Friday 23 December 2022

Asha Greyjoy's plans a Feast For Crows against Jon Snow's Night's Watch

 Second to last game in the league saw me welcome Alex over with his Greyjoy's. Not seen Alex for a year or so, and he's been playing other systems so using the league to get some games in, but it was good to catch up and have a good old natter. 

Alex was unaware Gimli was watching over him. "May you beard grow ever longer!!!"

My Jon Snow list was pretty hard hitting and had great healing potential given Jon's cards as well as the Night Watch own ones. Donal is great with his two tokens, while everyone hates Othell.

Sworn Brothers with Jon Snow - 998th Lord Commander (C)
Ranger Hunters
Sworn Brothers


Aemon, Donal Noye & Othell Yarwyck

Alex ran an aggressive Greyjoy list as below:

Ironmakers with Asha Greyjoy - The Kraken's Daughter (C)
Ironborn Reavers
Ironborn Reavers with Victarion Greyjoy - Master of the Iron Victory
Ironborn Bowmen
Blacktyde Chosen with Dagmer Cleftjaw - Captain of the Foamdrinker

Erik Ironmaker & Wendamyr

SCENARIO: A Feast for Crows

Set up: 3 pieces of random scenery, 1 Weirwood, 1 hedge and 1 stake

Greyjoys: Asha's Ironmakers, Bowmen behind, Victarion's Reavers, Dagmar's Blacktyde, Reavers

Night's Watch: Rangers, Jon Snow's Sworn Brothers, Conscripts behind, Sworn Brothers

I took the Letters and Erik took the horses to move up the Ironmakers

After taking the cards for the letters, I had a holy hand of healing!!! 

I then took Othell on the bags for a sundering attack (gifting Erik a pillage token) and dropped a rank of the right side Reavers

Full up tactics board

The Greyjoys maneuvered rather than marched, whereas the Sworn Brothers and Conscripts marched, with only the Rangers maneuvering and tightening into my flank


Alex went first and took the horses to advance the Blacktyde up threateningly with Asha also maneuvering up.

Victarions "relentless" advanced the Reavers upto threaten Jon and with Wendamyr's shifts, could threaten my flank.

So I charged in with the Rangers

Scoring 5 hits...

for 3 wounds before retreating and using their order to shoot some more Reavers down

All 7 hit...

So it was a reduced Victarion charge that hit them and I played The Shield that Defends the Realms of men and only lost a Ranger, who was healed by Aemon taking the swords and attacked back, wiping them out...

I surged forth as had a cunning plan given I was was activating first next turn. The Greyjoys were waiting on me, but Wendamyr shift and a march allowed the Bowmen to take the left objective as I took the right and repositioned my conscripts to take it over as felt the Sworn brothers would be moving

I passed on taking the bags as didn't need to heal anywhere


NIGHTS'S WATCH  2 VPS (1 unit,1 objective)

GREYJOY'S 1 VP (1 objective)


I activated the Rangers (who had benefitted from a  3" shift off my scoring on right objective) and marched right through the gap in the Greyjoy lines!!!  Erik took the horses, to allow the Ironmakers to reposition to counter and threaten the Ranger flank. I had Othell take the bags for another sundering blast at the Reavers

This dropped the Reavers down to 5 men. But Alex would soon use Raiding call to heal them but deplete the Blacktyde Chosen

Which Enticed the charge from my right side Sworn Brothers, who lost 3 charging over the stakes.

Thankfully, Dagmar's unit had five attacks back and I only lost a few from their attack off the Swords

The Reavers charged in hitting on 2+'s but I saved well and then healed up from the conscripts and didnt die.

Jon Snow then charged in  (which healed two more of the right side Brothers)

I wiped out the Blacktyde chosen but did lose 7 men from the charge and following surge forth, which was countered by taking the Black and healing as well as recruiting Dagmar...

I then used Stand United Brothers to fully recover the unit strength

The Ironmakers charged the Rangers flank but over the corpse pile meant got a total of 3 hits (one critical blow). I lost 3 men as blocked one and also failed the panic, giving the Ironmakers the token. That was quite lucky, as next turn, Alex was first...


NIGHT'S WATCH  4 VP's (2 objectives, 2 units)

GREYJOY'S 3VP's (3 objectives)


Hitting on 2+'s again, activating off the Erik on the swords, the Reavers hit hard but I used Donal Noye's last token to save half the hits but still lost 4 Brothers...

Aced the panic check mind...

I used the Aemon on the horses to heal 2 wounds on the rangers and retreat away an awesome 11"

Right onto the Blacktyde Chosen corpse pile and in the rear of the Reavers, who were then peppered with arrows dropping 5 

But the Reavers passed the panic check and healed 2 with Ironborn mettle

When the Reavers attacked the Brothers, I'd put Watchers on the Wall on Jon Snow, which allowed me to move away from the stakes and get into a position to charge the Bowmen. I needed a 4+ with re-roll, but rolled a six to fly straight in...

7 Ironborn Bowmen died, and despite Asha that included a failed panic... So the token was dropped back and away from a retreat move could recover

The Rangers activated adn charged into the rear of the Reavers, then retreated. I dropped them down quite  abit but they healed up off the bags to 5 men. So I had Othell take the crown for a vicious attack on the 5 man reavers... 3 dropped from the 4 hits

And with vicious and a corpse pile, the two remaining needed a 10+ roll

They failed and would have lost 1 man but I had Alex re-roll the D3 and it came up a 2, so the unit died. Asha had repositioned to avoid the Rangers flanking them next turn


NIGHT'S WATCH 7 VP's (3 units, 4 objectives)

GREYJOY'S 4 VP's (4 objectives)


Going first, Jon Snow's unit activated off the Swords but missed 5 attacks and had the ignominy to see the Bowmen save all 3 hits. Fortunately, Fingerdance works both ways so they were vulnerable

Passing the panic, they healed but were then cut down after attacking back with Jon surging forth onto the objective.

Alex repositioned as we closed the game out but not before after Asha had moved, Othell did a vicious attacks of the crown, causing one wound and Asha failed the moral, dropping the objective and losing 3 men.

Board at End of Turn 5 (and game)

NIGHTS WATCH 11 VP's (4 units,7 objectives)

GREYJOYS 4 VP's (4 objectives)

It was great to play Alex again, and catch up. He realised he wasted Victarion with his headlong charge, as he keeps doing it apparently. That left a big hole with my Ranger's able to shift and march into his rear's had his best unit chasing me. The I simply ganged up on the Blacktyde, though those right Reavers did heal a lot considering they took a lot of Othell on the wall shots. It was a good bloody game, but the first draw in Turn 1 on letters really gave me an upper hand  I felt. I charged through the stakes and was able to heal up with Aemon, Conscripts and these beautiful cards. Look forward to getting a few more games in with Alex in the new year

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