Friday 15 October 2021

Greyjoy v Neutrals: Theon and the Goat

 Another Thursday night down at  Justplay saw Aden and I play our second league game in the Wardens of the North-West league. Wardens of the Northwest With both of us having won our first games, the winner had the opportunity to go top of the league...

Vargo Hoat led the mercenaries as below:

Bolton Blackguard with Vargo Hoat (C)

Bolton Cuthroats 

Bolton Cuthroats 

Bloody Mummer Skirmishers

Stormcrow Mercenaries with Daario Naharis

Stormcrow Mercenaries with Bronn: 

NCU's: Baelish and Roose Bolton

Aden's Greyjoys with his snazzy little token holders...

The Greyjoys were as follows:

Ironmakers with Theon Greyjoy, Prince of Winterfell (C)

Ironborn bowmen with Bronn

Ironborn Reavers with Euron Greyjoy and Reaver Captain

Ironborn Reavers with Victarion Greyjoy

NCU's: Erik Ironmaker, Wendamyr and Balon Greyjoy

So we were playing Fire and Blood, and I opted to select going second. Aden had kept Euron's reavers in outflank, so I started the game with twice as many units. with poor morale on both sides, we fought with 3 Weirwoods (and stakes that would not get involved)

I opted to second to try and get Euron on early, or too late (turn 3) as I had a very cunning plan...

I marked up Victarion's Reavers and the Bowmen, while Aden marked the Mummers and my left side Cutthroats. I figured Euron was coming there then!!!

Meanwhile, Colin was introducing Jamie (Lannister player) to the loving tenderness of his Nights Watch. Colin won.

While Andy dipped into his magic box to pull off a stunning win over Dale's Starks...

Scoring Units: I marked up the Ironborn Bowmen and Victarion as my intended targets, while Aden bluffed me with my left side Cutthroats and the Mummers...


Seizing the horses, Euron appeared on my right flank... Hmm, not a problem, I moved my cutthroats back to block any rear or flank. Aden made an error in not keeping them straight to shift using Wendamyr, as by angling he couldnt shift...

Having used my first activation to reposition, Aden took the swords and smacked Bronn's Mercs for 3 wounds. 

And 3 dead to panic...

Having shifted Theons Ironmakers with Wendamyr instead, the "Prince" of Winterfell made a 4+ charge thanks to the card Starks Exposure allowing a re-roll.

I lost 3 men and a further 1 to panic...

THIS WAS NOT MY PLAN!!! Still, it was still half of it, as I marched up on the left with the marked Cutthroats...

Euron charged the Cutthroats but rolled a one...

He was always going to make it but no cards helped...

I lost four men which was better than I expected...

Seizing the crown, Bronn's Mercenaries were destroyed and Aden took the first VP. I had already taken the opportunity of Daario's Stormcrows going in to hit the Ironmakers in the flank. I killed two as Aden made his panic check...

And so drawing out Victarions Reavers with his "Relentless" order, I activated the Goat, weakening Victarion's unit and charged in needing a 2+ to essentially attack the unit and assassinate the Master of the Iron Victory...

Oh yes, I rolled a one... So didn't get in (I think i forgot to take a panic check here as I was so busy banging my head against  a wall). 

Ignoring the tough Blackguard, Victarions Reavers opted to hit Daario's flank...

Awwww, this was not the plan!!!

And to think, Aden had chosen to give the sundering, flanking Reavers and when they got marked they took Precision!!!

Fortunately, they were weakened but it still hurt!!!

My plan to rush forward and hit the two marked units was had gone a bit awry, whereas Aden was running amok!!!





I couldn't get a charge in against the bowmen. So I had Baelish take the swords and use the horses, to give Aden some hard choices...

I moved up the Goat's Blackguard to threaten the Bowmen or Victarions unit again...

It didn't faze Aden. The tactics card We Do Not Sow allowed Victarions Reavers to wipe out Daario's outmatched Stormcrows.

I charged in against the weakened Bowmen with the Blackguard, killing 3. I didnt use the Sadistic Mutilation to kill Bronn though, I used it for the Cripplers Infamy tactics card to let Aden need an 11+ to pass and also take +2 wounds for his inevitable fail...

This allowed Aden to bring Victarion back round with Diversion tactics...

I still had the crown to take with Roose...

As Aden sent the Ironmakers into the Cutthroats engaged with Euron. Seven hits...

Seven Dead!!!

Oh, I only had seven men left...

As Theon surged forth back towards the Blackguard, Euron's Reavers marched towards the Mummers. I'd lost 3 units and this was not my plan... Aden still had Victarion's Relentless and the unit to activate and the Bowmen and was activating first next turn!!!

