Thursday 27 July 2023


 So after a summer break from Conquest, Chris, Andy and I are running a round robin, slow grow competition between ourselves, for me to build up my Nords and Chris to do his City States. Andy is in it to cause us pain with his dirty Spire lists...

First up was my Nords v Spire...

I had a Blooded as Warlord, with Aspect of the Bear, Reyngeir, the god Speir and Curse of the Vargr. Essentially, he is a Brute and hits hard. He led 5 Ugrs, with a second unit of 4 Ugr and a unit of 3 Werewolves.

The Werewolves were printed by a friend, and are awesome looking for my Brute themed list

They also scale perfectly well

Andy's list was as below

Pheromancer Warlord(205pts worth): Suppress survival Instinct
Cascading Degeneration, Plaguelord, Lvl 1-3 Flesh Retinue in 5 stands of Force grown Drones, with 3 Stands of Force grown Drones, 3 Brute Drones and an Abomination. 

We were playing the Broken lines scenario

TURNS 1 & 2

Turn 1 saw me bring on my werewolves on my left and Andy His Pheromancers FG Drones on my right. Turn 2 saw me bring on my Ugrs to face them off, as Andy brought on his small FG drones unit alongside his Warlords unit

I was hoping ot use the Werewolves to draw out his Abomination later

As it was, end of turn saw the Werewolves facing off against some Brute Drones...


I won first activation and charged the Brutes with the Werewolves. I didn't take my Bloodlust test, but in reading it, it wouldn't have made any difference. I did to see if I would pass, and I was ok.

I cut down one of the Brutes...

On the right, Andy moved up his small FG drones then charged to pin my 4 Ugrs in place

My whole force was on and awaiting the Abomination. My large unit of Ugr would go for Andy's Pheromancer

My right UGR scored 3pts for controlling the zone.


The Werewolves had lost a stand when the Brutes attacked, and sure enough Andy brought the big fella in to support. My Werewolves activated first, but rolled poorly and Andy didn't even lose a Brute.

He then healed the wounds from the Pheromancer activating and improved the small unit of FG drones resolve. That didnt stop my Ugr's smashing eight of them to the ground. Sadly, the regenerate 4 when they activate, so healed a stand...

The Abomination flanked my Werewolves...

I needed at least two 1's to save (before resolve)

The Abomination proceeded to eat my new models... Shame!!!

Andy elected to not charge my Ugrs (as he was worried about my Blooded and his Ugr's)

The Brutes moved into a zone, so we both scored three this round putting me 6-3 ahead


My Ugr's got first activation and sadly left one little Spireling alone

Andy brought the Abomination up to threaten my big unit of Ugr's next turn, so I had to turn and face it.

And on my Blooded's activation, he moved to the front. Weren't sure this was allowable, but seemed to make sense give he could jump out to another unit

With that unit now facing the wrong way, Andy charged his large FG block into my Ugr's contesting teh zone, allowing him to draw level at 6-6


I got the first draw again and charged in to the Abomination. Sadly, I clipped the woods so lost my impact hits which would have been great (the blooded had Impact 6 and Brutal impact 2). I did eight wounds on the Abomination.

On the right flank, I'd lost an Ugr to the large units charge last turn.

As I activated, Andy's Decay kicked in, where an enemy regiment takes hits based on enemy stands in contact with it. I reasoned this would be 4, plus 6, plus 4 for 14 in total.

Andy reasoned it would be 24 in total, as some of my stands were in contact with two enemy stands. We agreed my interpretation, but would welcome any correction if I was wrong?

I thogut fourteen was bad enough, but then made nine saves so was pretty chuffed

Still lost an Ugr, but my attacks finished off the smaller unit and dropped five from the larger one...

I even survived the attack back. The Abomination managed to down two of my Warlord's unit...

As the Brute Drones closed in ready for next turn...

First turn next turn would be a real game decider, with the Brute in the zone taking Andy ahead for the first time 9-6


Andy won first activation for first time and his Abomination cut down two more Ugrs, breaking my unit. So I rallied, and attacked back, easily taking the few wounds left and felling the beast...

Still, I knew what was coming...

Although Andy did do his Pheromancer next to heal up his FG drones...

Before smashing down my last Ugr and forcing my Blooded to flee...

I then activated my last model, who took 10 decay hits...

And keeled over...

