Dave rolled a 1 on the charge but the Thenns were in anyway. They killed a paltry two crossbowmen, and I passed my panic so the Officers dauntless healed a wound and Boisterous Charisma made the Thenns weakened
I used my Sentinel order to manuever and swung my crossbows around to clear the bear on my left out, as they shot from the swords into it's flank
Dave took the opportunity and charged into the Crossbowmen with the Walrus and his Cave Dweller Savages...
I only lost a single Crossbowman to the so called Savages, but it allowed me to move Jokin closer to the Raiders with Diversion Tactics
I took the centre objective when I charged in...
But I rolled a one on the way in, so only got three hits (one was also saved). I decided against triggering my attack order and also forgot they can always re-roll attacks. A failed panic check did see them drop a rank..
Dave took the Letters, so I charged in against the left Cave Dwellers, with my attack order activating for Critical Blow and Sundering.
Eight died!!!
Dave had Craster take the Horses but traded it for a card and two wounds back on the Cave Dwellers
Borroq's Raiders and his Boar took the two right objectives, my Elephant flanked the Walrus's unit killing five, the bear charged my Crossbowmen, killing two but I passed the panic and healed one before retreating. The other raiders marched right up across to threaten the Crossbowmen as the Thenns pivoted to get options
FREEFOLK 3 VP's (3 objectives)
GOLDEN COMPANY 1 VP (1 objective)
Dave activated his Raiders and flanked my Crossbowmen, cutting down five mercenaries.
I took the Swords, and had five attacks with the Widowers Swordsmen, but despite re-rolls, I only managed to kill one Savage
Dave had his raiders attack Jokin's unit but they all missed. The Bear the activated to charge my Crossbows...
Two hits resulted in two saves of six... HUZZAH!!!
I activated the Widower's unit, triggering their Hold the Line. But Dave saved three of the four hits on sixes... The git!!!
I managed to kill three more with the attacks but they easily passed the panic check
I then remembered I had passed two morale checks when attacked, so Dave let me add on two crossbowmen. Cheers Dave!!! I attacked the Bear and killed it as it was vulnerable
The left Cave Dwellers killed two of the Widowers Swordsmen, the elephant killed three Cave Dwellers
I needed the defensive order, so only managed to kill three raider with weakened token I had picked up.
Styr charged me in the rear killing five and I rolled snake eyes and a three on panic but I played Worth the Risk to pass and restore two wounds...
Dave then killed my crossbowmen with the Walrus and his Cave Dwellers
FREEFOLK 7 VP's (1 unit, 6 objectives)
GOLDEN COMPANY 2 VP's (2 objectives)
Board End of ROUND 3
Rules query interruptions and a tense cut and thrust meant no pictures for Turn 4...
To summarise, I survived in the centre, and wiped out both Cave Dwellers, advancing onto the left objective and swinging the elephant around to threaten Styr. The Cave Dwellers had Endless Horde and a new unit of Raider emerged centrally. My surviving crossbowmen gained the upper hand against the Freefolk Raiders
FREEFOLK 9 VP's (1unit, 8 objectives)
Golden Company 5 VP's ( 2 units, 3 objectives)
Board at End of Turn 4
Going first, Dave finished off Jokin using the swords and took the centre, easily defending it and finishing off the Elephant that charged the Thenns. I did finish off the Freefolk Raiders engaging my Crossbows using my last Varys token to do the three hits required, leaving the Freefolk horde in control with the Widower all alone and my GC Officer and his crossbow unit out of harms way...
END OF TURN 5 (and Game)
FREEFOLK 14 VP's (3 units, 11 objectives)
GOLDEN COMPANY 7 VP's (3 units, 4 objectives)
Well, it was nice to avoid being tabled and also be on the receiving end of Free Folk horde I've ran many a time. It was a really good game, but Dave used his numbers well to out objective me. It was a really fun game, plenty of mickey taking and jammy dice and Dave was real fun to play against. If Dave hadn't passed 3 of his 4 Hold the Line hits, I'd have been in his flank and rear with and un-activated unit...
