Saturday 18 May 2024

Dead Meta Gaming's Northern Grand Tournament: Six Battle Reports with House Bolton

 The Northern Grand Tournament

Four Wardens of the North-West travelled up to Darlington for Dead Meta Gaming's (DMG) annual Northern Grand Tournament. Stephen "PsychoSte" Connor, Aden "spykr"  and Gregg "Greggers" Deane as well as myself had an early start for the 2.5 hour drive up Saturday morning. 

Hosted at Gathering Point Games , Aaron "Midnight " Taylor and Alan "Techneqe" Bainbridge did all the work in organising and running a cracking 24 player, six game event, and with the rest of the DMG lads we knew it would be damn fun to be involved.

Boltons as Neutrals were my second painted army, so I decided to update
them for their own mini-faction, adding in two Dreadfort Spearmen, Heroes 1
and Dreadfort Archers. My lists simply reflected what I'd recently painted.
This list is more defensive, and I used it exclusively on Day 2 in both games.

List 1
Blackguards with Roose Bolton - Lord of the Dreadfort (C)
Flayed Men with Fortune Seeker
Dreadfort Spearmen with Grunt - Bastard's Boy
Dreadfort Spearmen
Dreadfort Archers with Damon Dance-For-Me - Bastard's Boy NCU's
Ramsay Snow & Tybald

List 2

I like the aggressive nature of this list, though it isn't built for attrition and I ended up using this list exclusively on Day 1 for four games

Bastard's Girls with Ramsay Snow - Spiteful Heir (C) & Reek
Bastard's Girls with Ben Bones - Kennelmaster
Flayed Men
Dreadfort Spearmen with Damon Dance-For-Me - Bastard's Boy
Dreadfort Spearmen NCU's
Roose Bolton & Tybald



A Clash of Kings

Mickey "Masarath" Arnold

I'm sure most people know Mickey from ASOIF-STATS TOURNEY GROUND and one or two events he has won, so not exactly the easiest of draws for my third game with Boltons. But I've played Mickey a few times, so I knew he'd help me learn my cards, orders etc as he beat the living shit out of me. Mickey not only had a new army in his Targaryen's but it was also not the usual Drogo cavalry or Dragon heavy lists. (Oh, and it was fully painted!!!)


Dothraki Screamers with Jorah Mormont - Westerosi Tactician (C)

Dothraki Hrakkars
Dothraki Hrakkars
Dothraki Screamers with Haggo - Bloodrider
Dothraki Outriders NCU's
Daenerys Targaryen, Mirri Maz Duur & Xaro Xhoan Daxos


Palisade, Corpse pile, Bog, Corpse Pile, Palisade

TARGARYENS: Outriders, Haggo Screamers, Jorah Screamers, Hrakkars. One Hrakkar outflanking (Spoiler, it came on in Turn 1 when I elected to go first)

BOLTONS: Spearmen, Spearmen, Ben's B. Girls, Ramseys B Girls, Flayed Men


I took the Letters with Ramsay, weakening the Outriders and gaining cards. Mickey took the Horse and then I moved on activating units as Mickey filled the tactics board. Mickey astutely took the swords to prevent me clearing them, thus blocking in my own forces

And used the terrain to deny me any charges next turn. 

Having been out activated, Haggo's Screamer failed a 5+ charge with re-roll, but Jorah's managed to get in with a 6 up

With Mickey first next turn, it hardly mattered had he failed the charges, but getting one in was a definite bonus. I'd drawn my Flayed Men back as a reserve.

As the Hrakkars were getting set to pounce!!!

Ramsay's Bastard Girls were keen for a fight, managing to save three hits

But I did screw up the panic for a further three wounds!!!

Tactics Board End of Turn 1


Reek did his order, making both Screamer units panicked (and he didn't die)

Mickey activated and took the Swords, having the Screamers attack Ramsay's Bastard Girls

Horrific Visage dropped a Horse before hand

but seven hits meant that six went through and the unit died...