END OF TURN 7 (& Game)



Ok, so we ignored the scenario and went for each other. Andy's Pheromancers was awesome, healing a ot but decay 6 for him and 4 for each stand. Nasty. Having said that, my blooded was a beast and but for the woods he'd have dropped the Abomination on the charge with his impact hits. A good tart for Andy and Chris is fretting that his 750 list has nothing to deal with either of our forces. I'll report the next two games next week

Friday 21 July 2023

Stark v FreeFolk: Unleashing the Beast!!!

 So as Ste gears up for the Northern Circuit event at Leeds (still tickets available) I said I'd face him with a competitive list and opted to run an activation heavy Mance list against him...

No, not Mag the Mighty!!! Nor Varamyr Six-skins and his whole menagerie. What??? There aren't even any Mammoths. No, for all those Leeds bound gamers, let me introduce...


I mean if that's his pre-game friendly smile you know what your letting yourself in for.... 

So after plenty of smack talking, I took a decent infantry heavy force led by my most comfortable commander, Mance...

Free Folk Trappers with Mance Rayder - King Beyond the Wall (C) Spearwives Spearwives Free Folk Raiders with Raid Leader Free Folk Raiders with Raid Leader Frozen Shore Chariots Cave Dweller Savages NCU's Lady Val & Craster

Ste has three different lists he's toying with for Eddard at Leeds. After steamrolling Aden earlier in the week, the list I face had a surprise inclusion in that he had Stark Bowmen. (sitting back and shooting isn't something Ste normally does)

•Eddard's Honor Guard with Eddard Stark - Lord of Winterfell (C) House Tully Cavaliers Stark Bowmen with Crannogman Warden House Karstark Spearmen NCU's Catelyn Stark, Sansa Stark & Jaqen H'ghar

RANDOM TERRAIN: We rolled five pieces then realised
we didn't have our print outs so kinda guessed what they were.Hedge extreme left, wall, woods and two Weirwoods

STARKS: Spearmen, Bowmen, Tully Cavaliers, Eddard's Honour Guard

FREEFOLK: Raiders, Spearwives, with chariot behind, Cave Dwellers,Spearwives, with Trappers behind, Raiders


Ste went first and took the letters before I took the Horses

I moved the far left Raiders over to join my main force. I was planning on losing a unit and holding teh right side, while Ste dropped a unit on the left, giving me a two to one unit advantage...

Ste took the crown and panic bombed the Raiders on the left

Who failed and lost four men... Normally I pass my first morale check!!!

I played Endless horde on my left side spearwives, as figured they'd be first hit by the Tully cavalry

I swung around on the right as Ste advanced cautiously, leaving his cavalry to last...

And as I crowded away fro the Crannog Wardne in the bowmen, the first turn ended with me advancing up my right spearwives with Lady Val swapping the swords to her movement trick. With me going first next turn, I was going to go for it


I figured I may need Craster to heal, so Val took the swords, allowing the Spearwives to shift and launch their spears at Eddards honour Guard

I scored two hits and Ste rolled a one and a two, failing both saves...

For the morale check, Ste gleefully old me their morale was 6, but down to 5 with Eddard, down to 4 with the nearby Tully's (the new rule isn't in effect yet) and the Weirwood dropped it to 3+. I replied with "You can always roll a double 1"... Alas, my joy was cut short as Ste had Northern defiance meaning he would auto pass!

I charged in, using Overwhelming Assault to gain Sundering on the attack, with the Honour Guard now vulnerable

Ste scored one single successful save and dropped 50% of his men. Ste then gambled by ignoring the Bags and took the letters.

I had to take the risk, activating the Cave Dwellers for a 5+ charge... I didn't even come close. Still, they blocked of a flank Tully charge on my Spearwives

Ste took the bags and healed

So I had Craster take the horses 

and retreat my Spearwives out of melee, giving Ste something to think about

The Bowmen shot into the Cave Dwellers flanks, killing six of the savages...

I activated the Spearwives and moved them up to take the right side objective

Ste sent the Honour Guard in against the reduced Cave Dwellers but I saved on of his six successful strikes and passed the morale check... Huzzah!!!

I had a feeling Ste had Assault orders as it made more sense for the Cavaliers to finish off the Dwellers!!! So I moved Mance and his Trappers back to make room for the corpse pile that was coming. Sure enough, Ste took the Crown and played assault orders

I deployed the corpse pile and then had the Raiders take it

Ste took the left objective with the Karstarks...