Doug Gordon Claimed this by killing Kieran's Commander
Scenario: A Dance with Dragons
Cameron McLaughlin
Casterly Rock Honor Guard with Gregor Clegane - The Mountain (C)
House Clegane Brigands with Clegane Butcher
House Clegane Mountain's with Men with Mandon Moore - Kingsguard
Lysene Sellswords with Sandor Clegane - The Hound
Joffrey Baratheon, Cersei Lannister & Lord Varys
Cameron is one of the Vulnerable, Panicked and Weakened gamers of the
Element Games crowd (despite living closer to us Scousers).
A nasty hard hitting list, but I had a cunning plan as I got him to
deploy first and he spread out across the board.
TERRAIN: Wall, Corpse Pile, Weirwood, Stakes
LANNISTER: Sellswords with Sandor, Honour Guard with Mountain, Clegane's Mountains Men, Brigands
GOLDEN COMPANY: Jokin's Swordsmen, Crossbowmen, Elephant, GC Officers Crossbowmen, Widowers Swordsmen
Given the first turn, I had Varys take the letters for an additional two cards, again giving me both Diversion tactics
As Sandor moved up on the left, and the Brigands on my right, I advance up intent on bringing my five units up to face Camerons three, ignoring the Lysene Sellswords. I had remembered Assault orders, and expected it to be launched in Round 2 if Cameron had it, but he didn't hang about and had Joffrey take the Swords.
The Mountain flew in but I used my defensive order to try and mitigate the worst of it.
I lost four Men but passed the panic and used Diversion tactics to move up my Elephant, who hit the Casterly Rock Guard for five wounds. Cameron took the Bags to heal three, and I used a Varys token to heal two as well
I had hung back a bit to let Cameron commit, and was ready to engage heavily on the right
Cameron took the Swords and used the Casterly Rock & Mountain to do three wounds on the Elephant. Played Diversion tactics to move up my GC Swordsmen, who charged in with the attack Adaptive Style order.
Eight hits saw me do six wounds on the Brigands.
And two more from the failed panic...
The Mountain and his Honour Guard activated and attacked the Elephant
And killed the great beast. But that was fair enough, as I triggered the GC Crossbowmen's Sentinel to advance up...
before activating them to shoot at the Brigands, wiping them out.
Cameron took the Letters, and I took the bags, with Cameron using a token to heal two as well
Action would swing to the centre again!!!
As Jokin and his Swordsmen cut down three Honour Guard
The Mountains Men pivoted to my left and charged home against the Widower, with some impressive rolling
I held on well with a good panic check and played my second Diversion tactics to swing my crossbows round into the Mountains flank
Despite being weakened, my other GC crossbowmen cut down six Honour Guard whent eh fired into their flank
Sandor and his Pirates had taken the left objective, and began inching towards the centre...
HOUSE CLEGANE 3 VP's (1 unit, 2 objective)
Board End of Round 2
I had to hold on the right while my Crossbows could shoot up the Mountain
Activating first, I took the swords with Varys, losing a swordsman to Cameron's Varys token hits...
I used it to shoot into the Mountain's unit, cutting them down with a failed panic check
The Mountains Men sought revenge against the Widower, but despite the critical blow and +1 to hit with no charge re-rolls, they rolled woefully and my defensive adaptive style allowed me to survive. I activated the Widowers unit and retreated.
I marched up into the Mountains Men flank
Sandor and his Pirates looked on as my Mercenaries took the centre...
My second crossbows shot down four Mountains men
HOUSE CLEGANE 5 VP's (1 unit, 4 objectives)
GOLDEN COMPANY 4 VP's (2 units, 2 objectives)
Joffrey took the Letters to my surprise, boosting Camerons card hand. I took the Swords, shifting my Crossbowmen out of the Mountains Men charge arc and shot them up with my GC Officers Crossbows
But fair play to Cameron, as having failed his panic and dropped the objective, he went for a 5+ charge and made it, wiping out the Widower and his unit
I used my Sentinel Order on my Officers Crossbowmen to move up and seize the objective...
I couldn't shift back into arc for my crossbows to shoot into the Mountains Men. So I played Issued Commands on my Officers Crossbows to shift up and shoot the Mountains Men, killing two
Board End of Round 4
HOUSE CLEGANE 7 VP's (2 units, 5 objectives)
GOLDEN COMPANY 6 VP's (2 units, 4 objectives)
I went first this round. I took the Swords and shot into the Mountains Men flank, killing two and leaving Mandon Moore alone...