I activated Ben Bones and his Dogs. I shot at Hakko's Screamers

and with the panic check managed to drop a full rank.

Charging in over the bog meant no re-rolls but I still managed to cut Hakko's unit down to Hakko alone

And failing the panic check, he took sadly just the two extra wounds, leaving Hakko Screaming on one wound!!! Damn close!!!

Xaro Xhoan Daxos took the bags and healed Hakko's unit up, before my Flayed Men charged into Jorah!

And yet again, managed to get a unit down to a single model!!

It looks good at this point, but I'm spent for this turn pretty much and no Targaryen's units are down!!!

Mickey took the Horses 

and retreated Jorah out of melee. I tried a Crown panic, but a Double six easily passed it.

I had a respite as a Hrakkar failed a 3+ charge 

I lost a rank of  Bastard Girls to some flank shots from the Outriders

But the Screamers also failed the panic allowing me to heal up two wounds from Fear Keeps a Man Alive

Hakko's four attacks scored three hits, but I saved two of them...

Still, Fuelled by Slaughter saw Hrakko's unit heal before lone Jorah activated and flanked me

And using highest attacks card, flanking Jorah, the seven hits were on vulnerable, weakened and panicked Bastard girls 

Jorah on his own did for me, scoring more points with Commander kills


HOUSE TARGARYEN 8 VP's (2 units at 3 & 2 VP as commander kills, 3 objectives)




I charged the Flayed Men into Jorah as a small modicum of revenge!!!

And I only managed two hits from six on 3+ ...

But the failed saves and a failed panic spelled the end for the exiled Mormont

I also had killed the palisade last turn so got a nice flank smack into the Outriders

But Mickey learned the value of my magic dice tray, saving four of my six hits

Fortunately, I'd made them vulnerable...

I played Sadistic Games to dish out two panics and had Tybald target the Horses when Daenerys activated. Mickey took it to deny me a double activation 

And also allowed his Outriders to retreat

Hakko was alone again after failing a Crown panic check!!!

But his Fuelled by Slaughter helped him heal as he cut down my Flayed Men on activation

The Hrakkar's rear charged my remaining Flayed Man and finished him off (the Hrakkar's having taken a wound from having Betrayal played on them for an extra VP)

Mickey had been holding back his NCU's so he could play it twice this round

END OF TURN 3 (& Game)


(6 unit points, 6 objective, 2 Betrayal)

HOUSE BOLTON 1 VP (Dead Jorah)


Well that was pretty decisive. Mickey doesn't really make mistakes and he sure surprised me with how aggressively he played as in our prior encounters he has played quite cagily (with his Freefolk). Two 5+ charge attempts, albeit with cards to allow re-rolls. While I came close to getting both Screamers (twice) I didn't and I rolled well enough on my Bastard Girls saves to keep them around longer than they really should have. Mickey didn't even break sweat, but I learned a lot as you do against good players and was particularly pleased for Mickey to say using Tybald on the horses is the mark of a good player (watch this space). He also gave me a pair of PASS cards but I forgot about them. Didn't really learn much about the units, as Mickey was all over me but was happy to at least kill Jorah



TONY "tonygarry" GARRY


Tony had a powerful defensive list and I was surprised as given the scenario, i thought he would run his double Flayed Men list. I haven't played John before, but he is one of a trio of  the London Gamers Old Guard along with Ed and John Wall and they get to a good few events.
Blackguards with Vargo Hoat - The Goat of Harrenhal (C)
Bastard's Girls with Ben Bones - Kennelmaster
Dreadfort Archers with Damon Dance-For-Me - Bastard's Boy
Bloody Mummer Skirmishers with Grunt - Bastard's Boy
Blackguards NCU's
Ramsay Snow & Roose Bolton

TERRAIN: Wall, Wall, Corpse pile, hedge

Tony's Deployment: Bastard Girls, Blackguard, Archers at rear, Vargo's Blackguard, Mummer Skirmishers

Brian's Deployment: Spearmen, Ben's B Girls, Flayed Men, Ramsey's B Girls, Spearmen
My cunning plan: Well I had planned to hit one flank and take the centre, but on deployment, I felt that hitting  both Tony's flanks might work better...


