As Chris, Andy and I prepare to head down to Boards & Swords at Derby (UK) on Sunday 1st May, Chris got his second run out with his Wa'drhun force against my 1500pts of Hundred Kingdoms.

We were playing the Maelstrom scenario, but did it on a 4 x 4 rather than the 6 x 4 recommended.
The game would last 10 turns, or first 12 Victory points, scoring 2 VP's from centre objective turn 1-4 and 9-10, and 1 VP turn 5-8, with the outer objectives scoring 1 VP and 2 VPs on the respective turns.
Chris's Wa'drhun force had 9 activations, consisting of the following:
Character: Matriarch Queen (Warlord) with 5 stands of Blooded (Medium)
5 stands of Braves (Medium)
3 Warbred (Medium)
Apex Predator (heavy)
Character: Predator, riding an Apex Predator (Heavy)
3 Raptor Riders (Light)
3 stands of Hunters (Light)
My 100 Kingdoms force was more numerous, but I had fewer activations:
Character: Noble Lord (Cavalry) with 5 stands of Household Knights
6 stands of Household Guard
Character: Theist Priest (Holy Fire) with 4 stands of Militia Bowmen
Character: Mage Priest (School of Water) with 7 stands of Men-at-Arms
6 stands of Men-at-Arms
Terrain: Hindering woods, scrub and bog. 2 Garrison building terrain
We both got all our Light units on, with the Raptors coming on on my left and Hunters central, while I had my Theist Priest in the Militia Bowmen come on centre right away from the deadly dino's
TURN 2 saw us both get some medium troops on, and then activate my Militia bowmen before the Hunters
I edged up my Militia Bowmen and let loose 9 shots at the Hunters, needing 1's
The bloody peasants let me down as expected
The Hunters moved up, just into range and chucked some spears, killing 4 Militia
The Raptors had snuck up behind the building on my left as the Braves (far right) and Blooded moved on, with my Water Mage and Seven stand strong Men at Arms central with the six stands of Household Guard far right..
Getting first activation, rather than aim with the Militia bowmen, I moved forward to within 12" for maximum shots
And dropped 4!!! Outstanding, I've always rated these guys you know...
Chris weighed up a long charge, but decided to throw some sticks back, killing two...
Allowing the Theist Priest to reign Holy Fire of the wandering savages, leaving 3 alive...
I then marched up my Men at Arms to set my line... So Chris rocks up with his Predator on an Apex Predator!!!!
The big beastie looks like it's sizing up its next meal
The Matriarch Queen has been conspiring with the Spire, as she healed up 3 wounds on the Hunters. And some Warbred came on at the flank in front of my Household Guards...
The Raptor riders came back to threaten my mages flank...
End of Turn 3
Hundred Kingdoms 3 Victory Points (1 for right flank, 2 for centre)
Wa'drhun 0 Victory Points
The board was nicely congested and it was all gonna kick off!!!
Chris won the activation roll.
And in came the Apex Predator. I lost two men to the Impact hits...
And a further 10 to wounds and resolve failures...
We weren't sure if I'd rolled any sixes in Defence, which would be double wounds so agreed to roll two dice and if got any 4+'s I'd take another wound... Well that was conclusive, as I lost another two
Halved in a mere blink of a Tyrannosaurus's eye...
I had my Household Guard charge the Warbred but they fluffed on the attacks and Chris resolve was solid, so only caused 5 wounds all in...
But I'd secured the objective again, and hemmed in the Braves
Chris then issued a challenge with his Predator on top of "The Beast" and as my unit was broken I could not refuse. And my water mage died with a big spear through the head!!!
12 Men at Arms struck back and caused two wounds
While the two Warbred killed 8 Household Guard...
The Blooded charged in but a combination of good saves with shields and Bastion meant I only lost three men
Having used the Priests Holy Fire to immolate the remaining Hunters, I decided to flank the Beast with my bowmen, scoring an impressive four wounds
I brought on my second unit of Men-at-Arms to back up my Household Guard
My right flank looked secure...
But the centre was looking decidedly weak as the Raptors charged the Men at Arms flank. Bastion again proved its worth, as I lost only 4 men, leaving 5 and keeping the unit in the game.
My Household Knights had arrived this turn with my Noble Lord, but the second Apex Predator was a no show
Hundred Kingdoms 4 Victory Points
Wa'drhun 3 Victory points
I got first activation and had selected the Household Guard
And wiped out the Warbred
Chris I think activated his Predator (after his Warbred, who weren't there) and issued a challenge on my priest, and we each caused 2 wounds. I attacked with my Militia Bowmen again...
And manged one single, solitary hit...
And Chris brought on his second Apex Predator, moving and then attempting a charge to give off impact hits... He managed to fail thankfully!!!
I then issued a challenge with my priest against the guy with the spear...
And though I died, I took the green guy with me!!!
My Household knights charged the flank of the Raptors...
And finally, my dice showed up...
A glorious, colourful and spectacular charge!!!
The brave Men at Arms had done me a big favour in staying in the fight...
But the Blooded finished them off!!!
As the Apex Predator easily dispatched the Bowmen but purposely didn't inspire...
Allowing the riderless Beast to charge my Knights and do impact hits only...
The Braves then charged in against the Household Guards but only succeeded in dropping one stand
100 Kingdoms 6 Victory Points
W'adrhun 5 Victory Points
Chris got the first activation and the Apex Predator ripped my Knights apart...
The remants struck back, doing 6 hits. So Chris made all 6 saves, as he remembered the Beast gets bastion too, for a defence of 4!!!
I had used my Household Guard to despatch 9 Braves, who hacked down 4 Guards in return. I then activated my Men at Arms and maneuvered up to face down the Grey beast (and protect my Household guards flank)
100 Kingdoms 7 Victory points
Wa'drhun 7 Victory Points
My troops had fought valiantly but the odds were now stacked against me
I beat up on the Braves some more but three of them hung on
Again, the Beast didn't inspire and finished off my Household Knights and Lord before moving over to its fellow Apex Predator. I decided to buy some more time and charged the Grey one...
It was a valiant but ultimately futile gesture as I could not inspire through the scrub...
The Braves managed a wound and failed resolve against the Guards...
While the Apex Predator chewed the Men at Arms, one bite short of broken...
End of TURN 7
Wa'drhun 10 Victory Points
Hundred Kingdoms 9 Victory Points
I went first and inspired to finish off the Braves...
The Beast finished off my Men at Arms in short order...
And my last 6 men were just looking like dessert...
Although the Grey Beast must have been full as it merely trampled them underfoot with its impact hits rather than eat them...
W'adrhun 15 - 9 Hundred Kingdoms
A wipe out and an impressive victory for Chris and his Wa'drhun. On a 6 x 4 it would have give my numbers a bit more room but at the same time the Braves were hemmed in and the big guys were the stars of the game. Having only face them before in First Blood skirmish game, didnt see what the big guys can do and sadly I didnt have the memory to say what the Death cards did but I know it was scary. I really enjoyed the game, it was simply great fun. Looking forward to the event at Derby at Board & Swords even more now