Friday 17 December 2021

A Song of Ice and Fire at the Ribble Rumble (3 battle reports)

 So 11th &12th of December saw A Song of Ice and Fire at the Ribble Rumble over at Element Games as 16 players turned up for a relatively chilled 5 game event.

The Ribble Rumble is a multi-system event run by Ribble Warriors ( who are based in Preston) with the other sytems being played over the weekend Star Wars Legion, Kings of War, (KoW) Mortem et Glorium ( MeG) and 40k

Using ASOIF Stats tournament system for running the scoring really was a godsend, I'd thoroughly recommend it. as despite running the ASOIF system it gave me plenty of time to take plenty of pics as it did all the admin for me...

My two Greyjoy lists were based on the units I had painted. 

For day 1 I ran List 2 consisting of:

Greyjoy Trappers with Asha (C) and Qarl

2 x Harlaw Reapers

2 x Ironborn Bowmen


NCU's: Wendamyr & Erik 

List 1 was more complicated, so didn't run that until day 2

Ironmakers with Asha (C) and Qarl

Ironborn bowmen with Bronn

Ironborn bowmen

Harlaw Reapers with Nute

Ironborn Trappers

NCU's: Wendamyr, Erik and Aeron Damphair


I opted for my 2nd List for simplicity as had used it on Thursday at Justplay

As luck would have it, I had a chance to avenge that last outing with Greyjoys, as I was drawn against Carlo who I'd played two days earlier. The scenario was Game of Thrones and Carlo opted for his Baratheon cavalry list. I set the bar high after the kicking he gave me on the Thursday, trying to kill a unit at least....

Baratheon Wardens with Andrew Estermont (C)

Flayed Men

Hedge Knights

2 x Stag Knight Nobles

NCU's: Shyra Errol, Tycho Nestoris and Davos Seaworth

Others were just setting up...

Some slower than others (Free Folk player on the right!!!)

Carlo's Sword wielding Baratheon, his only infantry unit

Targaryens and Freefolk

Baratheon infantry on another board (5 of 16 player were Baratheons)

Concentration early on...

Anyway, back our game...

Flayed Men hammered into my well advanced Ironmakers. Carlo took the opportunity to hit em hard before the pillage saves stacked up

Good effort, but not quite there...

I had bowmen either flank, with Reapers on either side of the Ironmakers and Trappers with Asha behind right unit of Reapers

I healed up before hitting back...

But Baratheons heal well too...

Using a Wendamyr shift, I flanked with Reapers...

And pretty much fluffed it, leaving my flank wide open...

No Sentinels were used as would just get in way...

Hedge Knights a far more effective

I tried to War Cry into other flank...

But fluffed that morale check...

As you can see, the Hedge Knight hits hard and the Dragonstone Noble did too, taking two wounds to get max impact hits...

Then activating todo it all again after retreating...

And ponce off out the way like some super mad squig hopper!!! Well, that was a learning experience...

Still, I'd got some points... End of Turn 2

House Baratheon  4 VP's
House Greyjoy     2 VP's


I activated first, advanced up a shit of Wendamyr then made charge into wounded Noble with Trappers and had Qarl dispatch him with his auto wound. Pity they had to activate to do it, as they were in a nice position...

Look, I killed a unit. Mission accomplished. On to next mission, kill another unit...

Went for a roam around as we were blitzing game and people were asking me rules questions...

My Reapers died by the Hedge knights on the Swords... And my Ironmakers were looking reborn!!!

Think there was some poor dice there

And the Noble took to wounds to crunch the bowmen on the left. 7 hits!!!

And another morale catastrophe!!!

With units destroyed, Carlo could mop up win. But I had a card up my sleeeve and activated the Ironmakers with We do Not sow to kill the Flayed men

Carlo did weigh it up but reckoned better to start the event with a 10-6 Standard victory than delay and go for a bigger win as I had improved on my performance a few days previous....

Game ended 

House Baratheon 10 VP's

House Greyjoy       6 VP's

Really enjoyable game but Carlo didnt really break sweat again as my die weren't great and his use of Dragonstone Nobles to pop in and out with taking wound to deal more damage really wreaked havoc on the Reapers. 

Elsewhere, Nigel's Targaryens were slogging away against Steve's  Free Folk horde...

