring 3 more points and getting ready to smite any Hold Warrios who felt brave


In went the Abomination, and the Hold Warriors were wiped out...

End of Turn 9, end of Game, as the Spire surpass 8 Vp's with a mighty 9 VPs to the Dweghom 2VP's... There is no 100 Kingodms left!!!

Well, we all enjoyed that. Splitting the command was no problem, and quite humorous with the Dweghom making the humans go first, but not when it really mattered. We worked well, and held another moral victory as we wiped out all the Spire characters. But again, poor use of cavalry is letting me down, and the late entry for the abominations is problematic as we are close enough for the big buggers to get to grips with our forces quicker... Please be mindful, we are still playing predominantly with Core box units so have many more units to expand our forces still to come!!!

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