Saturday 10 July 2021

Greyjoys v FreeFolk: A Dance of Dragons

 Another Thursday evening 40pt A Song of Ice & Fire battle report at Justplay in Liverpool.

Aden brought his Greyjoy pirates North of the wall to face of against my Freefolk horde, who were still in the car fresh from the Board in Brum event.

My force was 

Spearwives with Mance Rayder

Cave Dweller Savages


FreeFolk Trappers

FreeFolk Raiders with Jarl - Advanced Raid Leader

Freefolk Raiders with Raid Leader

FreeFolk Raiders with Raid Leader

NCU's: Craster and Ygritte

Aden had opted for an elite Greyjoy force consisting of the following:

Asha Greyjoy(C) with Qarl Ironmakers

Greyjoy Archers with Bronn

Reavers with Victarion Greyjoy

Reavers with Daario Naharis?

NCUs: Aeron Greyjoy (Damphair), Eric Ironmaker and Balon Greyjoy

We were playing A Dance with Dragons.

Terrain was a corpse pile my side left, palisade Aden's side on my left, Weirwood centre right and wall my right

I set up with Jarl's unit in outflank mode and from my left (opposite of picture). Cave Dwellers, Raiders with Leader, Mammoth, Spearwives with Mance, Raiders with Leader, Trappers

Aden set up centrally with Daario's Reavers facing my left, Asha's Ironmakers central, with Bronn's archers behind and Victarion's Reavers facing my right.

Aden raring to go...


With Endless Horde in my hand, I opted to go first and add another unit of Raiders onto the board

This would free my trappers up as the Raiders could now go and sit on the right side objective

Aden had Eric take the letters, while I used Craster to get a card and avoid being crowned...

With Ygritte's influence for the increased movement, the Cave Dwellers took the left objective...

Tactics board end of Turn 1

The Greyjoys advanced centrally as the Freefolk advanced upon the left and centre and the trappers repositioned....

View from Aden's side of the advancing horde. It does look daunting!!!

Aden activated first denying me the horse to move up his Ironmakers onto the centre objective, I marched the Trappers up to try and bait a charge and allow my Traps to be used. Aden fired his archers from the swords, scoring 3 hits

I managed to save one and passed the panic as was within 6" of Mance's spearwives...

As Aeron activated, I played Wildling diplomacy which didn't deter Aden from taking the crown...

It cost 3 Ironmakers to target the Mammoth

Who passed the panic easily enough with Mance close by

In response, the mammoth charged in with its 6 attacks...

And scored 6 hits on 4+ (with charge reroll)

Two Ironmakers were wounded (as when Erik claimed a zone he gave them a pillage token last round, so their armour went to 3+)

With Asha, there was no problem passing their morale check (However, Aden forgot to give a wound out to the Mammoth as the Ironmakers were being influenced by Aeron.)

Mance and his spearwives were being tempted next turn, but need to point out it was touch and go as to whether the beast could actually fit Aden was happy enough to let it go!!!

But the Reavers were not prepared to stand by and watch, charging into the flank. Again, it was 50/50 as to whether front or flank, but Aden had let the Mammoth in, so one good turn deserves another, not interested in quibbling or breaking out the laser pens!!!

The Reavers scored 5 hits, and I made 2 saves passing the panic check easily enough with Mance

Following the attack, I used diversion tactics to move the spearwives away from Qarl in the Ironmakers, as he looked deadly, and move to the flank of the Reavers...

Despite being encumbered with the objective, the Cave Dweller Savages charged the rear of the Daario's Reavers (the objective gave me full attacks)

I managed to drop three with the attacks, losing one of my own due to frenzied swings...

But the rear charge was compounded by "There's Too Many", so despite Asha being nearby, Daario was testing on -2 rear, -1 corpse pile, -3 Freefolk nearby... Aden failed to roll the 11+ required

Taking 1 wound +3, for a total of 4... Nice!!!

Asha's Ironmakers activated, with a flurry of cards...

I didnt use Mance's Counterstrategy...

The Ironmakers Greathammers scored 5 hits and 2 wounds...

Before they had to reroll with weakened, which resulted in 3 hits and 1 wound.