Cameron took the bags and healed up, but I activated the Crossbows and cut them down to two again, Cameron failed the panic by just enough to lose the unit...
I remember to use a pass token when Sandor shuffled up a bit
My other Crossbows swung around to support Jokin in the centre
HOUSE CLEGANE 8 VP's (2 units, 6 objectives)
GODLEN COMPANY 8 VP's (3 Units, 5 objectives)
Taking the Swords, the Lysene Sellswords and Sandor charged into Jokins Swordsmen, who triggered their defensive order.
I lost a rank and the objective, allowing Sandor to drop the left objective (I placed it where I could get it). I triggered a Sentinel order to move up Crossbows on the right before taking the bags to heal up Jokin. Cameron attacked again, triggering the other Sentinel order to move up on the left. I then shot into the Pirates and cut down four, with three more failing the panic test, giving me the objective back.
I managed to keep hold of it and collected the left objective.
GOLDEN COMPANY 11 VP's (3 units, 8 objectives)
HOUSE CLEGANE 8 VP's (2 units, 6 objectives)
A victory!!! This was a really good game for me, with my Sentinel orders and Diversion tactics working really well and by cutting down the Brigands gave me better maneuverability. Cameron was a bit gung ho, but that's pretty fluffy for a good Clegane themed list. He was a well chilled and good fun opponent, and never gave up in the game as I cut him down with crossbows and avoided fighting fair. He held the upper hand most of the game but after I held the turn one assault quite well, I got some lucky dice saves and sacrificed the elephant for the rest of the Company. Living near Liverpool, we plan to get a few games in over our way in the New Year...
Also, worth mentioning I failed one panic check all game, thanks to my Golden Company dice. Cameron was telling Greg who tried them out, rolling a double six. Thankfully, as TO I got to ignore their protestations.... Get your "lucky" dice here
Claimed by Stephen Budd by using the crown to wipe out Stephen Connor's Tully Cavaliers by panic from the Crown
Callum is Cameron's mate, another Vulnerable, Panicked & Weakened member and thankfully didn't run his Olenna list, given my 1 NCU. Unfortunately, he still had Baratheons but was nice to see a few uncommon attachments in Guyard and Rorge
Highgarden Pikemen with Renly Baratheon - King in the South (C)
Rose Knights with Guyard Morrigen - Guyard the Green
Thorn Watch with Rorge - The Mad Dog of Saltpans
Riders of Highgarden
Cortnay Penrose, Margaery Tyrell & Shyra Errol
TERRAIN: Weirwood, Weirwood, Woods and Wall
BARATHEONS: Pikemen, Rose Knights, Thornwatch and Highgarden Riders
GOLDEN COMPANY: Elephant, Jokin's GC, Crossbows, Widower GC, Officer Crossbows
I'd marked the Pikemen and Riders, Callum the Elephant and non Officer Crossbows.
My opening hand again gave me a Diversion Tactics
I opted to go first, taking the swords to allow my far right Crossbows to shift and shoot
The far right GC Crossbowmen cut down a single Rider of Highgarden...
Callum activated them but I'd given them weakened with Adaptive Methods. Charging over the wall did three hits, so I didn't expend it.
But passing morale with the GC Officer and Boisterous Charisma meant I not only healed from his dauntless, but I made the Riders Vulnerable. I also triggered Sentinel to turn my other Crossbows to face their flank
I then shot them with the flanking unit but didnt do as well as I'd have liked. They retreated back away.
So I shot them again with the Officers unit
But they healed up with Bags ( and also both Baratheon Convictions had been spent). I sent the elephant marching right up, but miscalculated as the Pikemen moved from the Horses to get in my flank ( I didn't think they would be able to, and hoped to draw them away from the centre). Callum also played Oath of Duty on the Rose Knights...
Tactics Board end of ROUND 1.
Activating Renly's Pikes, they scored ten hits into my flank with Sundering from card!!! I saved two, and the Elephant dropped. Having been marked twice with VP coins, he gifted Callum 6 VP's. Fair to say that this was a bit of an error on my part...
