So my league games 4 & 5 saw me facing Ste and Dale, both running very similar Stark lists (tin foil hat mode, me thinks though both deny conspiring against me). Both were cavalry heavy led by Brynden Tully, The Blackfish!!! They both faced very different Ramsay Snow, The Bastard of Bolton, lists from me...
First up was Ste, running Brynden Tully in the following list:
Tully Cavaliers with Brynden Tully (C)
Tully Cavaliers
House Bolton (Traitors) Flayed Men
Stormcrow Mercenaries with Rickon Stark & Osha
NCU's: Tycho Nestoris & Catelyn Stark
I opted for a slightly different build to my norm in that I would be running 3 NCU's
My Neutral force was as below:
Stormcrow Mercenaries with Ramsey Snow (C) and Reek
Stormcrow Mercenaries with Jaqen Hagar
House Bolton Flayed Men with Fortune Seeker
House Bolton Black Guard With Bronn
NCU's: Roose Bolton, Petyr Baelish, Lord Varys (as below on Ste's lovely little tactics board)
The Tully host gathers and deploys with Flayed men on my left, Brynden and his Cavaliers centre left with the Stormcrows centre rigth and another unit of Cavaliers right
Playing Honed and Ready, I wasnt sure how best to approach as splitting my infantry forces could leave me easily ridden down by a cavalry tag team. I had actually been dreading this match up as could really think of no clear plan to counter his mobility and hard hitting units with my force. Still, battle was upon me so I opted to keep the Stormcrows on the flank, with Ramsey taking the right for stake protection and would keep Jaqen Mercs on left as board edge would help. I decided to force Bronn and the Bolton Blackguard and Flyed Men down the middle and try to win by objectives, as the centre would be sure to draw in Ste's cavalry and couldnt be ignored...
I had chosen sides to claim the stakes for protection, and had used the horses too to get the Blackguard up and central..
Although it seemed Ste was falling for my plan, I couldnt help but feel (given how reticent he seemed to charge up and thoguhtful he was being) that I was being baited as I was up first in Turn 2.
The Tactics board end of Turn 1. (Unusual for me to run 3)
Sure enough, I took the bait and activated my Flayed Men, manouvering up ready to charge but Ste played Brynden's tactics card "Ride them Down".
I lost 4 wounds to four hits, which wasnt a good start. We then spent ten minutes discussing whther I coudl still attack or not, with me arguing I couldnt but Ste insisting i hadtn actually activated and could make a melee attack. Anyway, consensus on the Wardens of the North West group chat was Ste was right (it does happen occasionally) and so I rolled a basic 6 dice.
I was looking a bit surrounded and outmatched but my Flayed Men caused 3 wounds
And Brynden Tull wasnt really up for a scrap apparently!!!
Ste activated next and hummed and haaad over popping Tycho Nestoris so early (which he duly did)
Then surprised me by retreaing with Catelyn on the horses. (I followe up with Varys on the bags)
The not so Valiant Riverun knights retreat. (I also used on of Varys orders to shift 3" on my BlackGuard and secure the central objective)
Tycho took teh Crown and caused two wounds on Jaqen Stormcrows. Hmm....
Yeah, had a good idea this was coming next as the Flayed Men smashed ina dn i had to expend cards just to keep them from surrendering the objective to Ste...
Still, they did hold (barely)
Shaggydog moved back and forth behind the Stark lines as the other Cavaliers took the far right objective
Little Rickon led his Stormcrows into my Flayed Men flank
But only scored 1 wound in conjunction with the Tully Cavaliers... Good dice by me and poor from Ste. I ahd already activated my Blackguard
The Flayed Men attacked the Stormcrows off the swords...
Five hits resulted in me saving FOUR!!!
Alas, I failed the morale and that was enough to kill me with intimidating presence adding the second wound
Ste made the decision to go for the kill and avoided the objective he could have moved up onto. Meanwhile, Ste's Stormcrows mercenaries were regretting charging the Flayed men near the corpse pile with their Intimidating presence as I use Cruel methods to heal them up and literally mashed the Stormcrows.
But I was struggling to finish them off
And with the tully Cav and Osha, the morale was passing too just as I need a fail...
The traitorous Flayed Men swept into my rear and devastated my cavalry... However, my Blackguard then killed the Stark child and minder, before consolidating onto the objectvie surrounded by cavalry
Brynden charged in and my Horrific visage started paying dividends...
Although the dice were swinging away from Ste again...
Ramsay didnt activate as he played Issue Commands allowing the blackguard to attack again...
A BLACKGUARD SANDWICH!!! I am sick of Tully Cavaliers!!!
