So on 10th April. Ste and I travelled up to Gaming Figures in Redcar for the Dead Meta Gaming lads inaugural Caswell Cup, in memory of Bruce Caswell, one of the gaming community who sadly passed away a few years ago.
There was some great prize support including the biggest ever trophy ever ever!!!
As it's my blog, I wont bore you with Ste's filthy Stark lists (including one with two Tully Cavaliers). Having not used anyone other than Mance at any event I've used Free Folk, I ran two Commandrs I've never actually used before, with my overly simplistic apporach being use Tormund for the first two games before lunch, and Harma for the afternoon games...
• Followers of Bone with Tormund Giantsbane - Thunderfist (C)
• Spearwives with Cave Dweller Alpha
• Spearwives with Harma - The Dogshead
• Free Folk Raiders with Raid Leader
• Free Folk Raiders with Jarl - Advance Raid Leader
NCU's: Mance Rayder & Craster
List 2
• Spearwives with Harma - Vanguard Commander (C)
• Spearwives with Harma's Bannerman
• Free Folk Raiders with Raid Leader
• Free Folk Raiders with Tormund Giantsbane - Tall-Talker, Horn-Blower, Breaker of Ice
• Followers of Bone with Jarl - Advance Raid Leader
• War Mammoth
NCU's: Mance Rayder & Craster
Mickey Arnold (Masarath) Freefolk
First up for me was Mickey form ASOIF stats with his Trapper heavy list and Mance bubble as below
• Free Folk Trappers with Mance Rayder - King Beyond the Wall
• Thenn Warriors with Harma - The Dogshead
• Free Folk Raiders with Tormund Giantsbane - Tall-Talker, Horn-Blower, Breaker of Ice
• Free Folk Raiders with Raid Leader
• Free Folk Trappers
• Free Folk Trappers
NCU's: Ygritte, Lady Val & Craster
Terrain: 2 bogs left and centre, with a Weirwood and corpse pile on the right
Set up: Mickey went Trappers, Tormund Raiders, Mance Trappers, Raiders with RL, Trappers,
Harma's Thenns
I kept my Jarl's Raider off board, setting up Wives with Cave on left, Raid leader and Harma
spearwives central with Mammoth right and Tormund Followers of Bones far right.
Having seen the set up, my plan would be to pinand control/contest the centre, control both on left
with Jarl's outflank and hold bottom right. I'd try and drop some Trappers if I got the opportunity
Of course, as I chose board edge, Mickey made me go first and got Endless horde in hand so opted to bring on another Raider unit to bolster my left and free up the Raid Leaders unit if needed
Mickey took the letters with Ygritte and reduced Cave Dwellers wives movement with influence
while weakening Harma's wives...
Mickey admires his neatly lined troops on battle field set up
Who finally got moving up centre and my left as I marched up fairly aggressively
I got stung by Traps on Harma's unit losing two but passed the panic
I took the crown to deny a panic attack, heal the two wounds I'd lost and get a card...
Looked like this was going to be attritional, with Thenns set up to deny charge...
But charges available all along the front...
Mickey had first activation, taking the Horses to deny my Jarl coming on and re-aligning slightly.
I took the swords to allow Harma to spear toss and charge "fake" Mance, influencing them with my real one...
As I shifted up to toss, I got "trapped" and lost 4 wives, having also had Tormund's Warcry hit them...
And a second load of traps dropped me to a single rank...
I had to use Craster's once per game start of next turn just to add a rank back
But the Raiders flanked and wiped them out, before moving out the way to allow the big guy in...
Sadly, he didn't do much in the way of damage
and was subsequently flanked by raiders with a leader...
I used Craster on the bags to heal the Mammoth up a bit
And sent the Raid leader unit of my own into Tormunds raiders
Fake Craster took the letters
And Mickey even brings his own lucky mascot to intimidate his opponents!!!
A second unit of Raiders didn't help attacking false Tormund, and my Tormund's FoB held well against the attacking Thenn's. Mickey used regroup and reform to boost fake Tormunds raiders from his left Trappers and use Val to retreat Mance back out of melee with the Mammoth
MANCE FREE FOLK 2 VP's (1 unit, 1 objective)
TORMUND FREEFOLK 2 VP's (2 objectives)
I took the Horses with Mance and brought on the Jarl to gain the far left objective...
Board overview...
Ygritte took the swords allowing the Raiders in the flank of the Mammoth to attack
I activated my Raiders and struck out at fake Tormund

But healed back up the losses...

