Saturday 19 August 2023

Freefolk v Greyjoys: You Shall Not Pass!!! A Feast of Crows scenario

 Another Thursday night down at Justplay, with a guaranteed fun game against Aden "Spykr" as he was running Free Folk against my Greyjoys, a sort of role reversal as Greyjoys are his most played army and Freefolk are mine.

I opted for an eight activation list as seen below, led by Victarion Greyjoy...

Silenced Men with Victarion Greyjoy - The Iron Captain (C)
Ironborn Reavers with Warsworn
Ironborn Reavers with Nute - The Barber
Ironborn Reavers
Drowned Men

Aeron Greyjoy, Erik Ironmaker & Lord Varys

I really like the simplicity of Victarion and he is one of my favourite models in the whole ASOIF range

Aden as he is this week. He is a man of many faces, sometimes with long hair, other times with a big bushy beard.  This week, he opted for the youthful look...

And then went for a nasty looking dual Trapper, Dual Follower of Bones list led by Harma. With 9 activations, I would get to try out the new twice per game "Pass" mechanic...

Followers of Bone with Harma - Vanguard Commander (C)
Followers of Bone
Free Folk Trappers
Free Folk Trappers
Frozen Shore Chariots
Thenn Warriors with Borroq - Boar Skinchanger
Borroq's Boar

Lady Val & Craster

Certainly looked like a fun match up, playing A FEAST FOR CROWS. 
A nice chilled game and evening lay ahead...

But it wasn't quiet, as we had a heavy weight clash next table, as the 7th and 8th ranked UK players faced off...


With two corpse piles for A FEAST OF CROWS, we added a pair of Weirwoods and a pair of stakes 

I won the roll and opted to take the deployment zone with two Weirwoods, as I found myself envious of the better morale across the table.

FREEFOLK: Trappers, Chariot, Harma's Followers of Bone, Thenns with Borroq, Borroqs Boar behind, Trappers, Followers of Bones

GREYJOYS: Reavers, Vic's Silenced Men, Drowned Men behind, Nute's Reavers, Warsworn Reavers

Drawing cards had gave me both What is Dead May never die, but while they are great, they arent aggressive and I'd have to be holding onto them... 


Aden let me go first so I took the letters with Erik and put a pillage on the Silenced Men and put a vulnerable on Borroq's Boar. Aden had Craster take the horses and move the chariot up

Damphair took the crown and killed a single Trapper on my left as seen above

I had just enough clearance to march through the stakes and get clear but lost 3 Reavers in doing so

Aden marched up his left Trappers and also sent his right side Followers of Bones straight up

As we both marched up, I was heavily weighted on the right while Borroq's boar hindered Harma

Having went first, I should have activated my last unit of Reavers before Aden's chariot (as Borroq's Boar goes immediately after Borroq activates, so Aden's activation advantage is slightly false). 

But I used the pass mechanic...

This meant Aden had to move the chariot up and simply killed the stakes, rather than his plan to smash into the Reaver's that had passed!!! They moved up to deny a chariot flank of the Silenced Men

Val had taken the bags which allowed me to heal two of my right Reavers with a Varys token and also gave Erik a pillage token.



Aden had Craster take the letters, while I had Damphair take the horses and move the Warsworn up onto the right corpse pile to claim it. I was hoping it may tempt Aden into a charge, but he resisted.

Damphair influenced the Warsworn Reavers to heal up their last wound from the stakes. Aden had the trappers take the left side objective.

I went for it with Nute's Reavers, smashing into the Followers of Bone and their Horrific visage. I'd played Finger dance but lost six men from traps and horrific visage so it didn't work for me!!! However, I did chop down six of the Bone worshippers, gaining a pillage...

Aden hummed and haa'd about retreating, but decided to take the swords with Val instead. His attacks dropped five men and I failed my panic check. However, I used one of my What is Dead cards to stay alive.

And I had spent a Varys token to do three hits... on the Vulnerable Boar. I didn't need the re-roll as Aden failed all three 4+ saves

At the start of my turn, I played my second What is Dead and healed three, 1+ 1 for each rank lost. I then took the bags with Erik, gaining another pillage, and attacked with Nute off of it (as Nute can replace the bags effects with an attack). I also played Sustained Assault for maximum attacks and as Nute counts as Vic, re-rolls... 

Five failed saves, meant Aden needed six to pass. And unsurprisingly, rolled five...

I surged forth to threaten the Trappers flank with an extra attack & +1 morale due to two pillage tokens

With the board dead, Harma marched up and turned to face...

I activated the Warsworn Reavers to try and tempt out a trap and threaten a charge next turn but Aden didn't bite...

The Trappers dropped back to pick up the objective and I marched up my Drowned Men

Aden couldn't get into my flanks so charged into the front, but only scored three hits. I failed all the saves and lost two more to the vicious panic

Varys crown zapped the chariot but Aden easily passed it

I healed up two of Nute's Reavers from the Drowned Men's order, then had Varys panic bomb the activated Trappers on the left who failed and dropped the objective

Before my left side Reavers attacked the chariot...

I scored five hits...

And the failing all five but passing the panic, the chariot limped away, with Aden using his once per game ability to heal it back up to three...



HOUSE GREYJOY 2 VP's (1 unit, objective)

FREEFOLK 1 VP (1 objective)


Well, there were a lot of options for Aden but we paused for a bit for our guest...

 Pedro from Spain popped over and we had a good chat. (Well Aden did, as Pedro was on a visit as a teacher to improve his English and talking to me obviously wouldn't help much. Its the Welsh influence I suppose). He plays Greyjoys but hadn't seen much of new changes and he spent an hour or so with us as we played...