I used Diversion Tactics to move towards the Pikemen who had moved away
The Rose Knights charged the Crossbowmens flank for four wounds, but I passed the panic
I used the Sentinels Order to move my Officers Crossbows into short range, where upon I took the swords and they shot up the Highgarden Riders.
And they failed their panic and got wiped out
The Thornwatch shot up the Widowers unit and wiped a rank out. I then played the second diversion tactics I'd picked up and moved Jokins Swordsmen into the rose knights rear...
(I must have gotten muddled with all the Sentinel's, as Diversion tactics only triggers off a melee attack, my bad)
Ashamedly now with the benefit of hindsight, I charged the rear of the Rose Knights.
I lost a man to Counterstrike, and a Crossbowman to dauntless for the Rose Knights passing their morale (and so it began)
They then healed twice, once from bags, one from Shyra which dealt me two wounds...
I healed two on the Widowers unit from a Varys token, activated them to charge the Thornwatch but they couldn't actually fit. Callum very generously allowed me to charge his Rose Knights instead (through a combination of Callum being pished, a gentleman or knowing what was coming)...
I killed three Rose Knights but they passed their panic and dropped another of Jokins unit.
I then activated the Crossbows who retreated out of combat.
End of ROUND 2
Board at End of Round 2
I attacked the Rose knights from the swords but they just wouldn't die. Callum had Rorge and his Thornwatch hammer into the Widowers flank, then swift retreat away. I triggered my Sentinel to move my Officers Crossbows up into their flank.
But Callum played Overconfidence and charged me. Sneaky...
I couldnt make any headway against the Rose Knights, losing men to healing...
And they had lost a good few when the Thornwatch attacked
My Golden Company Crossbowmen were also outmatched against the Thornwatch
My Crossbowmen struggled to make a dent in the armour of the Rose Knights too
Callum opted to go for a 5+ charge with Renly and his Pikemen
He was going first next turn anyway...
But I still laughed when he failed his panic check...
Callum wasted no time in charging home with Renly's Pikemen, after marking Jokin's Swordsmen for an extra VP.
I was ingloriously butchered to a man...
I used Sentinel and shot off the Swords into the Thornwatch
Callum activated the Thornwatch and attacked my vulnerable Officer Crossbowmen...
Destroying then without the need for a panic check
Backed into a corner, my Crossbowmen managed to hold on as the fully restored Rose Knights charged into them
END OF TURN 4 (& Game)
Well, I simply got out played by a drunken sot!!! Callum was real fun, he didn't really do too much wrong and I made far too many mistakes that he just nonchalantly slapped me for. I never recovered from the simple mistake with the Elephant, and the Rose Knights were a match for both my combat units. Still, again I was over matched with a better quality opponent and army.
Claimed by Stephen Connor for first to table his opponent, Dave Nolan.
(Actually, Dave ran his dual bear Rider list and face planted in Turn 2, so conceded end of turn. I found out after the fact and prize had been claimed, so left it as was)
Steve Butler organised a nice evening over at Kismet Indian Restaurant near Element, with PsychoSte sitting on top spot after 3 games and then having to sit next to me spending the evening bleating about how I lost my Elephant...
In chat with Ste and Doug about targetting an enemy unit with the bags (specifically to remove Baelor Blacktydes card Blacktyde Resentment). I had ruled in Doug's game v Joel earlier that this was morally and ethically repugnant, which Doug accepted (but didnt agree with). Following online chat, the consensus seems to be that you CAN target an enemy unit to heal them and thus remove a nasty card. Doesnt seem right to me, but I had made my ruling and stuck with it for the remainder of the event.
Proper blurry pictures as usual, with the Aberdonians tucked up with the Vulnerable, Panicked and Weakened lads...
Hmmm, a no show meant a re-jig of games and some free time for me to wander...
I didn't get the chance to take images of armies left out for Best Painted but these are Tim Whitneys Starks.