Mance's Trappers charged the Mammoth in the front

But the big guy merely shrugged...
I attacked Tormund again and rolled poorly while the flanking Raiders on the Mammoth dropped the beast...
I left the Jarls Raiders to sit on the objective
On the right, the Thenn's with Harma tried to smashed Tormund's Followers of Bones
Fake Tormund retreated from combat with my two Raider units. The Cave Dwellers wives also stopped on the left objective...
MANCE FREE FOLK 4 VP's (2 units, 2 objectives)
TORMUND FREE FOLK 4 VP's (4 objectives)
Mickey seized the swords and had the Thenns attack Tormund again.
With no repeat of the bad dice, Harma and the Thenns wiped out Tormund's Followers as I failed all five saves and secured the second right objective
Fortunately, I had an Endless Horde card and brought them on, charging in to the Thenns but not reducing the ranks...

Eslewhere, the Raiders and Leader hit their opposite mirror and dropped me to two models...
I used Diversion tactics to move to the flank and smack into Tormund's unit
I wiped them out but could not get close enough to prevent Mance taking the centre objective if he wanted to
The Trappers shot up my Jarls unit but didn't engage and sadly Mance didn't take the charge into the remaining Raiders I offered up as I had counter charge in my hand. Time was due to be called in 5 minutes, so we ended the game.
MICKEY'S FREE FOLK 8 VP's (3 Units, 5 Objectives)
MY FREE FOLK 6 VP's (6 Objectives)
Well that was a good, close game to start with, and good to play Mickey as a top Free Folk player. Not really sure I did too much wrong, but same time didn't feel I did much right. I knew what the Trappers would do and felt I had to run the gauntlet early on but it simply didn't work. I had some poor dice rolls to be sure, although the Thenn's fluffing seven dice attack was a bit of karma. Mickey went through his cards quicker using twice as many as me (15 v 7), which meant I didn't get the cards I needed to win the attritional game we were in. But a fun game and tight but had it continued, the outcome would have doubtless been a better win for Mickey
Nathan Fisher (Eddard_Stark) Starks
Nathan was running a very similar list to that which Steve normally runs, but generously only took one unit of those evil Tully Cavaliers. Apparently Nathan is relatively new to the game ( or so I was told as we set up)
• Eddard's Honor Guard with Eddard Stark - Lord of Winterfell (C)
• Stormcrow Mercenaries with Rickon Stark - Prince of Winterfell and Osha - Spearwife Guardian
• House Tully Cavaliers with Glory Seeker
• House Bolton Flayed Men with Glory Seeker
• Shaggydog
NCU's: Arya Stark & Catelyn Stark
Terrain was straight forward with two Weirwoods and two stakes. I won the roll of and let
Nathan choose sides and he opted not to move
Set up: (L to R) Tully Cavaliers, Eddards Honour guard, Stormcrows & Flayed Men
Tormunds Spearwives far left, Mammoth, Harma Spearwives, Tormund Followers of Bones, Raiders with Leader. Jarl's Raiders were left in outflank
I chose to go second, and Nathan opted for the letters. I took the horses with Mance and advanced up
Tormund and his Followers of Bones while gaining a card. Nathan took the Crown and I passed the panic attack on Tormund, drawing another card.
I then activated on the swords, targeting Tormund and getting another card while destroying the stakes on my right
Nathan moved up rather cautiously, and this allowed me to force up Tormund on the right.
With first activation next turn I wanted to get the drop on the Flayed Men.
I activated and charged Tormund and his Followers into the Flayed Men.
I managed to hit with all 7 attacks and the Flayed Men dropped 7 wounds with the failed panic
Activating of the swords, the Flayed Men struck back, killing two Followers of Bone
And they passed the panic check