Still, I had the bags for a 2+ save and 5+ morale so was doing ok I felt....
Ramsey and Reek watched on (while scoring)
As we came to scoring at end of turn 3, teh Stormcrows were subjected to arrow fire from the walls (they'd lost a man to that end of turn 2)
They didnt lsoe anyone this round...
Shaggydog had failed a charge into the Blackguard in Turn 3 but it was a gonna be a proper pile on in the middle.
I activated first, taking the horses to prevetn Ste and using the bags to heal up the Blackguard 3 wounds, while using the once per game ability to control bags for improved save/morale. Shaggydog went in for a flank charge, easily pasing his morale check from horrific visage and reduced my men down what they'd healed.
I'd taken bags again next but the Shaggydon activated with Assault orders adn a badly faield morale and a few wounds left me with two men...
And Brynden activated with a "ride by attack", ignoring a need for horrific visage and doing 2 auto wounds. Well played but I was gutted!!! Catelyn had influenced the unactivated tull's to ensure maximum attacks when the went after Ramsey.
This was still finely balanced!!! Ste didnt go for the obvious first, as he had the time...
Moving up to within a 5+ charge range with teh flayed men...
he rolled a 6!!! That would swing it, as he only had to reduce me to one rank with 2 cavalry charges...
Five hits
I saved 3 but teh morale check was enough to shatter my dreams of victory!!!
The Tull cavalry came in, passign tehir panic and although losing a rank to teh stakes, Ste's use of Catelyn on them was pretty smart. I saved well better than average though.
Leaving Ramsey alone in the face of the oncoming cavalry!!! (Reminiscent of Jon Snow in the show at the Battle of the Bastards)
Alas, there were know Knights of the Vale around for me and the game ended with my crushing defeat...
Doesnt happen that often, but I actually lost despite having the most actual VP's ( a headache for teh League admin )
HOUSE STARK 5VP's (WINNER due to vanquishing opponents whole army)
That really was a moral victory for me, as my last minute plan almost worked. Ste is definitely skittish around my dice, which is fair enough as I can be incredibly lucky but early game he spent a lot of time calculating and being indecisive. I thought he'd made an error in keeping Shaggydog off the objective for turn 2, and not going for an objective win when he had battered my left flank down. However, that would have made it a dull game and though it was a close run thing, the vicotry was well deserved as he made all the right moves and his card combo's at the end did for me. I may have won if the Flayed Men had rolled a 4 on that charge!!! For now, he is still the undefeated league leader...
GAME 2 28th October at Justplay
So having suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Ste's Blackfish, I had to face him again on Thursday with Dale running the bugger. At least this time, Ramsey (having played dead and crawled away obviosuly) had rustled up some of his own cavalry!!! (please bear in mind this was a random draw as to which list I used to face each opponent)
Dale's Stark were:
House Bolton Traitors Flayed Men with Brynden Tully (C)
House Tully Cavaliers with Winterfell Guardian
Hedge Knights with Glory Seeker
Stark Bowmen with Crannogman Warden
NCU's: Tycho Nestoris and Catelyn Stark
Hmm, identical NCU's, 3 cavalry units, Brynden Commanding...
Academic, as House Bolton I was running was:
House Bolton Bastard girls with Ramsey Snow (C) and Reek
Loyal House Bolton Flayed Men
Loyal House Bolton Flayed Men with Glory Seeker
Hedge Knights
NCU's: Petyr Baelish and Roose Bolton
Dale was late(ish) so I got to watch a few turns of Andy (Targaryens) and Alex (Lannister) playing Here We Stand. To put it succinctly, the Lannister didnt...
Dale's Stark left to right. Tully Cavaliers with Winterfell Guardian, Flayed Men with Brynden, Hedge Knights with Glory Seeker (marked) and Stark Bowmen with Crannogman Warden (marked)
I countered with Flayed Men, Bastrad's girl with the Bastard and Reek (marked), Hedge Knights and Flayed Men with Glory Seeker (marked). I started deployment to avoid the coprse piles in my area, and set up further back to stay out of early bow shots and charges. My plan was very simple, charge the bowmen and hope the armour held on my Flayed Men and Hedge knights targetting Dale's marked units, while protecting Ramsay...
Dale opted to go first
The first 4 activations jostled on the tactics board, with my taking swords to counter any Assault order charges.
Dale had swung out two units of cavalry, while I took 2 wounds going straight down the right after the Bowmen. Centrally, i had the hedge knights edge up to assist the Flayed Men on the right archer hunting while i used the central stakes and left Flayed Men to protect Ramsey
I had to endure another round of Crannog order shots but then flanked the Stark Bowmen,
I scored no critical blows but they all hit (including a free one from Planning and Insight card)
That's gonna bring a tear to their eyes!!!