He is a member of the Vinci Sino llori wargamers (Vinci Team) and it was really nice to meet him

Going first, start of turn I healed Nute's unit with the Drowned Men. I then took the Horses to move Nute's unit up into the Trappers flank with Erik and put a pillage on my left side Reavers. Aden took the bags and healed his chariot, giving Erik another pillage. I took the letters for more cards and weakened the chariot

Aden activated his healed up chariot and moved up to flank the Silenced Men. Unfortunately, he rolled a one on the charge, not hiding his dismay as he had some nice cards he couldn't play!!!!

And after I spent the weakened, Aden had a sum total of zero hits...

I was, it's fair to say, well chuffed!!! And my retaliation could be awesome... I activated Victarion and his Silenced Men, but did not turn to face...

I played the Kraken's, gaining precision, re-rolls giving out a vulnerable and as Aden had taken the swords and bags (with Craster I think to heal)

I scored 3 wounds, and 3 hits. Aden passed one hit so I used my vulnerable!!!

And Aden rolled a six again.... Aargh!!! Still, he had a panic check

And with Victarions vicious, he failed it and lost the chariot....

Victarion then changed the surge forth to a charge and I used rush of aggression to go for the Trappers gaining critical blow. Alas, I took 4 wounds from Hidden Traps from Borroq... (It is worth noting we were playing Taunt on the Thenns at Short range as hadn't seen the modified changes)

With only six attacks, I managed seven hits thanks to critical blow and Aden failed all the saves...

With leadership of 8, -2 from vicious and -2 from the two pillage token on the Silenced Men, Aden needed a double six to pass. He didnt get it, but did get the three wound required to wipe out the unit

Aden had put an Endless Horde on them, so they took over the corpse pile and objective as my Silenced Men dropped back to regroup...

Still, that was a good turn of events for me, despite not gaining the objective...

Aden then activated his Thenns, who could still draw line of sight to the Silenced Men and declared a 4+ charge...

Having been watching the round and Aden's dice, Pedro donated one of his club dice out of sympathy (and generosity) and it did the business with the Thenns crashing home.

The Silenced Men dropped to three wounds but passed their panic

I charged into the newly arrived Raiders with Nute's Reavers

Killing five with the sundering and no need to use the vulnerable, although they passed their panic check. However, I had more ranks so stole the objective

Aden then used Regroup and Reform to heal up their ranks a bit with reinforcements from Harma's Followers of the Bones, before attacking causing two wounds. Sadly, i failed the panic and dropped a rank, giving the Raiders the objective back...

Harma's Followers of bone took the centre objective, as my Warsworn Reavers moved to threaten the Thenns flank and my Drowned Men charged them to hold them in place, should the Silenced Men fall at the start of the next turn. I killed two.


HOUSE GREYJOY 5 VP's (3 units, 2 objectives)

FREEFOLK 4 VP's (4 objectives)


Start of any Turn, my Drowned Men healed up two wounds on the Silenced Men. Aden activated the Thenns, doing 4 hits with hold the line, doing four wounds and then attacking.

Alas, Victarion died alone...

I had Damphair take the swords 

This allowed Nute's Reavers to attack the Raiders...

I cut them down to a single rank, claiming the objective again but they passed their morale check again thanks to Pedro's dice...

And I healed with Damphairs influence. Aden then  used horses to turn Harma to face my left side Raiders and putting Endless Horde on them and attacked doing a few wounds, before I activated the unit.

I healed up with Bless with Stone... and smacked the Raiders, killing them!

And a new Raiders unit appeared to take their place...

Aden had Craster take the letters for more cards and to vulnerable my Reavers. I then had Varys swap out the bags for Assault orders

 allowing Nute to charge the new arrivals...

I killed five on the charge, and another four with a badly failed morale check...

The Trappers on the left activated, and I had Erik take the crown and use We Do not Sow

With 8 attacks on 3+ with sundering and vulnerable...

the new Raiders met the same fate as their predecessors as Nute and his Reavers turned to face the Thenns..


HOUSE GREYJOY (5 units, 5 objectives) 10 VP's   ???

FREEFOLK 7 VP's (1 unit, 6 objectives)

In writing this up I realised that at the end of this turn it was 9-7.

Somewhere along the way, I seem to have miscounted as I went to 10  VP's v Aden's 7. 

I mean I didn't flank the Thenns and sat on the objective with the Warsworn and my left Raiders were nicely poised as was Nute, so I am confident I WOULD have won... But you never know!!! We have agreed a rematch and result didn't go on stats due to technical difficulties. But it was a very enjoyable game and I found the Greyjoys still quite playable. Erik worked better than previously, and the new pillage works well. 

We are Ironborn. So get a few games in, stop whinging, pay the Iron price and Do Not Sow!!! 



Board In Brum

Event in Walsall by Board In Brum on Saturday, August 26 2023


Dates as above



                                      Winter is Coming




Factorum Warminster
Join us for 3 fun-filled games of A Song of Ice & Fire in one of our casual tournaments. If you are new to the game, or just wanna pop along and roll some dice, then this is the event for you.
Tickets are only £7.50 

 16th September


Morton Park Way, Darlington, UK

Sat Nov 11 2023




11/12th NOVEMBER

Centre AT7, Bell Green Road, Coventry UK






You can find a joint rules pack – including information on how to purchase a ticket - for the events here:


Saturday 30th September & Sunday 1st October

Paul Winter has taken over running this event and its the biggest one!!!




Reserve list in place if interested...


DECEMBER 2nd/3rd 2023

3 Games Saturday, 2 Sunday 2.25hrs each game. Nice chilled lists appreciated, newcomers welcome.



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