Friday 1 October 2021

100 Kingdoms v Spire, First Blood Battle report

 Chris has managed to finish over 600pts of Spire ready for Partizan on the Ground on 10th October Partizan Show 2021

We'll be running a Conquest Demonstration Game and a First blood participation game.

Chris's force consisted of the following:

Pheromancer (Warlord) - Retinue: Flesh level 3 Mutation: Redundant Biomantic Structure, Accelerated Biomancy Pheromancy.

12 Force Grown Drones with Pheromantic Node
2 Brute Drones

High Clone Executor: Co-ordinated Assault, Biotic hive

12 Force Grown Drones with Pheromantic node
6 Marksmen Clones

The Force-Grown Drones horde...

My 100 Kingdoms force was more numerous actually, but infinitely more inferior...

Noble Lord (Warlord)
12 Men-at-Arms with Standard and leader
6 Mercenary Crossbowmen

Theist Priest with Holy Fire spell
12 Militia Spearmen
10 Militia Bowmen

Chapter Mage with Fire Dart spell
8 Men-at-Arms

The Chapter Mage and Noble Lord leading their Men-at-Arms...

The Battlefield viewed from my deployment. The letter on the hill would score me 1 VP as nearest me, but give Chris 3 VP's if he controlled it. the Sword in the centre would yield us 2 VP's each, and the "Holy" Stump in the field would grant me 3 VP's and Chris 1.


Only managed to get two light units advancing on, so my Mercenary crossbows occupied the woods on my left...

Chris brought on his Pheromancer, taking cover behind a copse of trees...

My Militia Bowmen marched onto the hill...


Chris brought on the Pheromancer's warband unit of  Force Grown (FG) Drones, while I marched on my larger Men at Arms...

A second unit of FG Drones took the objective in the field as my militia bowmen fired and missed at the unit o FG drones in the field, as both the Priest and the Mage advanced on at the flanks of my Men at Arms...

On the left, my Mercenary crossbows scored two hits on the drones in the field.

But Chris managed to roll both the ones he needed to save... the git!!!

The Marksmen Clones had advanced on and cut down half the Militia Bowmen...


100 Kingdoms 1 VP  
Spire               1 VP


Battelfield at start of turn

The Marksmen Clones cut down half of the crossbowmen...

And the broken militia bowmen rallied, and they ran down to "threaten" the Pheromancer in the woods...

Chris marched his FG Drones in solid formation (to allow support) into the centre to claim the objective...

As I marched the Militia spearmen took the objective on the hill...

The second FG drone unit charged in against the remaining 5 Militia bowmen, leaving only the leader alive fighting desperately against the odds...

In the centre, and out activating the Spire, I let rip with the 3 crossbowmen killing one FG drone, then the Chapter Mage dropping another 3 with her Fire Dart, before the Theist Priest killed another four with his Holy Fire. This allowed the 12 Men at Arms to charge in and wipe out the depleted unit, securing the centre objective


 SPIRE                1 VP


I won priority an charged the Men at Arms into the FG drones engaged with the lone bowman, killing four...

The Theist Priest wasn't activating, just showing the Men at Arms moving off to the right...

The Militia Spearmen also charged in to the FG Drones...

But they are really poor in melee and dropped a single drone, though the drones faired as badly. not even killing the lone bowman...

A pair of Brutes advanced on, but the Chapter Mage unleashed 5 Fire Darts, dropping one straight away...

Sadly, the Priests Holy Fire was out of range so he marched up ready to bring divine retribution on the enemy in the next turn. The smaller unit of Men-at-Arms advanced up and took the objective...

The battlefield at the end of Turn 4, and the 100 Kingdoms were looking in firm control, despite the Pheromancer kicking in with his regeneration skills, healing up the FG Drones...





Having won the roll off for priority again, the Theist Priest activated and rained down Holy Fire on the Marksmen Clones, scoring 8 hits and wiping the entire unit out in a blaze of righteous anger...

Sadly, my own hubris would come back to bite me with a vengeance. The Pheromancer healed up the Brute that was dead and my militia scored a single hit on the FG drones and they saved that... 

The High Executor then casually strolled on and fire a barrage of biotic hives at the Theist Priest, scoring 3 wounds that i failed to save, and the one roll of 6 doubled to cause 4 wounds in total, killing him outright in revenge for the Marksmen...

Then, despite splitting attacks between the Militia, lone bowman and Men at Arms, managed to drop half the Men at Arms, breaking them, who then failed all their resolve rolls and shattered, fleeing teh field...

This allowed the two Brutes a clear run at the Mage on the hill. They rolled the requisite 5+, ripping her apart in a flurry of blows and be close enough to claim the centre. I did bring on the Noble Lord, late to the party...

END of TURN 5 




Having won the priority on the previous two turns, it had to happen as Chris took the priority...

Ignoring the temptation of the Noble Lord, the two brutes motored up the hill and into the Men at Arms on the objective worth 3 to the Spire...

The powerful monsters simply ripped the Men at Arms apart, the two survivors resolve failing and they fled..

With the Brutes on the objective, the Noble lord had no choice but to charge them

Despite taking the high ground, it was an uphill struggle...

But he managed to cut one down and badly wound the other...

The Militia were reduced to half strength and the lone bowmen was finally despatched by a savage spear thrust...

Again, the Pheromancer lurking in the woods regenerated the dead Brute, scoring off the objective on the hill and healed up the FG drones to full strength





As the battle entered it's final stages, my Warlord was locked in a desperate struggle...

while Chris's Warlord was picking mushrooms and flowers in the woods, using their restorative powers to keep his force in the fight and swing the battle in his favour...

Having lost his remaining two comrades to the High Clone Executor, the lone Mercenary took aim and did manage to drive a bolt home and into the Executor...

And the Militia still managed to hold off the FG drones that kept re-animating...

On the Hill, having failed to gain any advantage, the Brutes savaged the Noble lord...

With the Brutes dominating the battlefield from the hill, the last remnants of the 100 Kingdoms force would flee the field...



100 KINGDOM 6 VP's


Aww man, I thought I had it in the bag!!! Ambushing the FG drones in the centre with concentrate fire, both mechanically, magically and spiritually gave me the advantage and I blew it by taking out the, admittedly deadly Marksmen Clones, when really I could have finished off the last wounded Brute.
 Chris got his regenerative skills off at the right time to revive his flagging forces and the Brutes surged into and through my forces. The FG Drones got so lucky with the dice against my Men at Arms but even then I had a 50% chance of saving but I totally fluffed it and they just opened the field for the Brutes. But fair play to Chris, that's a good balanced force and I think I'll need to add a couple of Knights and maybe drop the mage and 2nd Men at Arms unit...

If you're at any of the shows we're demoing at, please pop over and say hello and roll some dice. Para-Bellum have given us some starter boxes as support which we'll be raffling at the events...

Warfare 2021,  Ascot Race Course UK 

Beachhead Show, Bournemouth 2022

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