Colin's Nights Watch were barely holding off Alan's Targaryen's

And Aaron's Greyjoys were no match for Kieran's Jon Snow list...

Greg had manage dto cross the half way line v Jeri... Although looks like Jeri's army didnt show up!!!

One of my highlights at any event is always food!!! This cheese and Onion pie, with mash, peas and gravy was simply amazing!!! In the event you ever go to Stockport or run an event at Element, get on to the the Lord of the Pies for lunch. All positive feedback from the players...

And Best Painted army voting took place at lunch time too.

Below is Victoria's Baratheon's...

Pictures don't really do some of these armies any justice, sorry. I have an wee camera, but at least its digital so I dont have to change the film roll...

Where's Stannis???

Not a lover of fire then I guess. Cracking Tactics board too...

More Green than Sherwood Forest...

My Greyjoys...

Dark and moody, just like me!!!

Carlo's hammerless Baratheons...

Really beautifully painted hedge knights...

With a spattering of mercenaries...

Close up of the hammerless Knights...

Steve Butlers FreeFolk

Nigel's King's Targaryen's...

Nigel didn't use his Mother of Dragons list all weekend

Lee Parkin's Free Folk... Look out for it Game 3

Great, fun list!!!

Jeri's death by fire force...

Tim Whitney's immaculate Starks...

Really well painted...

Tap him up, he's naw bad...

Really class touches 

Leaves, shields, underbase...

And Syrio in Karstarks, nasty combo...

George Bickers Baratheons

Another Renly fan???

Colin's Nights Watch

Alan's Targaryens

More Baratheons...

I see Stags everywhere...

Keiran's Nights Watch


Alan and his Targaryen's.

I kept same list for ease, while Alan had 2 units of veterans, screamers and outriders, with 3 NCU's (Illyrio, Tycho and Daenerys)

Alan is one of the half dozen Dead Meta crew from up the North East. They're all a great bunch of lads...

Game started well as I took the horses

And got hit by Field Control...

Aaron's Greyjoys faced off against Steve and his Free Folk while David and Adam ar eon teh bottom table (or David's home for the weekend)

Jeri v Tim setting up...

Carlo played Nigel while in the distance the Free Folk civil war...

Lee Parkin of the Dead Meta bunch and his Mammoths and Giants v Greg of the Wardens of teh North-West and his Mag the Mighty list...

Class. A pair of woolly backs to face a Scouser!!!

Sadly, didnt get time to watch as had some Targaryens to butchers...

Colin and George were on top table, with Kieran and Victoria on table 2

Back to the battle, as the Outriders pinch my left objective and my Reapers went after them. I'd already ruled pre-event (as Tournament Organiser) that if you are in woods, you can shoot out but also be shot back at. Dont see the confusion myself, the wording says through, not into. I mean you can put your finger in your mouth but cant put it through your mouth...

I again had numerical superiority so would look to take centre and right

As usual, tactics board filled up quickly...

And Wendamyr shifts managed to get Ironmakers onto centre

The Reapers were gonna suffer, I could feel it...

But perhaps the dice would show up at last!!!

And passed the morale check easily enough...

Using a card, the screamers tactically withdrew and generously exposed a flank for my Ironborn Bowmen to shoot into...

Here we see Alan pointing out his ones...

Tycho was popped to replenish the horse meat...

Addrivat was used to target my left bowmen as the Great Khal piled in on them, killing 3 with arrows from the Veterans

A further auto wound, then with sundering, critical blow and all sorts of goodies, wiped them out!!! But What is Dead may never die...

Alas, it was before the panic check so I had to take it with a minus three, needing an eleven... Oh, its fair to say I was very happy!!!

Three wee bowmen left holding up the whole Dothraki horde (well, that's what I'm saying). And having passed the morale, got to add some more with Ironborn Mettle...

Wendamyr took crown...

Allowing We do not Sow

But on the left, the arrows were stinging...




Elsewhere the battles were raging...

As the Watch held off the Baratheons...

Intense concentration from Lee, while Carlo was doing a better job of killing cavalry than I...

Addrivat had given me a point as I hadn't been killed. But I had retreated and there was a real swarming feel to the cavalry infantry battle

I had the Trappers charge into assist the Ironmakers, while Drogo ignored my weakened bowmen to hot the flank of the untouched, hurting them badly...

