Monday 31 January 2022

Asha Greyjoy v Jorah Mormont led Targaryens

 So Colin (Kolco) and I arranged a game at short notice down at  Justplay Liverpool

I was hoping to run out my newly painted Drowned Men but the rules aren't on Asoif-Stats yet so I settled for just Dagmar Cleftjaw, Captain of the Foamdrinker attachment

I opted to run Asha again, with some Ironmakers for company...

Combat Units • Ironborn Trappers (4) Asha Greyjoy - The Kraken's Daughter (C) Qarl - Asha's Champion (1) • Ironborn Reavers (5) • Ironborn Reavers (5) • Ironborn Reavers (5) • Ironborn Bowmen (4) • Ironmakers (7) (using Blacktyde Chosen as stand ins) Dagmer Cleftjaw - Captain of the Foamdrinker (1) NCU's • Wendamyr (4) • Erik Ironmaker (4) Colin was experimenting with his Targaryen forces, and opted for a brutal looking force with 6 activations

of 4 units & 2 NCU's as below:

Combat Units
• House Bolton Flayed Men (8)
Jorah Mormont - Westerosi Tactician (0)
• Dothraki Veterans (8)
Rakharo - Bloodrider (2)
• Dothraki Outriders (6)
Fortune Seeker (1)
• Dothraki Screamers (6)

• Barristan Selmy (5)
• Daenerys Targaryen (4)

Set Up:

Colin selected 2 stakes, against my Weirwood and Woods and when the objective cards were placed and I won the dice off elected to swap sides as my left objectives now healed and right gave +1 tactics card in hand.

Colin deployed left to right with screamers, Veterans, Flayed Men with Jorah and Outriders

I set up with Reavers on left, Asha in Trappers, bowmen behind and between the Ironmakers, with 2 Reavers bringing up the right.

My plan was to take the centre with the Ironmakers, with Asha back on left while Reavers pushed up on left, with bows and centre right Reavers supporting the Ironmakers. The right side would hold objective until shot off it...

Slightly different view of the board...


Colin elected to let me go first, so I took the letters with Eric, and gave a pillage token to the Ironmakers. after putting finger dance on the bowmen. I also weakened the Outriders. My card hand wasn't great, sitting with 2 x Warcry, Iron Price and Raider Bravery...

Colin took the bag, so Eric got a token. Colin had misread Erik's card, thinking I only got token if I took bags. I had Wendamyr takes swords but changed it to take a token...

As I advanced up fully, I realised I'd made a bit of an error. As, with a dread fear of realisation too late, Daenerys took the horses...

After moving up his veterans, I moved my centre right Reavers. Colin then activated his Veterans, moved up for free as below (just before his shift)

He was just in for the bows, but only killed two Trappers...

Of course, Asha, despite the Weirwood tree still managed to fail the panic check needing 4+!!!

I wasn't impressed, given Colin was activating first next turn

Assuming I survived as the Veterans barrelled into me!!! Il ost 3 men to the attacks thanks to the nets

But another one due to another panic failure!!! I swear Asha is a siren, all alluring with her 5+ morale bubble but she just uses it to suck you in and drowns you in bad bloody dice!!!

Colin then played "Sudden Retreat" at the start of my turn. And this is where I came up with a desperate plan!!! Start of turn, I used Wendamyr token to shift back 3" with Asha's Trappers, then I activated my far right reavers to move up. I then, start of next turn, spent another token to shift my Ironmakers 3" across to block charge on Asha, before moving up bowmen...


I burn all 4 cards and collect four as control the right objective, hoping for What is Dead may never die.

Colin activated the Veterans, not using Swords so he can move and reposition. He moves over to my left, so he can shoot Asha and flank the Ironmakers. He duly does, wiping out the Trappers.

But I did draw What is Dead may Never Die, so Asha stayed with 3 Wounds, just passing the panic check I might add as she had moved out of range of the Weirwood when shifting back

And with Ironborn Mettle, she healed another 3 wounds as she had passed a morale check...

I had Erik take the swords, giving the Ironmakers 2+ save now (as they'd lost 5 models to the Veterans flank attack) but passed morale so had Raider Bravery played on them...

They struck back with Critical blow and vicious thanks to Dagmar having been attacked

Seven dice on 3's... John Craig, they'll be in the post tomorrow pal!!!

And the veterans retreated having taken a wound...

I charged out the woods with my centre right Reavers into the Flayed Men, and they caused 2 wounds thank to sundering as they were saving on a 2+

Colin had shot up my Reavers a bit, so I then charged into the Veterans with my Ironmakers...