So I sent the Wolf Chariot in which did four wounds thanks to Ste rolling pretty poorly from six hits. I also played There's Too Many for a further negative on his morale (as chariot charge has vicious)

And Ste didn't let me down... He only lost two due to Iron Resolve, but I was cursing the Northern Defiance card Ste had earlier!!!

And Ste lashed out with Fury of the Fallen, making some kindling for the Starks fires from the remains of my chariot...

With Ste going first, he opted not to take any risks and simply manouvered his Tully Cavalliers into a better position as I backed away


STARKS 3 VP's (2 units, 1 objective)

FREE FOLK 2 VP's (2 objectives)



Ste had Catelyn took the Swords and played a second Assault Orders

The Tully's charged my Raiders, easily wiping them out....

As Ste scored 10 hits and I failed 10 saves...

I played Diversion tactics and dropped the Spearwives back as far as I could...

I had Val take the bags but use her Horses trick 

 for the Spearwives move out a bit. Ste took the Letters before my Spearwives left the right objective to threaten Eddard despite the incoming Crannog Order. They only caused two wounds so I healed those of Craster. Ste then shot them again but I took the bags and healed.

Ste activated the Karstarks, while I marched Mance through the Raiders and took the right corpse pile objective. Ste then earned his new monicker of the Beast by charging my full unit of spearwives with Eddard and one guard!!!

He dropped seven on teh charge, and if i failed my pending morale I'd take +2 wounds...

I needed a nine as he was vicious!!! AND THE D3 was the killer!!!

A Ferocious and Devastating combination...


STARKS 5 VP's (3 units, 2 objectives)

FREEFOLK 5 VP's (5 objectives)


The dead Raider son teh left had given my spearwives a corpse pile hence my tying despite the kicking I was getting. Ste now had activation advantage to but I was going first and I DO NOT KNEEL.


I had Val take the bags, using her to move Mance and his Trappers 6" towards Eddard

The pesky Crannogman directed the Bowmen to shoot me but I lost only two men to the shooting in the flank!!!

The other three coming from Mance letting me down on the old morale check again!!!

I played Predicatble Maneuvers at start of Turn (Ste's), targetting his Tully's and Catelyn. If either  performed an action I could make an attack (shoot Eddard). So Ste activated Jaqen and I played Wildling Diplomacy. Ste wisely passed.

Start of my Turn... 

Regroup and Reform allowed Mance to swap out and reinforce the Trappers to six dice. I then had Craster take the swords so they could shoot. 

Six shots caused two hits and Ste passed them both. Bugger!!!

Ste shot me up with his bowmen. I shot again with my Trappers. I didnt hit....

Eddard charged in again and easily battered me

I used a second Wildling diplomacy to delay the inevitable, before leisurely took the horses and moved up his horses a bit...

The charge in killed seven men due to Ste rolling a 1 on the charge

Mance survived but not for long, giving up 2 more VP's  to add to the trappers previous one this turn.  Ste took the objective and with the Karstarks idling over on the left, that gave Ste the game...

END OF TURN 4 (& Game)


(4 units, 2 for Mance, 4 objectives)


Not much to say, Ste simply battered me. His Tully's did a few, the Bowmen helped but despite dropping men early, Eddard and one man did for me. Sure I tried a few mad charges but knew Eddard was the key to victory (and it turned out that way, but not in my favour) We both had some bad dice but Ste had the card plays to just outsmart me. He'll be ready for Leeds, and I'll stick to my Mammoth. Think Mance missed him...

Tickets for my event at Ribble Rumble in Manchester have sold quite quickly, with 12 of 16 places sold already...

LINK TO FACEBOOK PAGE (Ticket info there)

We may be able to add more spaces if demand is there early, so there's stilt time to sign up (Andy!!!)



Common Ground Games, Cowane Street, Stirling, UK



Dates as above



11/12th NOVEMBER

Centre AT7, Bell Green Road, Coventry UK






And there are The Circuit Events run by ASOIF Stats and Carlo should be well supported.

Leeds GT August 5TH/6TH

You can find a joint rules pack – including information on how to purchase a ticket - for the events here:


Saturday 30th September & Sunday 1st October

Paul Winter has taken over running this event and its the biggest one!!!




DECEMBER 2nd/3rd 2023

3 Games Saturday, 2 Sunday 2.25hrs each game. Nice chilled lists appreciated, newcomers welcome.

16 spaces, potential to extend if sales go well...