The attacked also allowed Harma and her Spearwives to use her Sentinel order
Using Coordination Tactics to gain Vicious, the Spear wives spear tossed and charged in
The Flayed Men managed to survive and Nathan healed with the bags next. I took the horses and brought on the Jarl's Raiders and when the Flayed Men activated and the Followers of Bone, almost wiping them out, I played Counter Assault and had the Jarl's Men charge in
This finished off the Flayed Men and allowed me to pivot and redress my facing. Nathan used Arya to maneuver the Mercs allowing them to charge into the Jarl's raiders, while I healed a bit on the Followers with Craster to try and survive the wall shooting
Centrally, the Mammoth charged into Shaggydog, dropping it to a single wound but the Cavaliers ignored the bait and charged the objective holding Cave Dweller wives in an orgy of killing
I lost 9 wives to that charge!!!
But passed the panic check...
And was able to heal using Crasters swap out of zone for two wounds, regaining control of the objective
FREE FOLK 4 VP's (1 unit, 3 objectives)
Board at end of Turn 2
Eddards Honour guard has swung to my right to hold of my horde, and I felt in a commanding position with control on the right.
Tactics Board end of Turn 2
Arya took the Swords and the Tully Cavaliers finished of the Spearwives. Mance took the horses.
And brought the Spearwives back with Endless Horde to threaten the Cavaliers rear
Sadly, again Nathan wasnt distracted and didn't turn around. The Cavaliers smashed into the Mammoths rear and easily killed it as I failed all my save rolls...
I had Harma's wives spear toss into the Stormcrows Mercs flank, dropping them to 5 models.
I even gloriously passed the panic on my Jarls Raiders

But I failed to finish off the Stormcrows, which allowed Eddard's Guard to flank me in turn

Still, Shaggydog got shot off the wall when scoring points. 5 hits, 4 wounds, dead dog...
Alas, Tormund and his Followers also died to arrows...
FREE FOLK 8 VP's (2 units, 6 objectives)
HOSUE STARK 5 VP's (4 units, 1 objective)
Catelyn on the swords saw my raiders drop down to two men.
I passed the panic check
Twice... I took horses and retreated.
But Eddard was in a foul mood and charged off assault orders and wiped me out.
On the other flank I faced off against the Tully Cavaliers but they simply rode right over my spearwives in one glorious charge, taking the score to 9-7 if we stayed as we were. I wouldn't survive the next round with a depleted raider unit. Wishful thinking, as Nathan didn't want to be patient and Eddard and his Honour Guard charged in with the required 6. My force was annihilated by end of Turn 4 despite an Endless horde
HOUSE STARK 8 VP's (5 units, 3 objectives)
FREE FOLK 8 VP's (2 units, 6 objectives)
Wow!!! Where did it all go wrong??? I did so well ambushing and killing the Flayed Men. Turn 2 I was well positioned and in good shape and had even held against a Tully cavalier charge. Well, simply put, Nathan played a blinder after his early setback. The Cavaliers ran down 3 units, but the Stormcrows just wouldn't die and Nathan didnt get distracted and concentrated on efficiently killing my units. I did lose a lot of men to arrows from the wall, but the central factors for me in the game was Shaggydog surviving the Mammoth charge and holding it up and the Stormcrows surviving the flank charge from Harma and her spearwives. I wont bemoan some bad dice, as Nathan didn't when his Flayed Men crumpled and he did roll badly. I just couldn't cope with the Cavaliers and Osha's counter strike and stubborn tenacity really bit. Well deserved win (ning draw) for Nathan
Battered sausage and chips, then a triple Lemon top ice cream...
Amy Love (Nova) Nights Watch
Amy had only played a few games before the event but so had Nathan so wasn't sure that meant much. And like me, collects every faction and had a nice, fluffy list (although I detest Othell on the wall)
Ranger Hunters with Jon Snow - 998th Lord Commander (C)
Ranger Trackers
Sworn Brothers
Veterans of the Watch
NCU's: Aemon, Bowen Marsh & Othell Yarwyck
Terrain: Central corpse pile, 2 Weirwoods either side and a bog far left.
Amy set up left to right with Veterans, Trackers, Rangers and Sworn Brothers
I had Tormund Raiders, Harma's wives, bannerman's wives, Mammoth and leader Raiders. I kept the Jarl in the Followers of Bone on outflank
With the "Mission" cards, first person to take a tactics zone would give a VP to their opponent.
I allowed Amy to go first, and we both maneuvered our forces, with the NW missile troops advancing furthest, while I advanced the flanks up. I had drawn two "Swift Repositions", which I woudl use to good effect
I used it twice on other turns to allow Harma's wives to advance up 6" unactivated, and given that I had numerical numbers, Amy had to activate NCU's first, which she did opting to use them and give a VP to me

Taking the swords, the Trackers dropped 3 of the Bannerman's wives but I followed up by activating Harma's wives, I shifted a further 2" for a spear toss, then charged home, using feinting maneuver to move to the flank. The result was pretty good.
As Othell on the wall dropped another Bannerman wife, I took the horses to bring on the Followers of Bone, who activated and charged the rear of Jon Snow's Sworn Brothers
Scoring six hits...
Amy manged to save 3 on sixes
But the vicious attack in the rear meant two more succumbed to panic...
Board at End of Turn 1
Tactics Board at End of TURN 1