3+ required, with rerolls, but then weakened. And I thought my Greyjoy dice were bad...

Having already been shot up once in the flank, the Reavers engaged with the Flayed Men needed some help, so I charged off the objective on my right through the stakes losing 2 men, to hit 50/50 with the Outriders, doing 5 wounds. They retreated back on their activation but still held their objective. 

Colin now hummed and haa'd over a long charge into the flank of the Reavers engaged with Flayed Men. in end, he retreated the Outriders.

With first activation next turn, I thought I'd drop a rank off the Veterans, so charged off the left objective with my Reavers, conscious I may be leaving Asha open to a charge from the Screamers

I scored 6 out of 7 hits, with sundering, doing 5 wounds and leaving Rakharo alone...

And the Curse of the Weirwood tree struck again, with the Bloodrider failing his 4+ morale!!!

Neither of us expected that... I surged forth to block the threat to Asha, while gaining 2 pillage tokens. I left the objective free for Asha to take

Colin had to act and went for the 4+ long charge he'd weighed up earlier, losing maximum from stakes on way in but easily finishing off the Reavers

End of Turn 2

HOUSE TARGARYEN           2 VP's         (1 objective, 1 unit)

HOUSE GREYJOY                4 VP's       (3 objectives, 1 unit)


With no units engaged (unusual for turn 3 in any game), I took the horses to advance the Ironmakers onto the objective in the centre not fully) but enough to stop Jorah

Colin took the swords and wiped out my right side Reavers...

I moved up my left side Reavers to take the far left objective, and Colin had his Flayed Men flank my Ironmakers through the stakes, taking maximum damage and losing a rank. Barristan negated my ability to save on 2's, so I was actually wiped out with his vicious flanking when I failed my panic...

(Barristan influence can remove an ability, and we discussed it, so had agreed it could pre-game)

But What is Dead May Never Die kept me in the fight, again, rolling 3 to stay there

and then I took the bags and removed their vulnerable token, making them durable again...

Colin weighed up his options for the Screamers, but he couldnt get in the flank of the Ironmakers and didnt fancy a 2+ save in the front...

I activated the Ironmakers, losing 3 men due to not controlling the swords, but with Bless with Stone, Bless with Steel I healed 3 and then used Krakens Wrath, for PRecision, re-rolls, making enemy vulnerable, added on to Dagmars tokens for Vicious and sundering, as well as their crititcal blow...

5 attacks later, 3 auto wounds and 5 hits. (I've always said I love the Always Winter dice!!!) With Sundering, it never even got to the panic check as Jorah and the Flayed Men died...

Colin played Betrayal on the Outriders to gain an extra VP and the Screamers were on another objective

End of Turn 4

HOUSE TARGARYEN          6 VP's          (2 Units, 3 objectives, card)

HOUSE GREYJOY                9 VP's          (2 units, 7 objectvies)

End of Turn 4 board

Colin had Slemy influence the Ironmakers as he took cards, making them vulnerable too, and weighed up as frontal charge into the Ironmakers...

With his depleted forces, it would be risky... 

So to further deter him, I activated the Ironmakers (I had We Do not Sow in hand) and used Raidnign Call to restore them to full health and remove the vulnerable token...

Realising it would be futile, Colin and I simply activated out to the end of the turn, resuling in a Crushing victory for the Greyjoys...


HOUSE GREYJOY                13 VP's           (11 Objectives, 2 Units)

HOUSE TARGARYEN            8 VP's            (5 objectives, 2 units 1 card)

Board at end of Game!!!

Well, that turned out well despite the horrendous first turn. Really was a desperate first few turns, managing to keep Asha alive when I'd simply spotted the threat from the Veterans too late. Colin played his force aggressively, and was really unlucky to lose his wounded Veterans to one Reaver charge. I got the cards I needed at the right time, first in Turn 2 to keep Asha in it and heal, then again to keep the Ironmakers alive and restore them, before the heavily tooled up guys with cards took Jorah and the Flayed Men out. Also, Colin getting max damage from the stakes helped...

Asha is still a curse though, I'm convinced of it but will be running her once more before trying out some new commanders...

Charity Appeal

Kieran "Scaddman" Scaddan is holding a 24hr sponsored wargame of ASOIF in aid of Veterans mental Health charity.

Link to his Justgiving page is HERE


Duke's Gaming in Pontypool have an event on 12th February                Dukes Gaming event

Battlefield hobbies are having a one day, 3 game event in Daventry on Staurday 5th March A Dance with Daventry

Kieran's 24 hour Sponsored Event at Imjin barracks  18th March

UK London Grand Tournament (ELO) 30th Spetember Link

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