Another Thursday evening down at Justplay in Liverpool saw Steven (PsychoSte) and I match up for A Feast for Crows, with Ste bringing a nasty looking and fully painted Targayen force, led by Greyworm.
The Targaryen's force was as follows:
Combat Units
• Unsullied Swordmasters with Grey Worm - Unsullied Commander (C)
• Jorah Mormont - The Wandering Knight
• Dothraki Screamers
• Dothraki Outriders
• Dothraki Screamers
NCU's: Illyrio Mopatis, Daenerys Targaryen & Xaro Xhoan Daxos
My Free Folk were again usign a new commander, in the form ot The Weeper
Combat Units
• Followers of Bone withThe Weeper - Horrific Butcher (C)
• Frozen Shore Chariot
• Free Folk Trappers
• Spearwives with Cave Dweller Alpha
• Spearwives
• Free Folk Raiders with Raid Leader
• Free Folk Raiders with Raid Leader
NCU's: Craster & Mance Rayder
Terrain: Obligatory 2 corpse piles for the scenario. Left my side, 2 spikes, far side palisade. Right Weirwood
FREEFOLK: (L to R) Raiders, chariot, Trappers, Spearwives, Weeper in Followers of Bone, Spearwives with
Cave Dweller and Raiders far right
TARGARYENS: Screamers, Jorah, Screamers, Outriders, Swordmasters

Xaro took the letter, leaving horses for Mance for Endless horde but Field Control was used, on my spearwives.
Daenerys on crown after Craster healed and targeted the Mance influence wives to give a crad and remove the weakened.
Chariot passed morale check
Next door, Andy's Greyjoys were facing Colin's Baratheons...
Handsome Steve actually smiling... I'd soon change that!!!
My right flank was looking under pressure, with Illyrio on the swords shooting up the raiders...
6 hits, 4 saves...
The 4 successes ran away though...
I swung chariot over to my right, advanced across the board save the Cave Dweller Spearwives who marched up to get at the Outriders. My plan was to cram up and stop the cavalry outmanouvering me...
Tactics Board end of Turn 1
Mance took the swords and influenced the spearwives who spear tossed the Outriders and then charged
With Cave Dweller savages Vicious and using The Price of Failure, the Outriders were cut down to two wounds...
Ste took the bags with Xaro to heal up, so I activated the Spearwives and used a second Price of Failure
That took all 5 wounds, but with Xaro on the bags, one was blocked, and he passed the morale check
Well played Xaro useage saved the Outriders...
Illyrio then healed them up a bit
I used Crasters ability to heal up the Spearwives who had "failed"
The Outriders activated and retreated away, allowing the Screamers to charge in and dropped the wives down to 3 models before panic...
Which I passed...
I used Diversion tactics to move the ordinary spearwives up ready to spear toss and hit the otehr screamers
But Ste used Swift reposition to get them out of way and range...
On the far left, I marched the Raiders onto the objective, safe behind the palisades and with spikes to help keep them safe too
A better view...
Meanwhile, the Greyjoys were struggling against the heavily armoured Baratheons
Moving up then marching with Unstoppable Advance, the Screamers destroyed both spikes...
And sat behind my lines ready for next turn... On the right, Greyworm and his Unsullied failed to charge across the corpses into the right raiders, and I advanced the Spearwives up to threaten the engaged Screamer flank...
Tactics board end of Turn 2
Right of board end of Turn 2
I'd backed off the raiders to avoid certain death...
TARGARYENS 1 VP (Objective)
FREEFOLK 1 VP (Objective)
The Screamer on the left had free rein to go where they please...
As expected, activating off the swords the Screamer attacked the Cave Dwellers wives after shifting across out of spear toss range. My wives survived again, and I used my second diversion tactics to advance up into the Outriders face for a short spear toss. They survived the spears, but not the charge, wiping them out, and using Remorseless Examples to panic the engaged Screamers and put a corpse pile behind Jorah... Even Ste said it was nicely done!!! Especially when I used Cruel Methods to heal up the Spearwives again...
I thought I'd got a petty good position to gain the upper hand here...
Though I was still worried about the left flank...
I healed up the Spearwives again with Mance on the bag
And the Greyworm and the unsullied went mental, charging off the objective to smash into the Raiders with 10 attacks with all sorts of add-ons, before Overruning into the chariots flank
with 10 attacks with all sorts of add ons...