I saved 2 of the attacks and passed the panic check

I then launched spears at, and charged, Daario's Reavers...

With the 3 extra hits for co-ordinated assault, the Reavers were annihilated. And Mance used Counter Strategy to deny the use of What is dead may never die...

Despite being influenced by Ygritte to slow them down, Victarions Reavers charged into the Trappers...

Scoring 7 hits, I failed 6 and the following morale on the lone survivor...

Fortunately, the -1 to movement stopped the Reavers getting to the objective

So they settled for avoiding being flanked!!!

I charged into the Reavers with the Raiders with Raid Leader...

Scoring 4 hits, 3 of which wounded but the Reavers passed morale with Asha nearby (and the Weirwood tree). Rather than charge in with the other unit, I moved up onto the objective as i had a cunning plan!!!


FREEFOLK 3 VP's     2 Objectives, 1 unit destroyed  

GREYJOY 3 VP's       1 Objective with Commander, 1 unit destroyed

Board at end of Turn 2. Losing a unit each favoured the Freefolk, whose numbers were sure to be telling...

Ygritte took the horses, to allow the Jarl's raiders to deploy. She influenced Mance's Spearwives.

The Jarl Advanced Raid Leader came on with his Raiders, threatening Victarions flank...

Aeron the Damphair took the swords and influenced his brother's unit...

who had many a trick and ability which hurt the Raiders badly. Fortunately, I passed morale with the tree and Mance

After playing Regroup and Reform to heal up my engaged Raiders from the ones on the objective, I charged Victarions flank...

With the help of the Raid Leader, I scored 7 hits...

And the Reavers went from this...

to this. But they did pass their morale and healed a man due to Damphair influence...

In the centre, after Aden had take the bags to heal up Victarions unit, my Mammoth attacked after moving over...

Scoring 5 hits on 4+'s

Despite the 2+ armour save, the Ironmakers lost two men...

On the right, Victarion's Reaver attacked again reducing the Raiders down to a single rank...

But the morale held

The Cave Dwellers failed the short charge to the Ironmakers flank, but didnt panic...

The Ironmakers followed the Mammoth over, away from my strong left, then scored 4 wounds on the beast, which didnt panic...

Having been healed by Craster taking a card as well, the Raider  were again attacked by Victarions Reavers, his Order giving a third attack

Four men died...

But the remaining two were stoic and unflinching...

I activated the raiders and shifted over to prepare for next round. Their attacks killed 3 Reavers. Balon activated last to use his "Rise again, blade in hand", bringing back Daario's Reavers. Aden placed them behind my Jarls raiders, ready to rear end them and save Victarion!!!

End of Turn 3

We both scored from the objectives again...


Start of Turn 4 and the Balon's resurrection of the Reavers could prove to be crucial...

In hindsight, Aden said his desire to save Victarion's unit was a mistake as he could have positioned to assault objective holding Freefolk...


I was surprised as Victarion's Reaver unit activated first but after he used the Iron Price to heal up at the start of the turn, and following it up with Blessed with Stone, Blessed with Steel to see 7 Reavers return in total by time he'd wiped out the Raiders. And he had a pillage token back too. Impressive!!! 

Nasty surprise, but to do it the Swords were unclaimed. Ygritte seized it, allowing Mance and his Spearwives to launch spears, and do a charging volley in a co-ordinated assault!!!

I also played "Overwhelming assault" for Sundering and Critical blow for 9 hits in total...

Only 1 was saved, and all that hard work from Aden was swiftly undone!!!

Not 100% sure what happened in what order next but believe Aeron healed up Victarion's unit with bags, before it was attacked in the flank by the Jarl's raiders, leaving Victarion alone and surrounded, with a panic check!!!

Which he passed!!!

Victarion struck back, killing 3 raiders who passed their morale with Mance nearby...

Mance's Spearwives then activated to deliver the Coup de Grace. But got 1 hit!!!

But the Master of the Iron Victory laughed it off...

Meanwhile, Bronn and his Archers suddenly found their aim, hitting the Jarl's Raiders...

Glad it was in the front and not the flank, as made 4 saves...

Leaving the Victarion show on the right, the Ironmakers were charged in the flank by the Raiders with Raid leader...