And with no 6's, thats 8 dead Starks!!!
And vicious, flank etc, a fail!!! And +1 wound for intimidating presence, the unit was wiped out in one!!!
Sneaky bog wardens!!!
Consolidating back towards the Hedge Knights, I had got the first real kick in...
Dales Hedge Knights used horses to get in my flank and charged home, scoring 3 wounds
I had used Petyr on swords to take bags and heal, and also healed with Roose
My Hedge Knights moved right to support the Flayed Men there
On the left, Brynden had moved up close to my Flayed Men, and I fell for it again as I had for Ste.
Moving over ready to charge, Dale played Ride them Down on his Flayed Men who were bearing down on my flank. Fortunately, he rolled a three for his 4+ charge...
This allowed me to charge them instead of the Tully Cavaliers!!!
Dale made his saves and his strike back hurt me far more!!!
I risked the stakes and did the Bastard Girl thing in the flank, which was pretty devastating!!!
Andy came over to admire the Hedge Knights!!!
Activating the Tully Cavaliers they smacked my Flayed Men and also popped Tycho start of turn to heal up the Flayed Men. I took the swords and struck out at the Hedge Knights on the far right with my Flayed Men, while Dale healed more off bags. I then took the bags and and retreated Ramsey as he was looking precarious, and taking 3 wounds from the stakes
Having used the swords I also reset the combat with my Flayed Men and the hedge Knights
Tactics board used early as normal, with just Catelyn left...
My Flayed Men were dispatched!!!
And my Hedge Knights charged home reducing Dale's Hedge Knights down some...
Having both activated, Ramsey wasn't in danger this turn
But having survived an attack by the Hedge Knights and then hit them, my other Flayed Men then died to the crown panicking them!!!
Damn that Catelyn...
However, I hadn't just retreated Ramsey for his safety. I used Issue Commands re-activate my Hedge Knights, finishing off their Stark counterparts before advancing up...
I've found Issue Commands to be so useful in the league campaign!!!
This was nicely balanced but I was worried as Dale had two heavy cavalry v my one and some pet doggies...
Activating first, i had Peter take the swords and use bags to heal up Ramsey's Girls. Dale took the horses to get the Tully Cavaliers up. I weighed up my options to move Ramsey back but figured the Starks would still get me. So using the swords, I shifted forward 2"
, unleashed my tracker bows and charged home...
Well, that was the plan, as I needed a 2+... Oh the dice Gods are fickle friends to me!!!
Not wanting to overlook a gift, the Tully Cavaliers charged in but lost a horse to horrific Visage!!!
Dale rolled poorly, but he at least got to re-roll...
Yup, the Dice Gods are a capricious bunch but at least they're my friends again...
My Hedge Knights couldnt help Ramsey directly, so instead positioned themselves to prevent a flank attack...
Activating first next turn, Dale marched his Flayed Men round to outflank my Hedge Knights...
Turn 5
Dale activated his Flayed Men and struck hard at the Hedge Knights flank!!!
Eight hits with a 5+ save. Yeah, I was getting better than average again...
And even getting the panic passes!!!
I took the swords and attacked the Tully's dropping them a rank...
When the Tully's attacked back, Horrific Visage really hurt them...
This was an attrition fight I hadnt expected to go my way...
With four attacks hitting...
the Bastard girls were dropped to a single rank...
No retreats this round!!!
Taking the swords, Ramsey's and the girls rolled their 6 dice (as they were marked with the always roll highest attack dice card)
And it was the only fight that mattered with both having coins!!!
Five hits ensued...
And only 4 saves were made... The Tully Cavalry man was on one wound!!!
Dale played through the rest of the turn, including retreating his last hedge Knight away...
Sensible retreat, as Ramsey and the Girls were on the hunt...
Awesome game, and a darn site closer than the points suggest. I concentrated on getting the two marked units, and planned to get them both with my marked Flayed Men and would have too but for that failed crown panic!!! Taking the bowmen down was perfect for me, and put Dale on the back foot as he had to work hard just to get one point for my Flayed Men. Ramsey's failed charge felt like I'd blown the game away, but it turned back so quickly when the Tully charge was so lacklustre. Horrific Visage hurt the Tully's and Ramsey was sitting with 4+ morale thanks to the Girls and the Weirwood. So another hard fought battle but this time edged in my favour. Dale was cunning but really his dice failed him more than his tactics., I just hit his marked units and kept Ramsey relatively safe. So 5 games in for myself and most of us, an update is available here...