Tony went first and took the Horses, moving up his Mummers on my right. I took the Letters and Tony removed my token with the bags.

After drawing, I had three good healing cards and a few decent attacking ones...

I advanced up both flanks, while Tony tucked in his Bastard Girls

Last activation was me taking the swords and having Ramsay's Bastard Girls shoot Vargo's Blackguard

All four shots hit

and a failed panic dropped a rank!!! I didn't try the 6+ charge though...


Ramsay shot again after Roose took the Swords and another pair of Blackguard dropped, with two more running off in panic. Again I didn't charge...

But as Tony activated Ramsey, I did play a Tybald token on Horses. Tony continued with taking the bags and healing the Blackguard.

Tybald claimed the Horses, and Ramsay advanced his Bastard Girls up

They then shifted and shot into the flank, dropping 3 Blackguard, reducing them to a single rank which allowed me to pass the Horrific Visage check when I charged home

I managed 4 more hits

and Tony rolled 3 or less on all four, wiping them out without a panic check.

I surged forth with Ramsay's Girls and moved out of arcs. Tony responded by turning his Bloody Mummers to face them.

I took the left objective with my Spearmen

and Tony hit me for three from a Crown panic, dropping the objective. I marched the Flayed Men up to help Ramsey after the Dreadfort Archers had turned and the Blackguard had stayed put. My right side spears took that objective.


BRIAN'S BOLTONS 2 VP's (1 unit, 1 objective)



I used Reek who didn't die to dish out plenty of panic. Tony charged the Mummers into the rear of the Bastard Girls, losing two Mummers to horrific Visage. I lost six Men before failing the panic. But I then played Cruel Methods to heal four and also Our Blades are Sharp to attack back off  Roose on the Swords

A few hits due to the disrupt wasn't all bad as the Mummers were reduced down

The Dreadfort Archers then opened up on me

dropping 4 and reducing me to a dog, a Reek and a Ramsay. 
But the Mummers lost three men too...

I flanked the Mummers with the Flayed Men

which annihilated them and allowed me to heal four wounds on Ramsay's unit from Spoils in Flesh

The Blackguard turned to face my Flayed Men off of the Horses, before I activated Ramsay to shift up and shoot.

I scored two hits but the charging volley into the flank cut the Dreadfort Archers down to three men


The Blackguard barrelled into my cavalry, dropping a Horse

I passed the Horrific Visage check on a ten, but as I was panicked so had to re-roll. And the dice were true...

My Ben Bones and his Bastard Girls shot and charged, but I failed it. Tony's Ben was easily able to shoot and countercharge and wipe out all my unit bar Ben and his wee pup.



BRIAN'S BOLTON'S 5 VP's (2 units, 3 objectives)



I had Roose take the Swords, allowing Ramsay to attack and play Opportunist for a bit of overkill against the remaining three Dreadfort archers

They died and I was able to play Remorseless Examples and place a corpse pile between Tony's Ben Bones B Girls and his Blackguard. Which I then surged forth onto...

Tony's Ben Bones Doppleganger killed mine

And with my Ramsay's dogs in their rear below, opted to surge forth towards the centre and about face

I opted to heal Ramsay's unit from the bags, while Tony took horses to secure the centre.
I then charging volleyed into the flank of the Blackguard, killing four after passing my Horrific Visage.

The Blackguard attacked back and dropped a few Bastard girls (to three) before the panic.

I passed the panic

But Ramsay did get a panic token from Roose when he took the Crown

And I just passed that or I'd have been dead

Twice, as the six was re-rolled. I needed another six!!! 

Helpful hint: ALWAYS CHANGE DICE!!!