(Courtesy of Doug Gordon)
So Round 4 saw four unbeaten players, Ste Connor and Colin on the left, Steve Butler and Joel on the Right
Matt and Greg faced Doug and Nick on tables 3 and 4
Steve Norris and John Wall facing Kieran Scaddan and Dave Nolan at 5 and 6
A now sober Callum v Chris Gale on table 7
Tony Garry and Stephen Budd played Elliott and Tim on 9 and 10
Simon and Eds played Cameron and Carly on 11 and 12
Oliver v Chris on the bottom table. Apparently, Oliver was acclimatising well to table 13 and reserved it for himself...
And early in Game 4, Oliver had his commander killed first and won the Spot prize. It wasn't Renly he lost, but he seemed well pleased to get something
A close up of the prize
Stephen turned up half hour late but at least he showed so we got a game and it meant I avoided Dragons...
Stephen Clegg
He actually lives just around corner, but was unrepentant as he had been out for a good night and was hitting the energy drinks to wake up. Stephen was running a Crannog Stark force.
Golden Company Crossbowmen with Howland Reed - Lord of the Crannogs (C)
Crannogman Trackers with Meera Reed - Cunning Trapper
Umber Ravagers
Winterfell Guard with Jojen Reed - Greensight
Sansa Stark, Catelyn Stark & Arya Stark
I had Issue Command sand two useless cards out in hand
I Had let Stephen set up first as wanted to keep the Elephant away from the Ravagers
Two Hedges, two walls, and required two Corpse Piles
STARKS: Ravagers, Crannog Trackers, GC Crossbows and Winterfell Guard.
GOLDEN COMPANY: Widowers Swordsmen, Officer Crossbows, Jokins Swords, Crossbows, Elephant
Stephen took the Letters, I activated first and marched my right side crossbows up, as Stephen took the Swords, wise to what I was up to. So I marched my second crossbows up, so the Winterfell Guard marched up and as I activated Stephen had Arya use a token allowing Howland to move up. Howland and his Mercenary Crossbows shot down six of mine.
I healed three crossbows off the bag
the Ravagers went wide so I marched up my Elephant to threaten the Winterfell Guard
I used a pass token as the Ravagers who had went far left were joined by Crannogmen Trackers, allowing me to used Issue Commands to allow the Elephant to charge in over the Corpse Pile. Risky with no re-rolls, but I scored six auto-wounds. Alas, they did pass their morale check.
Tactics Board End of Round 1
I played Adaptive Methods to give the Winterfell Guards a panic token and the activated my NCU to take the Swords and let the Elephant attack
And got the result I hoped for!!!
I surged forth with the un-activated beast into Howlands GC Crossbowmens flank (that looked like Stark Bowmen, a cunning disguise)
Stephen responded with horses being taken to reposition Howlands unit, dropping back to face the Elephant. I used a Varys token to shift 2" up with my Officers Crossbows
They then activated and shifted a but more before shooting down three of their opposite number.
The Ravagers flanked the Widowers Swordsmen, cutting down eight but allowing me to use Diversion tactics I'd picked up to bring Jokins Swordsmen over towards the fight, as I swung round and moved away from the Crannogmen to attack the Ravagers.
I passed again with a token
After Stephen activated an NCU, I charged home with Jokin's Swordsmen cutting the Ravagers down to a solo wound. The Crannogs shot ineffectually into Jokin's unit, allowing my Officer Crosswbows to Sentinel back around to face my left, losing two men to Hidden traps.
Howlands Crossbows shot into Jokins unit for five wounds, before my Elephant moved over to threaten the Crossbows.
GOLDEN COMPANY 2 VP's (1 unit, 1 objective)
Stephen took the Swords and finished off the Widowers unit. (only just noticing we didn't put down a corpse pile).I activated Jokin and his unit oved away from the Crannogmen before attacking.
I cut the Umber cavalry down, surging back away from the Crannogs
The Elephant hammered into the GC crossbows of Howland dropping seven
I also dropped a rank from the Crannogmen
With a Hedge in the way, Stephen still went for a long range charge
He was short an inch, and lost 3 men to the failed panic
Howland Reed retreated away off the Horses and shot my Elephant in the front, only taking one wound. My GC crossbows took the right objective.
GOLDEN COMPANY 4 VP's (2 units, 2 objectives)
HOUSE STARK 1 VP (1 unit)
Board End of ROUND 3
Stephen played The Threat Unseen to hit me with a panic check
I passed...
