Friday 4 October 2024

Greyjoys v Umbers: Here We Stand

 So with The Olds Gods & the New coming up next month over at Leeds, I broke out my Greyjoys and will be running them over next few months, with a pair of relatively themed lists. My first list had one of my two recently painted units, Victarion leading his Iron Victory Crew, complete with shields for half (4+ save, so like to look the part)

The whole list was based on the ships and crews I had but wanted to make an "elite" Greyjoy force, using a new unit, Commander I've never played and " NCU's I've never used. (yes, never used Balon before)

Silenced Men with Euron Greyjoy - Lord Reaper of Pyke (C)
Iron Victory Crew with Victarion Greyjoy - Master of the Iron Victory

Blacktyde Chosen with Baelor Blacktyde - Captain of the Nightflyer
Ironmakers with Asha Greyjoy - Captain of the Black Wind & Qarl NCU's
Moqorro & Balon Greyjoy (Also included my two Yecats miniatures mints, sorry pass token...)

Ste had a full force of hairy Umbers to face my elite Greyjoys, and I'd forgotten we start 18" on for "Here We Stand" (one of the three less played scenario's they are using at the event) so figured it would be a brief and bloody battle. As usual, Ste had a pretty well thought out and interwoven list, with great support NCU's...

Lysene Sellswords with Greatjon Umber - Lord of Last Hearth (C)
House Umber Greataxes with Winterfell Champion

House Umber Berserkers with Bronn - The Sellsword
Umber Ravagers with Fortune Seeker NCU's

Sansa Stark,Petyr Baelish & Lyanna Mormont

The wannabee, but not so Great,  "Little Ste" Umber


TERRAIN: Weirwood, Palisade, Corpse pile (under Ravagers, how appropriate) Woods

UMBERS: Berserkers, Pirates with Gt Jon, Ravagers, Greataxes

GREYJOYS: Silenced Men with Euron, Blacktyde, Ironmakers, Iron Victory Crew

Ste opted for deployment zone and had me set up first, with his Greataxes setting up opposite the Ironmakers but leaving them out on their own. I planned to retire on the left and hold the centre with the blocking palisade and overwhelm the Greataxes before dealing with the rest of the hairy brutes... 


I opted to go first, taking the Letters and for extra cards. Ste removed the weakened from Greataxes after Lyanna had taken the Horses. I had edged up the Blacktyde, with their flank protected by the palisade.

I also brought the Ironmakers up to tempt a charge from Ste.

I used a Yecats mint to pass (figured I'd use them early before I forgot about them)

The Ravagers destroyed the palisades unsurprisingly, and the Greataxes shuffled to my left. With only the Berserkers left to go, the board. Ste marched them right up, but were still in my Silenced Men's front

Filled out tactics board, end of Turn 1


Lyanna on the horses brought the Berserkers up into the flank of the Silenced Men

So I simply made the 3+ charge into the Ravagers, and left the fleet-footed axemen behind...

Well, we all know Euron is a bit mad!!! 

Seven wounds resulted from the melee alone, but the passed their panic and healed a wound back!!!

Ste took the swords to deny me them and used a Baelish token to heal the Ravagers up. He did think about attacking back, but decided to, in his own words, "play it safe". I had Balon then took the bags.

And the Ravager had also got +1 morale from Lyanna influence too...

Balon converted the bags to an attack from We Do not sow, and with the Krakens Wrath, I got re-rolls and Precision from Ste having the swords, and they were panicked from my bags... Awesome!!!

Six dead from melee, and a badly failed panic test saw the Ravagers add to the corpse pile. I was well chuffed, and Ste was having a proper paddy!!! In fairness, he's tried using his Ravagers twice now agiasnt me and I've jumped them twice and he hasnt even attacked with them...

I then skedaddled away from the Greatjon to gift the Great-axes a charge the wouldnt surely refuse??

Ste was already talking about having blown it. Hmmm, bit early for the negativity old chum, even though i had just outplayed ya!!!

Well the Greataxes chopped me up badly...

But I used the Iron Price to heal two wounds up on the Silenced Men

Before the Iron Victory crew let me down, failing a 3+ flanking charge and losing two crewmen to a failed panic!!!

The Blacktyde Chosen had their turn in the barrel, with the Berserkers getting stuck in to their rear after making a 4+ charge...

Baelor stood alone afterwards, Ste having caused 4 auto wounds with Berserker tactics...

But I had a Cunning Ploy, foregoing the Blacktydes activation to maneuver the Ironmakers back and around the berserkers flank. They charged in but didnt roll too well, but did drop a rank and gain a pillage.

As Ste plotted to get the Greatjon in, I used Euron's order to cancel all abilities, which depended on Ste failing a morale check. And he duly obliged. No Reckless heroism for you my lad...

But he did make another 4+ charge into Baelor Blacktyde, easily killing him. And cool, no Overrun which I had forgotten Greatjon has...

With everything done, I had Moqorro take the crown and target the Berserkers

Honestly, not heard Ste moan and whinge so much in along time. The Drowned god relished his sweet, salty tears!!!


HOUSE UMBER 2 VP's (1 unit, 1 quarter)

HOUSE GREYJOY 2 VPs (1 unit. 1 quarter)


I used Devious Methods (discarding Fingerdance with it) to gain Winters Might, so that when I took the Swords (as I did) i would be hitting with sundering and flank. I attacked, did 4 hits and Ste failed 3 of his saves, killing the Berserkers. My Ironmakers now had 2+ saves, so only lost one man to Ste's last Stand attack as the Berserkers died. I surged forth to protect Euron's flank.