As the Ironmakers killed off one unit, a second cavalry unit flanked them as the bowmen faced up to the Dothraki killing machine...

Sure enough, the bowmen died and overran into the Ironmakers...





The battle of the centre was going to be close...

The Trappers managed a flank charge on Drogo, but Qarl missed the chance to end him...

And he retreated off for easier pickings...

I managed to save the bow shots, amazingly... Of course, he smashed into me and mullered them for good measure!!!

In the centre, the Ironmakers were outnumbered and surrendered their objective...

And when attacked with 5 models left... There really is no love for the Greyjoys from those fickle dice Gods!!!

Still, I was holding them there with Asha close by...

Her 5+ morale bubble being really importa.....!!!!!!

Drogo went after the other objective held by the Reapers. But didnt get it and was reduced down by the Reapers attack back...




Activating first, and after a Wendamyr shift, I flanked the Veterans with Asha...

And absolutely went to town!!!

They lost a rank and objective but retreated out, to go around and fire and flank but Asha and her netters held...

Only just mind due to the flank...

It all came down to a Drogo scoot, shoot and charge!!!

And despite the Weirwood tree, I failed the panic from the shooting...

This allowed Drogo to swoop in and pick it up. Good job, as he didnt hurt the Reapers enough to have taken it in a fair fight!!!

But with that fell swoop, Alan had taken the game...

House Targaryen 11 VP's

House Greyjoy 9 VP's

Battlefield below at end of game....  Incredible game, so swingy, so fluid and such a close run thing. I played well, the dice were certainly not in my favour but had some real highlights holding up the Khal with bowmen. Had he swept through, Alan would have finished me off a turn earlier I'd imagine. Losing the Ironmakers with three ones and a failed Asha morale was really gutting. Still, Alan did really well in getting around the board with some great card combo's, so deserved the win...

Moving on to Game 3, I took pics first before getting to my game...

Nigel and Adam had a Dead Meta head to head (after Game 2 I stopped using avoid club mates filter on the Stats Admin thingy... Adam's Lannisters would crush the Targaryens!!!

Carlo v Kolco (Colin) on Table 1, with Greg, fresh from a Mag'nificent win v Kieranon Table 2


Lee Parkins Free Folk consisted of Tormund (C) in Spearwives, 2 Giants and 2 Mammoths against my Asha list in Fire & Blood. His NCU's were Craster and Styr...

I marked the spearwives and the left giant while Lee did my right side bowmen and Reapers

This had the feeling it would be quick and bloody...

Oh, and Lee kindly pointed out that we had to sue random terrain. Apparently, when you organise a tournament and its your rule pack (allegedly), you are supposed to know that...


Well, things moved quickly enough with my Reapers making a charge into a Mammoth, taking 50% of its wounds and and causing it to run away... Unfortunately, it's big brother was upset by this and came steaming in dropping me to three reapers...

Angry big bugger!!!

Still, both the Vicious giant failed his charge and the other one on my right...

Tactics board end of Turn 1

Activating of the swords, Tormund and his girls charged home and really hurt the Reapers on my left...

The dice were at it again!!!

Morale of 6...

On the right, well, Nelly went trump, trump, trump...

And I didnt see any point in trying to keep them alive...

As I had Tormund to kill ( I had also healed up the Reapers well)

Oh thats is so sweet to see with my Ironmakers and their critical blow!!!

9 hits in the flank, and Lee saw Tormund and his Spearwives pop...

The vicious giant charged the bowmen...

Aw, you couldn't make it up with my dice!!! Crazy...

Shooting the other mammoth caused no wounds from the 4 hits as Lee saved them all...

And my left bowmen couldnt hurt the other big guy either...

Asha flanked the vicious giant for 3 wounds. It was looking good!!!

First activation next turn, and the Free Folk spread out...

 End of Turn 2

Greyjoys 2 VP's

Free Folk 2 VP's

Sure enough, critical blow in the rear by activating the Ironmakers...

Wow... One big dead giant!!!

Still, Lee's activation was horses to summon some Spearwives with endless horde...

Seeing how far they were away, I didnt feel threatened and activated off swords for something and Lee used Tormunds card to roll a 6... Rookie error!!!