I put Mance on the Swords, and used the Bannerman's wives to Spear toss the Trackers, wiping them out with a failed panic. I was hoping to charged, so I could surge forth out of the way as the other mission card gave the Bannermans wives to VP's.
Unsurprisingly, Amy then charged into them, and with failing their panic check, wiped them out.
However, the Rangers were now in front of an irate Mammoth and had Harma in their flank...
The Swron Brothers attacked the Followers of Bones, killing half
But I did pass the panic check
Harma then spear tossed at the Rangers, and used a second Feinting maneuver to move to their rear, wiping them out...
That freed up the Mammoth to advance up behind the Sworn brothers for next turn.

Both Raiders took the flank objectives...
The objectives were swapped out, and the replacement also hampered Amy with her having 3 NCU's
Amy had first activation, activating the Veterans to charge into Harma's spearwives
From seven attacks, I saved six. When dice are good, they are good...
Alas, I was vulnerable and lost six... Ah well!!!
Aced the panic check though... But failed second time due to panic token losing eight in total
I took the bags to heal up the Followers of Bone, Othell on the wall shot them down...
But I still had enough and the Watch brothers suffered even more when the Raid Leaders Raiders hit them in the rear
Down to 3 men, and the Mammoth un-activated...
I lost two Followers when the Sworn Brothers attacked
But the Mammoth hit them in the rear with seven attacks on 3+
Even got a critical blow to make it eight hits...
The Veterans were all that remained as the Free Folk spread out...
Amy took the swords and had the veterans hack down Harma and her wives easily enough...
I used the horses to move the raiders on my right back onto the objective, securing both flank ones
Board at End of Turn 3
The main factor in this game were the "mission" cards. They all conspired to hamper Amy's 3 NCU build, giving me easy points. I was able to gang up on the fewer Watch units and take them apart piecemeal but Amy has only had a few games and my dice were pretty good in this match. I simply don't think this scenario is much good for a tournament game...
Alan Bainbridge (TechNeqe) Targaryen
Alan and I have faced each other twice, at Ribble Rumble and Always Winter, where his
Drogo list had ridden down my Greyjoys. This scenario, where the Commander gets
bonus VP's when destroying a unit was simply my worst nightmare to try and get a win!!!
But I would certainly do my best...
• Dothraki Veterans withKhal Drogo - The Great Khal (C)
• Dothraki Veterans
• Dothraki Screamers
• Dothraki Outriders
• Jorah Mormont - The Wandering Knight
NCU's: Tycho Nestoris with Illyrio Mopatis
Turn 1
Didn't take a set up pic, but its straight forward. 2 corpse piles and 2 Weirwoods. I did opt to swap sides to avoid the corpse piles.
This is at end of Turn 1, but left to right for Dothraki we have Veterans, Veterans with Khal Drogo, Outriders, Jorah (solo) and Screamers.
I kept the Followers of Bone on the board, setting them up on the left next to the Raider with Leader (far left) with Harma and then Bannerman's wives, Mammoth and Tormund Raiders far right. I lost some men from shooting...
Tactics Board End of Turn 1
Board at Start
Khal Drogo activated to shoot, but Alan only killed two Followers of Bone before charging in. He had o take a Horrific Visage panic, and I played There's too many but he easily passed it. Alan also played Addrivati, gainign Critical blow and so would score 3 VPs if Drogo killed the Followers this turn...
Well, sometimes you just have to laugh. 11 hits from 7 attacks (although one did miss)
Having obliterated the Followers of Bone the Khal then overran into the flank of the Raiders
Well, at least he didn't have critical blow (12 of 14 dice turning up sixes)

