Andy has been itching to try out some of the amazing new Spire models, but time constraints meant we had to limit the battle to 1500pts.
We had three central objectives that scored 1 VP when held, with game lasting 10 turns of first to 8 VP's
My force consisted of:
Mounted Noble Lord (Warlord) in 5 Household Cavalry with Standard, Leader and Tourney Champion
3 Stands of Household Guard with Armsmaster
4 stands of Men at Arms with Seasoned Veteran
Imperial Officer in 5 stands of Steel Legion with Drillmaster, Leader and Standard
4 Stands of Longbowmen with Standard and Leader
5 Stands of Men at Arms
2 characters, 1 Light Unit, 4 Medium units, 1 Heavy`
Andy's force was much more "heavy" focussed, but without ranged units
Pheromancer in 3 Stands of Force Grown Drones
3 Stands of Force Grown Drones
3 Brute Drones
Biomancer in 3 Stands of Force Grown Drones
3 Incarnate Sentinels
Lineagae Highborne in unit of 5 Avatara
3 Centaur Avatara
3 Characters, 3 Light Units, 2 Medium and 3 Heavy units
Turn 1
I only had the one light unit, the Longbowmen who came on
Andy also managed to get all his light units of Force Grown Drones on board
Turn 2
My longbowmen shot up a few Force Grown Drones
Andy advanced up with his FG Drones...
Turn 3
The FG Drones advanced up on Andys right, while his Brutes came up on his left. I had my Men at Arms counter the Brutes on m right, with my Household Guard heading for the left objective and my Knights aiming for the centre...
I advanced the Knights and took the centre, only for the FG drones without a character to charge them...
Scoring 5 hits, I managed to fail 3 saves and a resolve, losing a knight...

End Turn 3
I had secured all 3 objectives
100 Kingdoms 3 VP's
Spire 0 VP's
Turn 4
I brought on my Steel Legion to face the Brutes who were closing in on the Men at Arms
Having previously whittled down some drones with my Longbowmen, six hits may have finished them. I managed two from 8 dice on 4's or less...
The Brutes hammered into my 4 stands of Men at Arms
Breaking them, and leaving six men alive...
However, my Household Knights and Noble Lord mangled the FG Drones...
My Men at Arms went far left to block the Abomination from sneaking around the tower...
The Steel Legion got into position to hit the Brutes next round...
END of Turn 4
100 Kingdoms 5 VP's
The Men at Arms were getting battered on both flanks, and the Avatara were poised centrally witht eh Highborne striding on on a mission
The Household Guard charged into the Pheromancers and his Drones...
Unfortunately, I killed 11 of the 12 needed to wipe them out...
In turn, the Biomancer and his drones flanked the Household guards
The Steel Legion smashed into the Brutes, but only succeeded in dropping one of them
The Brutes hit back at the Steel Legion, with all eleven succeeding...
But the heavy armour saved eight, onl losing one full stand with resolve failures too...
I re-organised the cavalry to await the Avatara...
Sure enough, the lanky beasts charged in avoiding a wall
It didnt go well for me, nor did the challenge I initiated...
But when challenged back, I got the upper hand
But his poisoned blade took my last two wounds, leaving the Tourney champ alone...
End of Turn 5
100 Kingdoms 6 VP's
Turn 6The Abomination moved up near m left objective threatening the remnants of the Household Guard, the Centaur Avatara came on my right, ready to charge the Men at Arms, or Steel Legion, depending on who was left. The Incarnate Sentinels strolled on but were lacking opponents centrally
The Pheromancer was finished off by the Household Guards
But lost 4 men from the Biomancers drones attacks...
And another four by failing all their resolve checks...
The Steel Legion cut the Brutes down to a single wound, and the remnants of the Men at Arms finished them off
End of TURN 6
Turn 7
I had one more point to get the win, but the Spire were in full control of the centre and the objective on my left. The Centaur Avatara were just off picture angling to flank the Steel Legion. Only the Steel Legion could win me the game by holding on
I lost first activation so Andy charged the Centaur Avatara into the Steel Legion flank...
The Steel Legion crumpled like tin foil as the Centaur Avatara impact hits and lances totally annihilated them...
With my forces all but gone, a last flurry of arrows was all I could muster...
It dropped an Avatara but the rest of the spindly monsters charged in to the Longbowmen
The lone Household Guard took two drones down before being overwhelmed and the game ended
SPIRE 6 VP's (Win on tabling opponent)
A very close game in terms of points at the end, but the Spire heavy hitters really went to town on my bigger and better units. The small Force Grown drones did a good job of stalling and dealing with the HouseHold guard. The Centaur Avatara hit really hard, as does the Avatara. And the Incarante Sentinels never even got involved. Positives for the 100 Kingdom was the Longbowmen, as being used to crossbowmen, the additional range and improved volley were most welcome
Para-Bellum have signed up to put on an event at the LGT in the UK on October 1st & 2nd 2022
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