Saturday 17 September 2022

The One True King v The King Beyond the Wall

 With the summer behind us, a good trio of games down at Justplay this Thursday for A Song of Ice and Fire...

I was playing Ray (Mr Ray) and his Baratheons, with Colin (Kolco) playing Ste (PsychoSte) and Greg (Greggers) facing Andy (Lord Robbo). Only missing Aden (spykr) for the Magnificent Seven, although we really only have a trio of Yul Brynners...

Ray was looking cool when he rocked up...

As the figures were in the car, I ran my LGT list again

• Free Folk Trappers with Mance Rayder - King Beyond the Wall (C) • Spearwives • Spearwives • Free Folk Raiders with Raid Leader • Free Folk Raiders with The Weeper - Cruel Tyrant • Free Folk Raiders with Jarl - Advance Raid Leader • War Mammoth ( Non Combat Units • Craster & Lady Val

Raymond went for a R'hllor heavy list with his Baratheons but playing Game of Thrones meant I had an activation advantage

• House Bolton Bastard's Girls with Stannis Baratheon - The One True King (C) • R'hllor Lightbringers • House Bolton Flayed Men • R'hllor Queen's Men Non Combat Units • Petyr Baelish, Davos Seaworth & Alester Florent

SET UP: Palisade, Weirwood, Wall, Weirwood

BARATHEONS: Lightbringers, Flayed Men, Bastard girls, Queens Men

FREE FOLK: Weeper Raiders, Spearwives, Mammoth, Spearwives, Trappers, Raid Leader Raiders (Jarl kept in outflank)


Ray had me take the first activation, so I had Craster take horses. After, Baelish went on the bags but used the letters. 

and brought on an extra unit of Raiders with Endless Horde...

The new guys lost half their number to the Light bringers and the Weepers unit also lost a few to panic from the Crown...


I brought the Jarl's Raider on to secure the top right objective, while the Queens Men took the central objective but were very exposed

My right spearwives shifted up, and launched their spears into the flank of the Queens Men. It was to  50/50 front and was too tight to call, so we called Col who made the right call...

The same happened on the left but the Weirwood and low morale of Queens Men helped them heal as they passed morale checks. The Flayed Men hit hard, but I was able to regroup and reform to get back to 3 ranks,and dropped raid leader in there too. Mance and the Trappers marched up to give a good morale buff...

Stags Wit was handy for Ray when I played Surrounded and exposed, putting panic on both my Spearwives..

The tactics board was end of Turn 2

The Mammoth in the front didn't make much of an impact on the Queens Men either, but I'd held the Flayed Men and the Bastard Girls had been activated early.


FREEFOLK 3 VP's (3 objectives)

BARATHEONS 1 VP (1 objective)


I took the swords first...

Getting the Mammoth to attack with seven dice on 3+'s due to Raid Leader...

Eight hits resulted...

And the Queens Men dropped down to five and a failed morale would have wiped them out due to There's Too Many

Sadly, despite a panic token, Raymond passed it...

And healed...

Alester took the horses to move then moved himself and allowed me more reinforcements on the left freeing up the Weepers unit

And the Queens Men also healed up again...

They were proving highly resilient...

As my troops were making their attacks hit...

but they kept passing their morale. Some good rolling from the Flayed Men wiped out my right side spearwives...

The Bastard Girls surprisingly ignored the Spearwives in front of them and went for the Weeper who had left the objective to charge the Lightbringers, who would have decimated me with shooting...

I used Coordination tactics to shoot with trappers and charge, cutting down 5 wounds on the Flayed Men...


FREEFOLK 6 VP's (6 objectives)

BARATHEONS 3 VP's (1 unit, 2 objectives)


I played Wildling Diplomacy to stop Baelish pinching swords as the Queens men were down again but Raymond let it go

The Bastards girls wiped out my left spearwives, and my Raider on the left were shot off by the Lightbringers...
And while I did finally destroy the Queens Men they passed their morale check order to keep themselves in the fight. 

The Bastard girls also plinked a few wounds off the Mammoth with shooting rather than charge in...


FREEFOLK 8 VP's (8 objectives)

BARATHEONS 5 VP's (3 objectives, 2 units)


I just had to hang on to two objectives to win...

To that end I regrouped and reformed to bolster Mance's Trappers and hold the Flayed Men

I then made an error in taking the horses rather than the swords to use Endless Hordes. And made the mistake of bringing on Raiders (no points if die) as opposed to the more powerful spearwives. My intention was to simply hold the left objective...

But on the right, things went drastically wrong. Using the swords, the Bastard girls shot my near right raiders and charged in with help of Davos re-roll, wiping them out and securing the objective. Id did a few wounds on the healed up Flayed Men, but final strike allowed 4 dead trappers, and the Flayed Men healed up again anyway.

And on activation, the Bastard girls shot 4 dead trappers in the rear, and I failed the resultant panic check, freeing up the unactivated Flayed Men...

Who then flanked my objective holding Raiders, who had turned to face the Bastard Girls...

With a smattering of cards, the charge was devastating, leaving me on a single wound...

And Raymond had marched the Lightbringers up to deny me claiming the left objective, hence the mistake in not brining on Spearwives... Well played Raymond!!! I did charge in with the Raiders but only dropped a few R'hllor archers...


FREE FOLK 8 VP's (8 objectives)

BARATHEONS 7 VP's (3 units, 4 objectives)


Not really much to describe here. Off the swords, the Flayed Men finished of the Raiders. Mammoth fluffed again, then got ridden down, one shotted by the Flayed Men in the flank. With holding two objectives, and my left side Raiders, not, game ended


BARATHEONS 10 VP's (4 units, 6 objectives)

FREE FOLK 8 VP's (8 objectives)

Well Raymond played a blinder in the second half there. I had a good solid hold of the objectives, but the inability to finish of the Queens Men held my whole attack force up, allowing the Flayed Men and Bastard Girls to bypass, mop up the Raiders and pull a victory out. I've already spelled out my turn 5 errors, but that one unit stymied my whole plan. Well deserved win for Mr Ray!!!


Saturday 24th September Hear Me Roar Battelfield Hobbies Link

London GT ELO event for fluffy, friendly players 71 signed up 30th September Link

The MEGA 124 player 2 day event UK London Grand Tournament 1st & 2nd Oct Link

Event I'm running, a chilled wind down after London 16 Player 2 day event 22/23rd Oct at the RIBBLE RUMBLE, ELEMENT GAMES, STOCKPORT, UK LINK

Sunday 6th November, Castle Gamers Starter Box Tourney, Gilead Village Hall, Heol Spencer, Coity, Bridgend, UK LINK  8 player, 30pt starter box event 

Sunday 20th November Leodis Games Leeds No details as yet, but Leeds boys will post details here... Link

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