Tywin Lannister (C) in Warriors Sons
Gregor Clegane in Knights of Casterly Rock
Preston Greenfield in Lannister Halberdiers
Meryn Trant in Lannister Halberdier
NCU's: Joffrey Baratheon and Pycelle
Lord Tywin with Warriors Sons and the Mounted Behemoth leading the Knights of Casterly Rock
Raymond was keen to try out some of the new characters soon to be available for the Baratheons, and used stand ins to represent his list...
Cortnay Penrose (C) NCU
Olenna Tyrell. NCU
Eldon Estermount NCU
Wardens x2
Rose Knights
Stag Knights + Loras Tyrell
The painted Sentinels on the left would stand in as Rose Knights...
Renly stood in as Loras, Shyra as Olena Tyrell, Alester as Estermont and Stanns as Courtnay Penrose...
The new Baratheon characters... and Rose Knights

So, another Thursday night game down at Justplay games in Liverpool https://justplaygames.uk/
Playing Fire and Blood, with the scenery set up as below.
The Baratheons set up left to right with Wardens, Sentinels, Rose Knights, Stag Knights with Loras and Wardens on far right.
I deployed left to right with Meryn's Halberdiers, Preston's Halberdiers, the Mountains Knights and Tywin's Warrior Sons.
Both Halberdiers were marked, as were the Sentinels and Wardens facing them...
Unsurprisingly, tactics board was busy, and I opted to go first with Joffrey taking the letters, Olenna affecting Pycelle while allowing the palisades on Raymonds side to be destroyed, while I moved up some Halberdiers...
The scenery was destroyed to allow a clear field (more or less)
The Baratheon Wardens swung out to envelop my flanks, but being out activated, I took a long range charge with the Mountain, with the intent of ploughing right through the weaker Sentinels and then over running into the Rose Knights. Unfortunately, it failed by a mile.
Still, I had two Wealth of the Rock cards, so felt confident I could cope with the imminent charges...
Unfortunately, I lost 5 wounds. Nothing like overconfidence in a dice game!!! At least I passed my morale, with Lannister Supremacy killing two Sentinels...
The Rose Knights hit hard, but as I had a 2+ save, I only lost one wound to the attacks. Sadly, I failed my morale and was left with only Gregor (who was feeling rather exposed)...
Well, that doesn't look good unless you are playing Baratheons, of course...
Given the best defence is a good offence, my Halberdiers charged in but were "Defensive Countered", losing all abilities and becoming weakened. I caused a paltry 2 wounds...
While the Stags resilience and attacks back annihilated Ser Preston and his Halberdiers...
This is mid-way through turn 2, and my force has been halved...
So Tywin led his Warrior Sons into a glorious all or nothing charge, scything through the Stag Knights...
But the swing back was nasty, especially given the critical blows and precision Loras allowed. Still, I passed my morale and Lannister Supremacy finished them off, allowing me to heal up some with fealty to the Crown (although Last Stand was then played which left me worse off, again with Loras's precision the key)
Another Defensive counter blunted Meryn Trant's Halberdier attack...
And Tywin and his last Warriors Sons were literally hammered down and trodden underfoot...
It's fair to say I was reeling at how quickly I'd thrown away my forces. The new Baratheon characters were killing me (even had a counterplot used against me, a Lannister player...Scandalous!!!)
Raymond's Baratheons were ahead 6 VP's to 2VP's
I took the swords with Joffrey, allowing my Halberdiers to hit the Wardens, to limited effect (no literally, I don't think I caused a single wound). Raymond took the letters with Olenna negating Pycelle again, who healed up my Halberdiers...
Back on the field of battle, the two units were evenly matched (although there was a great disparity in the remaining armies)
as evidencd below...
This combination of cards effectively neutered my admittedly poor defence options, stopping me playing cards....
Which could have been handy given I had the bags and the crown...
In the end, I took all the wounds, as Stags Resilience was played again, negating my attacks and deflecting them back to me...
Meryn Trant was all that was left following the Sentinels counter charge...
which was triggered by this dismal attempt by the lone Kingsguard hitting on 4+ after weakened...
And as Meryn Trant fell, the scale of my defeat was rather depressing...
END of TURN 3 (End of Game)
Cournay Penrose, Sworn to Renly of House Baratheon 10 VP's Tywin Lannister 2 VP's
Well, its fair to say that Raymond was very pleased in how the new characters for Renly's Baratheon faction worked, even if it wasn't a proper length game. Although this was partly due to my rashness, my infantry were battered in short order by excellent card counters and stymieing my tactics board use. Olenna Tyrell will doubtless find her way into any Renly force (and why not, Diana Rigg played her so well in the show). Loras was great in Stag Knights, who still crumple a bit easy and we didnt get to see much of the new Rose Knights, though they did bring down the Mountain...
All in, a great win for Raymond and his Baratheons and a sore lesson for me. On a postive, as the new Baratheons aren't released yet, Raymond cant add teh score to the stats page...
That's really bloody fight! Nice battrep :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks. Fire and Blood does tend to get messy very quickly!!!