Same again with the re-roll...
I charged into the Crannogmen with Jokin, rather poorly killing two, but Stephen then failed the panic check for three wounds.
Stephen took the swords, shooting the Elephant and doing an impressive four wounds, but that just enraged it and it trampled the remaining Stark forces into the ground on the charge
GOLDEN COMPANY 7 VP's (4 units, 3 objectives)
HOUSE STARK 1 VP (1 unit)
Look, Ste was really not at it but I appreciate the fact he did turn up. The Elephant double tap on the Winterfell Guards was class and then it was just ganging up on the remaining units. A fully awake Stephen would have done better I'm sure as my tournament came to an end (for me playing that is).
Alas, trains being cancelled for a player later in the afternoon meant he had to leave early, so I retired with a respectable two wins and two defeats, and no tabling. It was a fun four games, really enjoyed struggling with one NCU and a commander who couldn't use two of his cards...
Came up on table 2, what happens when a unit on corpse pile objective is attacked by a unit not on the corpse pile with more ranks. I ruled token goes back on corpse pile, but again, confusion with rules. If corpse pile was fully covered by a units tray? I ruled as close to pile as possible, going off the scenario description in sequence or rules.
With no game myself, I took lots of pictures of the final round games
Down where the fun is, Eds and Oliver were playing on the bottom...
Stephen was more awake after lunch, facing Chris Ayers
Carly faced Elliot. Spent all 2023's Rumble watching Elliot perform heroics with his Nights Watch, but this year his dice just weren't there...
Callum and Cameron. I spent a lot of time at this one, as they just sat and took the piss out of each other and there was no pressure...
Tim Whitney v Ste Budd
Steve and Simon of VPW (Vulnerable, Panicked and Weakened) at Element Games brought out the 3D scenery and swapped out any 7's on terrain with n Impassable House. I was fine with that.
Greg v Chris
Matt v John
Colin v Kieran on table 4
Doug v David on table 3
Nick v Joel on table 2
And the battle of the Starks on table 1. Winner would claim victory with 5 unbeaten
In the left corner, ok, side: Stephen "PsychoSte" Connor
In the right corner, Steven "Darkman" Butler
Although PsychoSte is a club mate, my Squire and goes to a loads of events with me, he won last year, so I was hoping Mr Butler won as he has been to all four events, is a good laugh and solid player and I've never seen him win an event. Also, our Ste runs double Tully Wankers...
I really like the 3D terrain and changing up scenery idea. Also, two really well painted forces is always a pleasure to see
That just looks cool
Ste was waking up in style and his Starks were getting stuck into Chris's Martells
Cameron was also under attack from Callums' durty Baratheons
Carly was defending as Elliot's Night's Watch did the maneuvering
Greg had finally set up 😉 while Matt sneaks a unit forward when John is distracted
Keiran looks to split his forces as Colin bears down on him, while Doug and Dave contemplate their wrong doings...
Nick had seemed to effectively counter Joel's aggressive moves, as the two Starks on table 1 line dup for the pivotal moment of engagement
This just really looks good
Simon's Dragons engage the Baratheon forces in the town
Or rather, the Baratheons look to engage the Dragons
Any of the top eight could still place, so it felt more tense up here
And Joel's far right hook had over extended his forces as Nick's Starks counter punched on Table 2
In turn 2, with both far units being reduced a rank, Steve Butler committed his Ravagers to a charge against the Tully Cavaliers flank, rather than the Stormcrows on the objective. undoubtedly to prevent a countercharge by the Tullys'...
But the Tully's took it well...
It seemed to me that Darkman had over extended...
But what do I know? As he got an Umber charge off on the far side that wiped out the Stormcrows. Unfortunately, PsychoSte retreated his Tully's
Elsewhere, the Baratheons flanked Drogon...
Cutting it down and hanging on from the Outriders retribution
Ste's Baratheon's and Tim's Starks were knocking lumps out of each other
While Greg's Lannisters were on the backfoot as Chris had his Baratheons engage.
Colin had stood up, so must be getting serious on table 4
Doug looked pretty relaxed as the Free Folk horde spread out
PsychoSte had managed to see off the Ravagers and Berserkers on the far side, regaining the upper hand, but it was still close...