Board at End of Turn 


MY BOLTON'S 8 VP's (3 units, 5 objectives)

TONY'S BOLTON'S 2 VP's (1 unit, 1 objective)


Both Tony's Blackguard and Ramsay's Bastard Girls had healed up with Cruel Methods towards end of Turn 4

And activating first with Ramsay on the Swords and influencing the Blackguard saw Tony kill off my second unit of Bastard Girls and heal further with Fuelled by Slaughter

My Flayed Men struck back, but lost a horse to Horrific Visage but did drop seven men.

Tony took the Horses and came off the Centre, threatening my left Spearmen. Their shots and a failed panic decimated my spearmen, before they charged home to wipe them out!!!

I took the Crown and panic checked the Blackguard

Leaving them on one man...


MY BOLTONS 9 VP's (3 units, 6 objectives)

TONY'S BOLTONS 5 VP's (3 units, 2 objectives)


Tony had Ramsay on swords, influencing the Blackguard for Fuelled with Slaughter

But Tony failed to roll a single hit!!!

I took the Crown and the Blackguard failed their check

Tony's stayed on the left objective as I out activated him, taking the horses before marching the Flayed Men onto the centre


MY BOLTONS 12 VP's (4 units, 8 objectives)

TONY'S BOLTONS 6 VP's (3 units, 3 objectives)

I really felt for Tony in the early turns as he simply couldn't make a 3+ or 4+ save nor pass a panic check. Tybald on Horses worked a treat to flank Vargo and take him out, allowing Ramsay into the back field and Tony had to react. But I kept healing and destroyed his right and centre. Fair play to Tony, he kept at it and his own Bastard Girls did for Ben Bones and then  surprised my idle left side Spearmen. But scoring off the flank objectives early while Tony reorganised to deal with the marauding Ramsey allowed me to secure a solid win.


Aaron "Midnight" Taylor



Aaron was also running Boltons, having to stand in for a late drop out and taking them so as not to be TOO hard. Played him a few times, don't think I've beat him and of course, he runs the Dead Meta Gaming stream on Youtube. If you haven't subscribed, you should as the Dead Meta guys are fun to watch (and listen too). Also, got to point out how much I love Aaron's very simple but stand out paint scheme on his Boltons...

I stuck with Ramsay and had to face off against "Father" in a pretty brutal list

Blackguards with Roose Bolton - Lord of the Dreadfort (C)

Dreadfort Archers with Sour Alyn - Bastard's Boy
Flayed Men

Flayed Men


Tybald, Walda Frey & Ramsay Snow

Terrain: Palisade, Weir Wood, Hedge, Stakes

Aaron's Boltons: Dreadfort archers, Flayed Men, Flayed Men, Blackguard

Brian's Boltons: Spearmen, Ben's B Girls, Flayed Men, Ramsay's B Girls, Spearmen


I opted to first and took the Letters, Aaron took the bags to remove the panic I placed. I marched up to the stakes on the right.

The Blackguards shuffled up and lost 3 men to a failed panic check

I've fully activated, and thrust my Flayed Men and Bastard Girls up to try and bait a Turn 2 charge from Aaron. If he did and I could hold, I'd be in a position to hurt the charger

Well, you don't take two units of Flayed Men to hold back, do you?


Aaron charged the flank of my Flayed Men, as I had left a millimetre of space!!! But Aaron rolled a one so couldn't play the card he wanted nor get re-rolls but succeeded in causing five wounds, three with the panic. I took the swords and attacked back.

But it was largely inneffectual doing two wounds.

Aaron activated Walda and I used Tybald token on Horses. 
Aaron went ahead with his plan

The Crown attack did drop me to a single horse in my Flayed Men

But I moved Ben Bones and his Girls into the rear, then activated them. I took the risk, shooting first.

In the rear, three wounds plus four from the failed panic, all from the shooting!!!

And my lone wounded Flayed Man passed his panic!!! The charge was devastating...

