Greg popped over for a proper game of A Song of Ice and Fire, with two armies full of average units battling over the corpse piles in A Feast for Crows.
I was running Thoros again, but added a few new attachments.
Thoros's in Baratheon Kingsmen
Sworn Knights
Archers with Edric Dayne
Peasants with Gendry
Peasants with Tom Sevenstrings
Ghost of Highheart and Lady Stoneheart
Young David Moyes popped round...
Thenn Warriors with Styr - Magnar Of Thenn (C)
Bonelord's Chosen with Rattleshirt & Jarl
Free Folk Raiders with Borroq - Boar Skinchanger
Borroq's Boar
Free Folk Raiders with Skinchanger
Jon Snow, Lady Val & Craster
Greg had a pretty hard looking list. He has affectionately named as Styr's boner. Child!!! But it explains why he is fondling his 6" ruler below.
RANDOM TERRAIN: Palisade, Weirwood, Weirwood, Forest & Hedge
FREEFOLK: Boar, Borroq Raiders, Thenns with Styr, Bonelords Chosen, Spearwives, Bear, Raiders (I was surprised Bonelord's chosen weren't in outflank given his Jarl)
BROTHERHOOD: Gendry's Peasants, Sworn Knights, Archers, Thoros's Kingsmen, Tom's Peasants
Not a bad opening hand...
Standard affair on the tactics board, with Greg electing to go first taking the letters with Jon. I took the horses, moving up my Archers and then moving another 3" with their order. Greg took the Crowns to deny me it and panic checked the right peasants
Double one for my first panic check!!! Two dead peasants...
Greg moved up with Borroq on my left with his boar moving up near the Palisade. I marched up my peasants on the right. With my Archers so far advanced, Greg took the swords to destroy the palisades, so I took the bags to heal the right Peasants.
The Bear took a wound from Lady Stoneheart's influence and advanced into range of the Brotherhood Archers...
Greg had forgotten I'd advanced up of the Horses and with my Deceitful Reposition order. So I activated them and shot the bear. With the weakened, I got three hits... And Greg failed two saves, killing the bear.
As Greg advanced, I used a pass token so that I could position the Knights
I had Lady Stoneheart take the Swords
and the Brotherhood Archers fired into the Spearwives
The shooting cut down four but Greg passed the panic check. He then played Endless Horde on them, before he took the bags to heal them up three
So given my own admiration for the feisty spear throwing girls, I had my Sworn Knights move up and make the charge into the unit
I cut them down by six, but the cravens retreated off of Lady Val on the Crowns. That dropped them a rank, thanks to Lady StoneHearts influence. Having already moved up off of the Horses, my right sided Peasants charged into the Raiders on the right, but sadly didn't even cause a wound as their one hit caused was saved.
Greg had moved up his Thenns with Diversion tactics following the Knights attack...but before his next activation used Jon Snow's once per game ability to find Regroup and Reform and then to move Styr into the BoneLords Chosen, for a killer combo of Styr and Rattleshirt in one bad ass unit.
And the Raiders on my right scored only one wound on my Peasants but they passed the panic check and held onto the objective.
My Archers activated and shot down six Thenns, having moved using Deceitful Reposition and a shift before shooting
Raring to get going with his Death Star unit, Greg failed a 4+ charge into the Archers
Tactics Board End of Round 2
The Thenns had charged Gendry's unit but rolled a 1 so with no re-rolls, failed to break through Gendry's resilience. I then retreated. Borroq's Raiders were hemmed in by his boar (or hammed in?) so shuffled up a bit before the Boar took the left objective. The Spearwives activated last, taking two wounds as they threw their Spears before charging home. agaisnt my Knights I took a single wound each time but passed both panic checks. Thoros and the Kingsmen were hemmed in by my own units.
BROTHERHOOD 1 VP (1 Objective)
FREE FOLK 1 VP (1 Objective)
Jon Snow took the Swords but the Spearwives attacks were all saved. I shot with the Brotherhood Archers, killing the Spearwives with ease. Greg attempted to play Bitter Demise, but I countered with "Knights of the Hollow Hill", which in passing allowed me to move up out of the charge arc of the Bonelords Chosen.
Greg brought on his Endless Horde Raiders and had his new unit charge into the Sworn Knights to pin them in place. So I had Lady Stoneheart take the bags, influence the Thenns and heal up my Knights. Greg took the Crowns, turning the BoneLords chosen into my Knights flank. I took the Letters with the Hag to try and bolster my Knights, weakening the Chosen
The Thenns activated and charged again, having had Co-ordination tactics played on them to give them all the BoneLord Chosen, Styr and Rattleshirts abilites.
Gendry used his Resilience Order, losing one man but lost another two due to the vicious and intimidating presence. Lady Stoneheart did drop a Thenn though...
My Sworn Knights attacked the Raiders, cutting down seven in total.
I retreated Gendry's Peasants out of melee.
Greg activated his super unit, who promptly rolled a one on the charge...
Still, they were hitting on two's due to the Raid Leader engaged and his eight attacks, although weakened, dropped three Knights. The resulting Vicious, Intimidating Presence, flank attack with There's Too Many panic required a double six to pass!!! I duly failed, but Azor AHai allowed me to escape with one wound...
The Raiders on my right cut down a few Peasants, forcing me to drop the objectives. Thoros couldn't do much, so I would end up shuffling forward, allowing my Peasants to retreat and take the objective.
BROTHERHOOD 3 VP's (1 unit, 2 objectives)
FREE FOLK 2 VP's (2 objectives)
I took the Sword with lady Stoneheart, influencing the Thenns, before shooting into the Chosen's flank with the Archers. This dropped four men, but sadly they passed their panic check. Greg took the Bags and healed up three.