That put a real spanner in my plans but all was not lost. Taking the horses to re-position, Ste played Field Control again..
I shifted the trappers back to be able to fire at the Screamers
I also regrouped and reformed from one Spearwives unit to the other...
Jorah nipped round the back of the Spearwives and gather the objective so I attacked with the spearwives, not doing too much damage but allowing Ste to play Swift retreat and he managed to find a gap to get into...
The Screamers then charged the flank of the Cave Dweller spearwives, scoring 5 hits but I managed to save 60% of them...
I failed the panic check though and dropped to two wives... I set up the Weeper and Followers of Bone ready to hit the rear of the Screamers next round...
The Screamers on the left charged home into the raiders, killing 4 from the attacks and 4 more from a failed panic and taking the objective
Tactics board end of Turn 3
TARGARYENS 5 VP's (1 Unit, 4 Objectives)
FREEFOLK 2 VP's (1 Unit, 1 Objective)
I charged the Weeper and his Followers of Bones into the rear of the aptly named Screamers, playing Overwhelming Assault and taking Critical blow (as got to re-roll attacks on charge and Sundering in rear on an enemy with 5+ Save was pointless)
Nine hits from seven attacks, I can live with that... Ste couldn't, we didn't even get to roll the panic with a minus seven ( I had there's too many, vicious and rear charge)
I surged backwards, away from Greyworm... Jorah charged in to the rear of my Cave Dweller wives, and I saved 1
But alas, I failed the panic check...
The Screamers on the left killed off the Raiders there...
I took horses to get the objective from the Dead Spearwives corpse pile, and marched up the Spearwives to threaten Jorah next turn...
But he was quite away away...
An overview of the board...
The Unsullied advanced up to threaten the Trappers, triggering their traps and taking 4 hits...
Four dice rolls saving on fours and Ste rolls all fours on the dice...
End of Turn 4
TARGARYENS 9 VP's (2 Units, 7 Objectives)
FREEFOLK 3 (4) VP's (1(2) Unit, 2 Objectives)
(In hindsight, miscounted here)
Ste activated first, and got Jorah out of harms way, as he had the game won...
So on principal, I took the crown...
And used Thre's too Many as he was in short range of the Trappers...
Didnt needed it, as the old slave trader got his comeuppance!!!
Of course the Trappers were still in a pickle...
The Screamers backed off onto the objective, the Trappers backed off as far as able and reduced the Unsullied movement by 1
Ste made the 4+ charge with 10+ attacks, vicious, etc, etc...
And I just about died ...
And using Unstoppable Advance, Ste was even able to get back onto the corpse pile and get the objective
The board at the end of Turn 5
TARGARYENS 12 VP's (3 Units, 9 objectives)
FREEFOLK 7 VP's (3 unit, 4 Objectives)
A crushing defeat, but an awesome game nonetheless. It was a really swingy game that had some great moments, particularly card and unit interactions. But for every play I managed to pull off, Ste managed to pull off a better one, giving him the critical edge in getting the objectives and scoring points.
I found the Weeper's cards to be pretty good, Price of Failure in particular, though Cruel Methods worked well. Remorseless Examples wasn't brilliant, but certainly thematic.
Fair play to Ste, he hasn't ran Targaryens much lately but he out manouevered me at every turn and got a well deserved win...
Charity Appeal
Kieran "Scaddman" Scaddan is holding a 24hr sponsored wargame of ASOIF in aid of Veterans
mental Health charity on 28th/29th May.
Link to his Justgiving page is HERE
24 player event at Gaming Figures on Sunday 10th April in Redcar, UK The Caswell Cup
Gather for War on Sunday May 8th At Board & Swords in Derby Gather for War
16 player event at Leodis Games in in Leeds, Saturday June 5th War of the White-Rose Cloaks
Kieran's 24 hour Sponsored Event 28th/29th May at Imjin barracks
The 128 player 2 day event UK London Grand Tournament (ELO) 30th September Link
16 Player 2 day event 22/23rd Oct at the RIBBLE RUMBLE, ELEMENT GAMES, STOCKPORT, UK LINK
Thanks for taking the effort to produce these
ReplyDeleteI enjoy doing them, as much to reminisce about my occasional genius as to share with the community. And I appreciate the comment, Mike