The Reapers were reaped, Craster healed the mammoth 2 wounds

I crowned the beast but it wouldnt run away

And suddenly from being close and supporting one another, I was all over the place and badly surrounded!!!




Behind me, we see Nigel being hemmed in by Adam's Lannisters...

Meanwhile, I was passing morale with Asha

And raining arrows on the big hairy elephants...

I charged in with Asha and the trappers against the Mammoth in it front

Getting warcry off too

It was left on 2 wounds, but again, it's big brother went mental and steamed into my rear!!! Tag teamed by Mammoths was never gonna be fun!!!

The attacks dropped me to 4 models...

Yeah. 'nuf said!!! That dropped Qrl and his auto wound off board, leaving Asha to entertain two Mammoths on her own!!!

The wounded beast killed Asha, and surged forth away from the Ironmakers, who made a 4+ charge to get to it. It was worth the risk as they really struck home...

I mean I had to only do two wounds so the big guy bit the dust...

End of TURN 4



Well, it was close on VP's but the Endless horde card brought in some Raiders and I was going to be sorely tested to avoid being overwhelmed

As the Free Folk closed in...

Flanked by spearwives, Raiders to the rear and a giant swinging its club meant the Ironmakers crumpled fairly quickly giving  Lee a deserved win




That was class, really fun game to play and a classic example of over confidence... I had my forces nice and tight and ready to pick off a wounded Mammoth and a giant and mammoth. Then Spearwives showed up and charged my Reapers and I was ripe for plucking... Great play from Lee, and real fun!!!

Meanwhile, Carlo was getting the upper hand on Colin

And Kieran was keeping the Giants and Freefolk at bay...

It was close by the look of it...

Victoria and Tim were playing Baratheon civil war...

Might need to get my own Winter is Coming jumper!!! Kieran looks the part despite playing NW

Day 2

Due to an accident on a staircase, we had a drop out for the second day. I dropped out to keep the balance, and was not disappointed as had plenty of time to go and get plenty of pics of the other games. Alas, it also meant I was last of the 16 entrants and still to win with greyjoys!!!

A Feast for Crows was the game mode for game 4

Nigel setting up against Lee while Jeri and David met 

David on the left with Baratheons and Jeri with his Baratheons

On top table, Kieran was facing Dr Evil while Victoria's Baratheons were playing Aaron and his Greyjoys

Tim faced Steve

And I got to watch a real tight game at the top

Something really great seeing two whole painted armies....

And how effective cavalry are in this game against infantry. Nigel concentrated on one flank to bring the corpse piles to him and negate Lee's numbers...

David was playing very aggressive and looking good v Jeri

Colin was getting stuck into Adam's Lannisters while Greg and Mag the Mighty were squaring up to Alan's Drogo list...

The Targaryens were getting stuck in

Kieran was corner camping to bring Carlo into his kill zone...

Aaron and Victoria were locked in a battle of attrition

And Adam was having bad dice v Colin...

Still, he did pass the morale!!!

David was into Jeri's half...

And Lee was trying hard to pin the horses down...

Numbers were being brought to bear but mobility was key for Nigel

Kierans NW was proving a tough nut to crack for Carlo

Next door, the Greyjoys were getting the upper hand in the attrition war..

The Lannisters wereunable to contain the Nights Watch

With two Free Folk v two Targaryens, the cavalry were winning hands down...

Meanwhile, David had managed to implode due to Melisandre and some Lightbringers Jeri had got into range. It was looking so good early on...

And the Targaryens of Nigel had punched through the Free Folk lines...

The Night's Watch were still holding off the Baratheons...

As Aaron's Greyjoys swept aside the last of the Baratheon units...

Only the Mountain and his Halberdiers were left of Adam's Lannisters as Colin surrounded them with his NW

And Carlo was almost getting through

And did so right at the end..

The Giants were being swamped by the Dothraki

And Mag the Mighty fell...


So as the tournament headed into tis final round, Carlo and Aaron met on table 1 while Colin and Kieran Night watched off on table 2.

Very similar forces from the Nights Watch players

David and Lee faced off at bottom end

Steve and Jeri were paired...

And Greg faced Adam

Alan v Tim for table 3, Nigel v Victoria table 4


Aaron had more men for Honed and Ready

Targaryen's v Starks

Free Folk v Lannisters

Free Folk v Baratheons

Nigel seemed to be playing on half the board...