I then charged Thoros in with Fiery charge, making the Raiders panicked
All my attacks struck home, cutting down six Raiders who then failed their panic check for four more dead. I spent my Faith token to heal 3 wounds on the Knights.
Greg then had the Raiders attack the Knights, moving up and taking the objective but I only took a single wound. I then had the Old Hag take the Horses and retreated away with the un-activated Knights, facing in a manner where the BoneLord's Chosen couldn't attack them. Greg was reticent to charge the Kingsmen given their survivability, so turned to face the Archers
The BoneLord's Chosen went in, cutting down an impressive eight Archers and then Spread Fear to Gendry's unit who dropped down to five remaining
I activated my Archers retreating away and healing four due to Edric's Regroup ability (After retreating heal two plus one per lost)
Greg brought Borroq's unit over to the centre. I then charged my Knights into the right ide Raiders, destroying them and creating a second Corpse pile out of my Knights surge forth range. Thoros turned to face the Styr...
Greg took the Letters before I used Regroup and Reform to bolster Gendry's unit and moved my right Peasants around to face
Greg took the other new corpse objective with Val swapping out a zone to allow the BoneLords Chosen to move before the Thenn's charged into Gendry's Peasants.
BROTHERHOOD 5 VP's (2 units, 3 objectives)
FREE FOLK 5 VP's (5 objectives)
Tactics Board End of ROUND 4
The game was nicely poised. I played The Forgotten Fellowship at the start of the Round, denying Greg use of the Swords and his Thenns Hold the line ability
Greg activated the BoneLords Chosen, charging off the objective and into the Archers, cutting them down to four.
I then failed the morale, but with a three on the D3, and Intimidating Presence for an extra wound, my Archers were slain...
The Spread Fear ability dropped a wound on Gendry's unit
I activated Thoros and his Kingsmen and played Fiery Charge to hit home, going for the flank of the Raiders and taking an objective on the way. The Bonelords Chosen had turned to face but I didn't fancy facing Horrific visage and went for an easier option as it gave me an objective and in hitting so hard, made a second likely. The raiders were reduced to two men, dropping the objective with a failed panic
Greg had the Raiders turn and valiantly attack the Kingsmen, which in hindsight was a mistake as although his four attacks did two wounds, I passed the panic for a Faith token and allowed my Knights to easily charge in, wipe them out, heal the two Kingsmen and then scoop up the objective. Had he retreated, he may have gotten far enough away to either survive or give me a choice between them or the objective.
The Thenns charged home against Gendry's Peasants. The Woods would have helped but for the Vulnerable, but the Resilience of Gendry kept me in the fight.
I then retreated away with the three remaining Peasants, just out of shot.
Board End of Round 5
BROTHERHOOD 9 VP's (3 units, 6 objectives)
FREEFOLK 7 VP's (1 unit, 6 objectives)
I activated Lady Stonheart and took the Horses, retreated Tom Sevenstrings unit of Peasants to retreat off the right objective and an away from Styr and Rattleshirt. Greg took the Crown, zapping Gendrys unit but they passed the check. I then took the Bag with the Hag and healed up Tom's Peasants.
Greg then charged in with his Thenns, rolling a one again (think that was four in game). Lady' Stoneheart had influenced them again, dropping a rank and attacks from seven to five... And with disrupt, they all missed
I retreated out of melee again...
Greg moved up onto the right corpse pile and objective with Val, but I retreated Tom Sevenstrings further away to deny any chance of further points. With that, we activated out leaving the final board as below

BROTHERHOOD 11 VP's (3 units, 8 objectives)
FREEFOLK 9 VP's (1 unit, 8 objectives)
This was a cracking game, very swingy and close and could have gone either way. The Brotherhood's ability to hit, heal and run can be quite frustrating but the Knights survival and mopping up after two devastating Thoros attacks gave me an edge Greg couldn't make up. I couldn't stand toe to toe with his Chosen or Thenns so retreated and frustrated the Free Folk. It did help that Greg was good at letting me do things after fact as still so many little orders and stuff to master with these sneaky guerillas...
A Song of Scouse & Wools
Greg has gone and organised our first event for a few years over in Liverpool.
Sunday 2nd February
61 Tithebarn St, Liverpool L2 2SB
18 players, Three game event
New Players Welcome, Fun and Friendly themed
8th & 9th February 2025
50 player event
Vlad's Emporium
278 St. Vincent Street,
G2 5RL,
Southern GT
24 Player, 4 Game event
March 1st/2nd 2025
(Sold out, reserves being taken)
Pontnewynydd, Pontypool, UK
(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West)
4 weeks later, March 29th/30th 2025
and needing no introduction...
(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West)
Board In Brum West Midlands Gaming Centre, Walsall, Willenhall, UK
Sat Apr 05
Daventry NN11 4PH, UK
(I'll be there with other Wardens of the North-West, defending my title with my trusty squire)
MAY 11th
Links and tickets
Aftermath Gaming Club
Saturday MAY 24th
Lazar House, Sprowston Road, Norwich, UK
24th & 25th MAY
Pro-Tech Games, Stockton-On-Tees, TS18 2PN
Tickets/Stats Sign Up
70 Player, two day event
28th/29th June
Best Western The Thurrock Hotel, (on site accommodation)
Ship Lane, Aveley, Purfleet, UK
I'll be there to represent the Wardens of the North-West
Board In Brum West Midlands Gaming Centre, Walsall, Willenhall, UK
Sat Jul 19
Board In Brum West Midlands Gaming Centre, Walsall, Willenhall, UK
Sat Oct 18
NOVEMBER 29th/30th
Board In Brum West Midlands Gaming Centre, Walsall, Willenhall, UK
Sat Dec 13
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