And I played Spoils in Flesh to rejuvenate the Flayed Men a bit...

Aaron filled out the tactics board

And took the right side objective

And I took the left, just before the Archers activated

Its was more Sour Aaron than Sour Alyn with those dice!!!

But one failed armour save saw three additional Spearmen run off from the panic, saving the archers from two wounds because of Sour Alyn...

And with his last activation, Aaron's second Flayed Men charged Ramsay for a stonking NINE hits due to critical blow. It was just what Aaron needed to end the turn...

One armour save didn't help as I failed the panic check and his Intimidating Presence made it four wounds from panic!!!


AARON'S BOLTONS 2 VP's (1 unit, 1objective)

MY BOLTON'S 1 VP ( 1 unit)

Activating first, I took the Swords and had my spearmen open up a charge by destroying the palisade

I  then weakened the archers and healed two Spearmen with Cruel Methods

Aaron again put Walda on the Crowns despite my Tybald token on Horses

To move Ben Bones again, this time into the flank arc of the second Flayed Men

Sadly, their shooting was below par. But I went for the 3+ charge anyway

Good job I had the re-roll

I played Opportunist to gain precision...

And cut the Flayed Men to half strength!!! Shame I didn't land any bow shots...

Aaron healed them up, so I launched my Spearmen at them with Damon for eight attack dice

I had rolled a one on the charge and got a measly two hits and Aaron passed both armour saves 

Aaron again filled up the tactics zone

Board midway through Turn 3

I charged the archers with the spearmen

With no re-rolls due to the corpse pile, that's just bloody bollocks!!!!

I had moved my Flayed Men onto the corpse pile Ramsay's Men had spawned on their demise. But Roose's Blackguard had smashed my Spearmen's flank in and having failed the panic, Roose Spread Fear

But despite the panic token, I passed the test twice

End of Turn 3: The battles on the right were particularly vicious

While the right side was a bit hand-bagsy...


BOLTONS 2 VP's (1 unit, 1 objective)

BOLTONS 2 VP's (1 unit, 1 objective)


Aaron took the Crown and had my Spearmen fail a panic, but not quite destroying them. But Roose got to Spread Fear again...

Again, third time lucky, my Flayed Men passed the test...

But Aaron made me re-roll, and destroyed the unit

I took the Swords to get some Spearmen attacks in

My right side was collapsing but on the left, I still had a fight in me

Six hits turned to two after the weakened...

But it still gave me a bit of hope as I had more men

The Blackguard finished of Damon Dance for Me, surging forth back onto the objective

I took the bags to heal up the Spears and lose the Vulnerable token

My Bastard Girls dropped a Horse

But their attack back dropped me to one rank...


Aaron's Boltons 5 VP's (3 units, 2 objectives)

Brian's Boltons 2 VP's (1 unit, 1 objective)


I took the Swords with Tybald and got a good combination of cards out to heal and attack. I didn't kill the archers but did drop them to three men.

Aaron simply attacked and killed Ben and his unit.

I activated the Spearmen and wiped them out. Took a long time to do it mind...

I took the Crown to stop an attack on me, and we activated out as time was called


AARON'S ROOSE BOLTON 7 VP's (4 units, 3 objectives)

MY RAMSEY BOLTON 4 VP's (2 units, 2 objectives)

We both thoroughly enjoyed that game, it was very swingy at times and I got off to a really good start with sucking in and rear ending a Flayed Man unit. Aarons response of one shotting Ramsey really hurt, but it ebbed and flowed. Aaron's Archers frustrated my Spearmen, but I think the difference was the heavier armour of the Flayed Men and Blackguards when we engaged. And I never managed to recover my own Flayed Men as I never got a chance to heal them up as they were lurking in my deployment for two turns. Still, a really great game...