Who scored a good six hits...

With a minus one from the flank, the 9 Ironmakers also had a vulnerable token from my right objective...

They lost 4 men, but not the objective as they passed morale with Asha...

Aden responded to my cries of We Do Not Kneel with We Do Not Sow as Eric took the horses...

As the Ironmakers brought the Mammoth to one wound left, Qarl put the beast out of its misery...

Still, Daario's Reavers rolled a one to charge in disorder into the rear of my Jarl's unit

And then roll 3 further ones on his 2+ to hit rolls...

I made one save, and then passed the Morale check with applomb...

Freefolk Raiders losing 3 men from a rear charge. What is all the grumblings I hear that Free Folk have been nerfed???

Meanwhile, the Ironmakers activated and Qarl's blood was up, despatching the Raid leader with a simple parry and thrust to the throat...

The Raiders held on well though, passing morale out of range of Mance...

End of Turn 4

Scoring a pair of points each from the objectives, Aden edged ahead by slaying the Mammoth



Ygritte took the sword influencing Mance's Spearwives...

With equal attacks, I opted to try killing Victarion with the Jarl's raider for the flank bonus over Mance's Spearwives...

Four hits were scored...

And the dice were cast!!!

We salute you Victarion, you died well!!!

With Mance's Spearwives now sitting in her rear, Asha desperately tried to finish off the Raiders. 4 hits ensued, but I managed 3 of my 4 saves...

But failed my morale to lose 4. I realise the pictures already explained but I suffered 1 auto wound from Qarl, 1 wound from unsaved hits, 4 wounds from failed panic with being disorganized and was left with one Raider left to block a reform move...

The Spearwives wasted no time, hitting with 3 spears killing two..

The Ironmakers passed their morale and healed 2 up with Ironborn mettle...

But Mance Countered it...

I would have crashed into the rear in an Overwhelming Assault with Sundering and Critical blow. But I was disordered!!

But the 5 hits were enough as the -2 from rear left the Irnomakers armour exposed...

With Mance seizing the objective from Asha's arms, the game was over...



What an awesome game that was!!! Despite being well out activated and with a difficult scenario for his smaller force, Aden almost won it. Aden is relatively new to the game, and remembering Asha's "Stubborn Tenacity" would have finished off the mammoth at least a turn earlier, meaning Victarions inability to die in turn 4 would have sealed the win for the Greyjoys. In hindsight, targeting the objective I held on my right with the Reavers would have been a better move as Victarion held on longer than expected and they didn't really aid him. Bronn and his archers never really came into play either.

 I've been playing it since launch, and using Mance and his horde exclusively in 1.7, so credit where's it due, I should have lost. I got some lucky dice at the right time (it's a theme for me) but that's me shelving the Free Folk for a while as I have other freshly painted models I want to try out. 

EVENTS IN UK (I know about)

Really looking forward to rest of year in UK, especially the one I'll be running a two day event at Ribble Rumble in December The Ribble Rumble - ASOIF | Facebook 

Rich and his boys at Justplay in Liverpool are running one too on Sunday 8th August... Event Tickets | JustPlayGames

Other Events:

North of the Wall, John Craig is running  The Siege of Pyke at Common Ground Games in Stirling,a 4 game event on 11th July,. Its a four hour drive for me, so ruled out for a one day I'm afraid.[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22group%22%7D]%7D

Ian has this one down at Boards and Swords, Derby (Great event last February, before the madness, gutted cant make this one) AsSOIAF - Blood on the Trident one day event - 18/07/2021 — Boards and Swords Hobbies

The lads at Imps Gaming in Lincoln have a few lined up, nice venue as been there twice:  A Song of Ice and Fire Ticket - Aug 2021 ( I cant make the August one sadly, but November is hopefully doable... A Song of Ice and Fire Ticket - Nov 2021 (

Gavin up at Gaming Figures in Redcar will doubtless run a few too Gaming Figures

As will the Entoyment down in Poole, who organise the awesome Beachhead exhibition. Homepage - Entoyment Wargaming and Hobby Centre

All the above venues support the game and sell A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures. Check them out, or pop in and visit if you are in the area...

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