Alan was looking to pick off the Starks piecemeal

Concentration from Adam

Aaron was taking the fight to Carlo on table 1

And it was getting pretty close...

Lots of dead on both sides

As Alan and his Targaryens were still keeping their distance for the most part

Nigel was ganging up on Victorias right side and ignoring the left unit...

While the Lannisters were getting stuck in

Steve and Jeri...

David coming up with a cunning plan!!!

Still not a breakthrough at the top...

All to play for...

Managed to catch Lee send Tormund through Hedge Knights before Overrunning into Hedge Knights, adn more importantly David's 3+ saves...

Still, David was taking all the games in his stride despite his bad luck...

The Greyjoys finally won the battle of Aarons right, but his left had suffered as a result...

It was still quite close...

But Carlo edged out a 10-7 victory to win all 5 games with his Baratheons

Alan's Targaryens over ran Tim's Starks to take him up into second place...

And the Targaryens and Baratheons were still fighting on table 4

Greg managed to overcome Adam's Lannisters

And David manged to restore the Rose Knights and get his first win over Lee

On objectives....

Group pose 1 (Alan isn't paying attention)

Group Pose 2 (Alan is now paying attention to Carlo)

Third time lucky. Thanks Alan

3rd Place with Night's Watch by Kieran Scaddan (Scaddman) Keiran actually lost Game 4 on table points as he and Carlo finished on 10 VP's each. And won his last game 13 VP's v 13 VP's against Colin

2nd Place with Targaryens Alan Bainbridge (TechNeqe). Alan lost his first game against Colin, then made a last gasp narrow win v me before 3 Crushing victories shot him up to second

1st Place with Baratheon's Carlo Conner-Hill (z4carlo). Had some very tough opponents over weekend, but came through them with 5 wins out  of 5. Well deserved first place

                                 BEST Painted Army was Tim Whitney and his Starks. 
Very close on this, pipping Carlo's Baratheon's by one vote and great to see so many painted armies too

Most Sporting Opponent Greg Deane (Greggers). Deserved win, Greg really is a genuinely cheerful guy and great fun to play against. But worth mentioning that there were eight people nominated for most sporting which shows just how friendly and in the spirit of the game the entrants approached the event

The Samwell Tarly Award for last place David Anderson (DavidAnderson). "Not much good in a fight" trophy sums up David's approach as not had many games but showed up to an event with some of the UK's top players and kept smiling all the way through. Was so glad he got a win at the end.

Full results here courtesy of ASOIF Stats Rumble results

I can't thank everyone enough for coming given the uncertainty over COVID. The event was billed as a more friendly, chilled and fun orientated tournament, with more emphasis on fun games and fluffy lists rather than top tier and that certainly seemed to be the ethos. I think the 2 hrs 15 mins game times helped. Accordingly, with prizes for top 3 and vouchers for Element it was decided to give the main prize of NW starter and trophy for Most Sporting and also have a prize for bottom and a special trophy as it takes a lot to turn up and take a beating in almost all your games and still keep smiling in what is marketed as a "competitive" game. Also, everyone who turned up was given a Hedge Knight to use as an attachment.

Special thanks to Carlo for the ASOIF STATS work he's done, making admin role easy and allowing me to play and run things (it essentially ran itself). Also, the Dead Meta lads coming down in force really helped get the tickets sales going in early October. Hope to see most of you at Always Winter and the London GT

Feedback has all been positive, particularly the pies, and hope to run it again next year.


Justplay in Liverpool hosting  A SONG OF DICE & FIGURES VOL IV on Saturday 8th January... Tickets

John Craig is hosting Always Winter at Common ground Games in January 2022 (22nd/23rd) at Stirling, a two day event that I plan to go to, link here ALWAYS WINTER The event is sold out but there is a reserves list. Look forward to seeing many of the entrants from Ribble Rumble there...

Gavin up at Gaming Figures in Redcar will doubtless run a few too Gaming Figures

As hopefully will Entoyment down in Poole, who organise the awesome Beachhead exhibition. Homepage - Entoyment Wargaming and Hobby Centre

Board & Swords and Board in Brum hopefully add another event in before end of year...

All the above venues support the game and sell A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures. Check them out, or pop in and visit if you are in the area...

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