Thursday 11 August 2022

Lannisters v Stormcrows in A Game of Thrones

Thursday night A Song of Ice and Fire at Justplay saw Andy Robinson (Lord Robbo) have Adam Marbrand leading the forces of House Lannister against my Mercenary mix of Golden Company and Stormcrows led by Daario Naharis.

We randomly selected scenario and ended up with A Game of Thrones.

Not played Andy for a while, and don't think he's ever beaten me but he's been bitten by the Lannister bug and I was looking forward to seeing the Lannisport City Watch and Marbrand.

Andy's Lannisters

• Lannister Halberdiers with Addam Marbrand - Commander of the City Watch • Lannisport City Watch with Guard Captain • Lannisport City Watch with Guard Captain • Gregor Clegane - The Mountain That Rides • Knights of Casterly Rock Non Combat Units • Pycelle • The High Sparrow
My Mercenaries

• Golden Company Swordsmen with Daario Naharis - Stormcrow Captain • Stormcrow Mercenaries with Stormcrow Lieutenant • Stormcrow Mercenaries with Stormcrow Lieutenant • Stormcrow Archers with Bronn - The Sellsword • Golden Company War Elephant Non Combat Units • Petyr Baelish • Tycho Nestoris


2 Weirwoods, 2 corpse piles and a palisade as set out below

Lannisters set up Left tor right:: Knights of Casterly Rock, Halberdiers with Adam Marbrand, The Mountain, 2  x Lannisport City Watch with Guard Captains

Mercenaries: Stormcrow Mercenaries with Leftenant, Golden Company Swordsmen with Daario, Stormcrow Archers with Bronn, Nelly, Stormcrow Mercenaries with Leftenant

The guy all the soon to be Martell players wanna face. Andy's done a good job with his Mountain!!!

And I get to try out my freshly arrived Mercenary dice tray, made by Carl Black


The Tactics Board when filled. Andy went first on the Letters, me taking the horses to move up the Stormcrow Archers. We then moved up toward each other, as I lost a Stormcrow on my left hand unit to the Crown while I dropped a few City watch with Stormcrow archery off Baelish on the swords...

I was happy at end of Turn 1, I was nicely placed to hold left and centre and hammer the right...


Going first I had Tycho take the bags and shoot again with the Archers. 

But I missed due to Pycelle's weakened token. Disappointing!!!

I played Sellsword Bravado to weaken and panic the Knights of Casterley Rock

I took the swords, and activated the Archers again for re-rolls and sundering with bags and swords

And killed another two of the Centre right City Watch...

The Knights of Casterley Rock charged into the left Stormcrow Mercenaries...

I managed to save 4 in my shiny new tray (but the vulnerable meant I lost 6 in total)

But I passed the panic...

Andy was playing his army cagily and I knew I had to act, so Nelly charged reduced Lannisport Watch. Alas, she failed to get her butt shifting into gear and pulled up short and then had the bloody cheek to fail a panic check taking two wounds

I was happy to survive on the left...

The City watch charged the big beauty...

Doing a stonking 3 wounds and another two from second failed panic check!!! 

The dice tray is fine, its the dice rolls...

I popped Tycho at start of the next turn and healed 5 wounds on the Elephant and marched up my right side unit to block  flank charge against Big Nelly

On the left, my with the leftenant and holding the bags, I struck back with max attacks and sundering.

doing four hits...

3 wounds with 3 failed armour rolls on Andy's nice new Greyjoy tray...

And a further one from failed panic...

And I passed my panic check!!!

The archers targeted the City Watch again...

And finally found their mark in style...

And I would have finished them off with Big Nelly using Issue Commands, but counterplot was used to prevent it...

I was under real pressure, so had no choice but to sent in Darrio with the Golden Company into the Halberdiers...

I lost 4 men on the way in but it didnt affect me with having the bags...

I killed 4 but Adam passed his panic check and played Valiant example healing his Knights, City Watch and his own unit... Nice card!!!

The Mountain then hammered into my Golden Company. I'd also lost two men to Lannister supremacy on my left side Stormcrows...





Pycelle took the swords, allowing the Halberdiers to wipe out Daario and the Golden company due to a failed panic. At least I would have had I not found "Worth the risk" when refilling my hand...

I took the Crown and used Sellsword Bravado to heal 4 on the Golden Company.

The Halberdiers activated and attacked Darrio again, forcing me to take the bags and heal again!!!

I was totally on the defensive...

The City Watch hit Nelly again...

Helped by more really poor dice rolls by me and a failed panic for another wound! Poor wee lass was on 1 wound left

I charged in on the right, but didnt do too much damage...

Despite some really impressive rolls!!!

The City Watch were up for the fight, saving 5 of the 6 hits but lost two to panic

I did pass the panic check, the Stormcrows were doing well with them...

Still, I was down by five

I was desperate but not out of it. If the Archers could whittle down the City Watch, Nelly could finish them off and set herself up for a good charge into the rear of the Halberdiers next turn as I was going first. I dropped the Watch down to 3 wounds!!!

But failed the panic for the Elephant again. The fourth time!!! I hadnt passed a single one for the beast all game!!! And you think I would have learned!!! 

Still, Darrio held on despite the ravages of the Mountain...

Losing the Elephant meant I had lost the activation advantage and so i had to retreat or attack the Knights who had yet to activate. Oh well, go down fighting I say!!!

Good attacks!!!

And killed a knight before dying to Lannister Supremacy!!!

Needless to say Daario did not survive the charge!!!




Well, I took the bags and shot up the City Watch

Dropping them to 3 men!!!

Andy activated the Knights and rear ended me!!!

I survived the charge and then took the crowns, trying to score a unit kill. Despite the panic token, Andy only lost two men when he failed, not the required 3... Gutted!!!

The City Watch dropped my Mercs to one man

Who held his nerve...

But as the Knights activated off the swords and killed the archers, I could only attack back with my Leftenant. I killed a few, but he was about to die...

The Guard captain did the business





Well played Andy, but the camera didn't lie, I had an absolute shocker!!! Awful dice and a very naughty Nelly, failing her charge, failing 4 panic checks and never actually attacking. I controlled the bags every round, but couldn't get any headway as the Lannisters held firm on the right and steamed through my left, rolling up the centre and wiping me with relative ease. A bad night for the Mercs but that's the way you roll sometimes...

For Andy, the City Watch combination with their Adaptive style order and the Guard captains Hold the Line were very impressive on the attack, and when being peppered with arrows the adaptive style neutralised my sundering. Andy played very well and was laughing his socks off at my dice rolls. Cant really blame him!!! Marbrand is a good commander for the Lannisters, will have to dig them out and dust them off soon. 

Still, I have some new trays to play with sent over from the States. Carl Black makes them, and they are exquisite






ELO is COMING (Stirling, Scotland), 13th August ELO is Coming

Sunday 11th September, Gaming Figures, Redcar 20 Players, 4 games event LINK

Saturday 24th September Hear Me Roar Battelfield Hobbies Link

London GT ELO event for fluffy, friendly players 30th September Link

The MEGA 128 player 2 day event UK London Grand Tournament 1st & 2nd Oct Link

Event I'm running, a  chilled wind down after London 16 Player 2 day event 22/23rd Oct at the RIBBLE RUMBLE, ELEMENT GAMES, STOCKPORT, UK LINK

Sunday 6th November, Castle Gamers Starter Box Tourney, Gilead Village Hall, Heol Spencer, Coity, Bridgend, UK LINK  8 player, 30pt starter box event 

Sunday 20th November Leodis Games Leeds No details as yet, but Leeds boys will post details here... Link