Ste declared a charged at the Silenced Men, which he couldnt make as he was in teh flank of the unit and the Ironmakers were in the way. So I let him play his Swift Reposition first. (He had let me do a  few things as this elite army was relatively new to me, and they had a lot of orders an Start of turn things). Anyway, Euron and his Quiet Men got murdered with berserker tactics again and then the Greatjon over ran into the flank of the Iron Victory lads!!!

They had healed up off their blades in some way, these dodgy wee Lysene Umbers

With Critical blow, and +1 attack from two Pillage, Ste saw a lot of wolves and got 10 hits. I made one save! And failed the panic. Again. (those two dead from the failed charge really made a difference)

Two units, 18 stalwart Greyjoys dead. Dirty Greatjon and his pirates!!! Ste knew I would be using Balon to bring a unit back, and did his best to mitigate.

I didnt claim the zone, but used his "Rise again, blade in Hand", selecting Euron and his Silenced Men

They had options next turn!!!

Ste backed off with his Greataxes!!!

I passed with my second nice little Yecats token. They only look like mints on the other side, and I did paint them golden.

Well I smacked the hell out the Pirates but Lyanna allowed them to auto-pass their morale. The Greataxes managed a decent charge after healing up a bit first.

I only lost six Silenced Men and brought my Ironmakers around ready for the melee to come

Tactics Board end of Turn 3

Board End of Turn 3


HOUSE UMBER 5 VP's (3 units, 2 quarters)

HOUSE GREYJOY 4 VP's (2 units, 2 quarters)


I used Moqorro to stop Greataxes abilites and tactics cards

As Ste did take the Swords, influencing the Great axes as he feared being flanked I think. Euron was left alone, but I had held!!!

I had a few options but I felt there really was only one thing for it 

Ok, so Raiding call brought me up to 2 ranks and I chopped down the Pirates!!!

The Greataxes used Berserkers tactics (Sansa had pulled it back earlier) to finish off Euron and his Silenced Men (I did play What is Dead may Never Die, but failed the panic). And we faced off, our last remaining units!!!

With my activation, I went for it, but failed the charge and stopped an inch away. Bugger!!! Ste charged me instead. But with me going first, he retreated away after a lacklustre attack due to a weakened token I'd placed. I used Balon to take a quarter.


HOUSE UMBER 7 VP's (4 units, 3 quarters)

HOUSE GREYJOY 7 VP's (3 units, 4 quarters)


I healed off the bags. Ste used Assault orders to charge off the swords. I activated and used Bless with Stone, Bless with Steel to heal 3 more...

I had all three token but 10 wounds. I had placed Balon in a quarter and it came down to another Umber attack.

But damn Sansa, she took back Berserker tactics and did me again!!!

After Steve had cut down five Ironmakers. It literally came down to a panic check, which I

Leaving three Umbers on the field of carnage...


HOUSE UMBER 8 VP's (5 units, 3 quarters)

HOUSE GREYJOY 7 VP's (3 units, 4 quarters) - Wiped Out

That was a fantastic game. It ebbed and flowed like the tides of Old Wyck, and damn, Ste got lucky and he knows it. The difference between us in the end was that he knew his cards and his army, and used Sansa to devastating effect, whereas I was trying to get my head around units and characters I don't play often (if had ever). Too many Orders and Starts of turn. Don't get me wrong, Ste let me do things I'd forgot, or didn't realise (like starting game with a pillage on Iron victory crew) so I don't regret letting him take the charge back to Swift reposition although ultimately if cost me two units and the game, but its the way to play in my book. No way did I merit a crushing defeat, but it was a damn close run thing. A few failed charges, especially Turn 4 for me didn't help, and Ste edged me on the charges when needed. A great game, but he's a lucky bugger. And the scenario didn't really feature, we just hacked lumps out of each other. Here we Fall would be a better name for this scenario!!! 



GEEK PRIDE has started putting out ASOIF Videos from Element Games in Stockport.

Less than an hour, well put together, feel free to check out their first two:



"Pit Fights at the Arena"
Four game, One day tournament
Saturday 26th October 2024

The Arena, 4 Main St,
Falkirk FK2 0JT


Kelpie Games, Mid Street, Keith, UK

Saturday 26th October

LINK below


"It's for Charity"

Kyle Webb & Ben Harris present

The Barmy at Skull Pass, a Warhammer Old World Charity event

Battlefield Hobbies, Daventry, Sunday 27th October 2024.





Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre, Etps Road, Farnborough, UK



Warfare is a phenomenal event, and DLS are putting on the first ASOIF events there. Day 1 is standard dual list 40pts, 3 games & Day 2 is 30pt single list, 4 games.
 If you can get to it, I'd highly recommend. Traders, multiple tournaments and a Bring & Buy

Tickets are available from:


Battle of the 3 Swords (Christmas is Coming)

30 players
(Last few tickets)




Sold out (reserves being taken)

(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West)

"Honour, not Honours"


Reserve List if all 24 sell (22 gone)

(Last pair still there)

30th NOV/1st DEC 


(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West)

"Honour, not honours" is Sponsored by 

(for Gaming mats, 2D Terrain and tactics board mats)

Sunday 8th December, 

24 players

Entoyment Gaming & Hobby Centre, 
Upton Road, 



Element Games, Hallam Street, Stockport, UK

"Blood Over Highgarden" - Become "Warden of Kent"




2nd Floor, 33 High St, Gillingham ME7 1BQ


8th & 9th February 2025

50 player event

Vlad's Emporium

278 St. Vincent Street,


G2 5RL,



March 1st/2nd 2025

(Sold out, reserves being taken)

Pontnewynydd, Pontypool, UK

(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West)

4 weeks later, March 29th/30th 2025

and needing no introduction...


(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West)

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