Though tempted by the Blackguard flank, Aden elected to move using Relentless and auto get in against the Mummers. And so fate turned, and Aden rolled a 1.

With no rerolls, that a nice roll for me...

The board end of TURN 2 (before removing casualties in Mummer fight). Aden declined to retreat his archers to keep me pinned (I did suggest he read my card as he had announced he was going to attack me!!!) so he duly activated and did nothing...

Oh yeah, the mummers made one save and passed their morale, while the Reavers failed all four of the counterstrikes back at them...





How did 6 units v 4 become 3 v 4???

Ach well, start of turn Careless aggression killed the bowmen but What is Dead may never die!!!

So they stayed alive, them pesky bowmen!!! Aden seized the swords to allow Victarion's Reavers to attack but they were reduced and only scored 4 wounds. I charged into Victarions flank with the marked cutthroats, cutting the Reavers down and scoring 4 points!!! Aden took the crown to save me using it on the Bowmen

Targeting the Mummers with a morale of 7 before the Weirwood...

Ah, the dice had warmed up...

Mr Ray doesnt think this card is good!!! Well, I decided to use it to allow the Cutthraots to activate and charge the two bowmen...

5 hits killed them again, as What is Dead may Die again. Aden's second marked unit, with a VP on from the previous turn, killed by the same marked cutthroats, yielded another hatful of VP's

And with that the battle had turned on it's head... Issue Commands, an awesome if situational card!!!

Balon allowed Victarion and his Reavers to rise again, blade in hand...

With me again ahead in activations, Aden sought to get back up from my right with his Ironmakers, keeping Euron's Reavers back as he was the weaker...



PRINCE THEON OF THE IRON ISLES                     5 VP'



I charged in with the Mummers, weakening the Reavers on the way...

I scored six hits, and the dice had truly turned...

Aden used What is Dead May never Die

But I had the Cripplers Infamy which ensured the 3 men he'd revived would die if he failed a hefty panic check. Aden rolled poorly, with the +2 wounds wiping them out.

Aden went for it, with the Ironmakers hitting hard

But morale no longer seemed to be an issue for me...

I couldn't save my Cutthroats...

But did manage to do what I should have done Turn 1 and got Victarion with the Goat!!1




The board at the end of the game...

I genuinely feel elated and gutted after that. I was on the ropes and Aden had it in the bag so to somehow eek out a win was simply great in the luckiest jammy git way imaginable, and gutted for Aden as he genuinely didn't deserve that. We both made errors but were happy to address or let them go. (eg VPs when commander activated as forgot turn 1, reminded in later turns). And when Aden declared an attack with two morale 8 bowmen v the Blackguard, I couldn't let him roll the dice. Okay, I could have but "suggested" he look at the unit card first and he changed his mind. Still should have retreated them!!!

We chatted a good while after the game, and he simply got carried away with his early successes (as well he should as it was his plan and halved my army) but despite the setback (and it was a major setback) I kept focussed on the scenario and killed the two enemy marked units with my two marked units. Aden didn't early on. Not retreating the bowmen was a mistake. And charging in against the Mummers without support was too not doing, he gave me the lead and he allowed me to pick the fight I wanted afterwards. He should have regrouped and waited for the Ironmakers and Euron.  Aden acknowledged both but he was riding high on a crest of a euphoric wave, before it came crashing down...

It was a truly classic game, so bloody and intense and really, really close but I edged it to give me two wins from two. I look forward to face Aden again, he will be after my blood that's for sure...

Be interested to see what he says in his League summary... Wardens of the Northwest

Next up is a 4 game event at Justplay then the evil Baratheons of Mr Ray in the league...



Justplay will be holding their second event on Saturday 16th October. Tickets will be available soon here, so save the link if your interested.

The lads at Imps Gaming in Lincoln are running another event in November which I'll be going to... A Song of Ice and Fire Ticket - Nov 2021 (

Board in Brum have another day event on 20th November. Listed as a Doubles Event???

 I'll be running a two day event at Ribble Rumble in December at Element Games in Stockport, for 16 players The Ribble Rumble - ASOIF | Facebook    (Only 1 place remaining)

John Craig is hosting Always Winter at Common ground Games in January 2022 (22nd/23rd) at Stirling, a two day event that I plan to go to, link here ALWAYS WINTER (I've got my ticket!!!)

Gavin up at Gaming Figures in Redcar will doubtless run a few too Gaming Figures

As hopefully will Entoyment down in Poole, who organise the awesome Beachhead exhibition. Homepage - Entoyment Wargaming and Hobby Centre

Board & Swords and Board in Brum hopefully add another event in before end of year...

All the above venues support the game and sell A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures. Check them out, or pop in and visit if you are in the area...

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