John's Targaryen's had gotten in behind the Starks
Greg's crossbows were not designed for melee. And Chris was waiting to pounce if he swung around to help them...
Greatjon Umbers flank charge reduced Greatjons Umbers unit to Greatjon himself.
And when he went down, he took the Sworn Swords with him...
Oliver lost to Ed, giving Ed his first win of 2024...
Callum's Highgarden Pikemen were destroyed while sitting on an objective and being targeted by an NCU
Giving Cameron the Spot Prize for ROUND 5, symbolic of Tyrion defending Kings Landing...
House Baratheon held the city
Chris's Baratheons had engaged with Greg's Lannisters, but it was still a bit of a stalemate...
John Walls Targaryens had literally encircled Matt's remaining Starks
With Lannisters in the flank, Dave could sense his right would soon crumble
Colin gained the advantage with his Martells over Keirans Targaryens...
Nick feels exasperated as all his hardwork is undone by Balon and his resurrection ability!!!
Ste keeps Steve at arms length to avoid defeat, and take the top spot...
Close, swingy game on Table 1 to end the event...
Simon "Sisi" Thompson's beautiful Targaryens
Steven Norris' crisp, yellow Baratheons
With 25 players all getting the above, there was still some funds for trophies and other prizes
(Second year in a row)
Stephen "PsychoSte" Connor
(More pics Here)
Ribble Rumble 2024
Got some Game of Thrones Tarot cards so he can plan coming first next year...
TIM "timwhitney" WHITNEY
Dirtiest, sneakiest underhand trickster
An award for pulling something unexpected, sneaky or just out of nowhere. Not in a nasty way though, which given he got most sporting opponent says everything. Doug won with three votes for card and general sneaky shenanigans. Suits a Lannister player...
A Close up of the prize...
(but had a great time!!!)
It was certainly more tiring playing and TOing, but I had a great weekend and all feedback was positive. Really appreciate the regular attendees and was thrilled to see so many new players, a credit to Steve Norris and his element bannermen for getting a vibrant scene in South Manchester. I will take on board some of the comments to improve the event (as its format is unchanged in 4 years and the game has moved). Suggestions include consider ELO, using both armies at least twice, changing out Fire & Blood for either Winds of Winter or Here We Stand.
Also, to repeat what I said at the start...
We received great support form Josh "The Brick" from CMON (Asia) who is doing his best as sadly European support doesn't yet cross the channel and Asmodee UK couldn't support the way they did last year (which was, in fairness, overwhelmingly generous). Also, Playmats EU gave some 2D terrain and discount Mat for prize as well as 10% off flyers and Charles Xavier at Baron of Dice gave us heavily discounted Faction and House specific dice sets, which are really cool. Check out both their sites.
With some liberal sprinkling of prize funds on ebay and at B & M (thanks for the heads up Stephen McCormick), everyone got something...
Also, thanks to Dave Nolan for lending us the 4 x 4 mats, really great from a guy only met a week previous at Leeds event.
Please check out Doug Gordon's photography for some astoundingly good pictures that really capture the fun and feel good factor I tried to build into the event..
There is more close ups of the armies, the gameplay and the prize giving.
Ribble Rumble 2024
(You can login with Facebook: 4 min slideshow covers it all)
Element Games, Hallam Street, Stockport, UK
"Blood Over Highgarden" - Become "Warden of Kent"
2nd Floor, 33 High St, Gillingham ME7 1BQ
8th & 9th February 2025
50 player event
Vlad's Emporium
278 St. Vincent Street,
G2 5RL,
Southern GT
24 Player, 4 Game event
March 1st/2nd 2025
(Sold out, reserves being taken)
Pontnewynydd, Pontypool, UK
(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West)
4 weeks later, March 29th/30th 2025
and needing no introduction...
(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West)
Daventry NN11 4PH, UK
(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West, defending my title with my trusty squire)
Aftermath Gaming Club
Lazar House, Sprowston Road, Norwich, UK
70 Player, two day event
28th/29th June
Best Western The Thurrock Hotel,
Ship Lane, Aveley, Purfleet, UK
Sign Up & Ticket Info
I'll be there to represent the Wardens of the North-West
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