Amazingly, I saved three of them and passed the panic
I used Diversion tactics on Harma to maneuver into Drogo rear arc at start of turn, but simply charged as felt causing a panic check on 3 raiders wasn't a bright idea
I managed to cause 4 wounds, but the Veterans used their swift retreat. The other veterans moved up, killed the 3 Raiders with missile fire before charging Harma's flank and killing seven. I attacked back but it as more to use the "hit and run card" retreating Harma away from the Veterans and setting up a flank toss and charge on Drogo next turn. At least that was the plan...
Alan spent a few minutes humming and haaing over Illyrio, but settled on the Letters... He said he didnt get what he wanted, but it worked out well as I put Craster on the horses to bring on my Followers of Bone with Endless Horde to hit Drogo in the rear, he played the Field control he literally just picked up. Talk about finding the right card at the right time!!!
And with assault orders played when Tycho went down, Drogo charged in and wiped out Harma and her wives...
Which scored Alan and other 3 VP's
Well, I was being annihilated but I would not kneel. And failed the charge at Jorah
You could tell Alan was having fun and had the upper hand, as he gleefully charged Jorah into the spearwives, dropping them to a single rank

Desperate times call for desperate measures, so I set the Mammoth up for a 6+ charge at the Screamers
And rolled the required 6. Yay, I got one good dice!!!
Well, actually I got a few as I did 7 wounds with the big furry fella
And a further three from the failed panic
Alan popped Tycho to heal the Screamers up and retreated them away. I used Regroup and reform to boost the Spearwives and put Tormund in them...
Activating off the swords, the Spearwives attacked Jorah with 6 dice on 4+'s
With Tormund fresh in to help...
Or rather not, as the case may be. Man, the dice gods have deserted me...
The Screamers charged in against the raider now with the Bannerman, who survived the
And the panic check...
I used Diversion tactics to get the Mammoth repositioned to charge in to the Screamers rear
Getting 6 hits with critical blow
They screamers died, and the spearwives killed Jorah with a normal activation, but
then died to the non-Drogo Veterans. Alan then avoided the centre objective to win the game, preferring to draw out the pain and massacre my army...
Board End of Turn 3
Alan activated Drogo, and his veteran shot the Bannerman to death before charging into the Mammoth flanks. With only 3 wounds left following earlier rounds shooting from Outriders I wasn't optimisitc
With a 4+ save due to the flank attack, I saved 6 of 7 hits. Thank you dice Gods!!
Or rather, thanks for nothing as my last two wound went on the failed panic...
Alan started counting but I pointed out game wasnt over, as placed Mance on Horses for Endless Hordes. We both laughed at the sheer futility as he dropped Field control
Well played Alan, again!!! Simply put, the mission was perfect, his force v mine was perfect and his dice were amazing. His cavalry force simply ran me down in short order with Drogo and his Veterans notching up fully two-thirds of the victory points due to the scenario rules. Things could have been different had he not picked up the Field control but coulda woulda shoulda... Simply outplayed and out diced.
Which left me placed 12th of 16th, but I had a great day and 4 really good games that I did enjoy. Even Alan's anihiliation was just so funny at the end as the dice were just bonkers. Gavin at Gaming Figures hopes to run another event later in the year, and Aaron of Dead Meta Gaming hopes to make this an annual event, and I'd thoroughly recommend it if you can make it. Good spacious venue, and chips and ice cream. means you cant go wrong...
Carlo Connor-Hill won the event with four wins with Targaryens, and Ste came second with his Starks, with Daryl Stoker coming third with Baratheons
Ste and his second place trophy!!!
Of course, we all know the chap who lost the "Final" in round 4 really should have gotten it... (that's what they did at Daventry)
All good fun... And Ste fell asleep on journey home so didn't have to listen to how wonderful he is ALL the way back...
Charity Appeal
Kieran "Scaddman" Scaddan is holding a 24hr sponsored wargame of ASOIF in aid of Veterans
mental Health charity on 28th/29th May.
Link to his Justgiving page is HERE
16 player event, Saturday 30th April at Battlelfield hobbies First Sword of Daventry
Gather for War on Sunday May 8th At Board & Swords in Derby Gather for War
Bad Moon Cafe, Great Dover St, London Sunday May 8th , A Prance with Pragons
24 player 2 day event Durham, 14th-15th May, War of the Wall
Justplay Games Liverpool Sunday 29th May
Kieran's 24 hour Sponsored Event 28th/29th May at Imjin barracks
16 player event at Leodis Games in in Leeds, Saturday June 5th War of the White-Rose Cloaks
Saturday June 11th at Battlefield Hobbies, Daventry, Battle of the Bar-Stewards
16th & 17th July Duke's Gaming Welsh Grand Tournament Cymru Grand Tournament
The 128 player 2 day event UK London Grand Tournament (ELO) 30th September Link
16 Player 2 day event 22/23rd Oct at the RIBBLE RUMBLE, ELEMENT GAMES, STOCKPORT, UK LINK
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