John had joined the Wardens of the North West for the Dead Meta Gaming's Team Tournament in November last year, so I knew him to chat to but had never played against. As you can see above, he had a lovely painted Dragon force and I figured I should keep the Ramsay list going as their charging volley might give me enough wounds to drop one if I could get at it. I hoped to avoid melee with my spears v Unsullied...
Unsullied Pikemen with Daenerys Targaryen - Mother of Dragons (C)
(& Jorah Mormont)
Viserion NCU's
Illyrio Mopatis, Pyat Pree & Missandei


Terrain: Corpse pile, wall, Woods (under the Unsullied) and stakes

TARGARYENS: Rhaegal, Unsullied, Viserion, Drogon

BOLTONS: Spearmen, Ramsey's BG's, Flayed Men, Ben's BG's, Spearmen


John went first taking the letters, not sure why I took the swords with Roose but apparently I did. John then took the Letter moving up Viserion. I then moved up my flank spearmen as John marched up the Unsullied. I countered with Ben's Bastard Girls as bait.

I got what I asked for, though I'd sooner John failed the 4+ charge. But Viserion came flying in early and unsupported, and rolled a 1 on the D3 wound dice.

And I managed a good morale check

The Board at End of Turn 1

My left Spearmen were well positioned to go march onto the far left, with Ramsay's BG's ready to drop back on the near left. Ben Bones days were number I felt as the Dragons flew finished up in an echelon attack wave, while my Flayed Men could help Ben or be charged and my Spearmen had to turn to assist the Flayed Men if needed


Ramsay took the Swords (which made sense this time) so Ben's BG's could attack and made Viserion panicked too

I played Opportunist as the Bastard Girls attacked, taking Precision.

I did a respectable four wounds but John played Sudden Retreat and Viserion swooped off before activating and charging Ramsey's Bastard Girls, killing six in total. So I sent in the Flayed Men to flank Viserion.

John played Fire made Flesh to only take two wounds, before a bad panic check resulted in a dead Viserion and Fear Keeps a Man Alive healed three on Ben Bones dogs...

Drogon was enraged and charged into Ramsey, but another bad morale check saw Drogon take 3 wounds from Horrific Visage allowing me to heal up a bit from Fear Keeps a Man a Alive. 

before cutting them down to three...

 I healed up the unit bags and as the Unsullied used horses to move up and take the centre, I marched my left spearmen up to the far left objective.

I took the right side objective with the Spearmen there

John then played Darcarys on Drogon as the move to the centre had just put the Unsullied in range of him. Nice!!!

I lost 4 men to the attack before the panic, but fortunately passed both checks to leave Ramsay hanging on with Reek.

Last activation saw me retreat Ramsay onto the near left. I had spent most of my good healing cards this round and figured the extra point was worth their demise from shooting from the wall (although i may get lucky and roll a few sixes)

Board End of Turn 2

I lost four men from four hits off the wall on the right!!!

Only one spearmen on the left but Ramsay and Reek had an ignominious end getting peperred by arrows


HOUSE BOLTON 4 VP's (1 Dragon, 3 objectives)

HOUSE TARGARYEN 2 VP's (1 unit, 1 objective)


John has  some good options with his dragons, and went with activating Rhaegal to charge the Flayed Men. He rolled poorly, causing only 3 wounds and I again passed my panic check. I took the Swords with Roose, dishing out a panic on Rhaegal and attacked back for one wound and yet again, John rolled terribly on the panic check, taking a further four due to Intimidating Presence

As Illyrio activated, I played Tybald token on the Horses, explaining that if he didn't take it I would claim it after his activation. John continued to heal three on Rhaegal

This allowed me to move Ben Bones into the rear of the Dragon. John hadn't realised despite my explanation that I would could activate the unit afterwards (double activation effectively). I did offer to rewind, but John was gentlemanly enough to say it was fine and a good way to learn. But that was before he took two wounds from shooting and a further 3 from another failed morale check leaving Rhaegal on one wound before I charged in.

Needless to say, Rhaegal was no more, as Ben retreated away being wary after what Drogon done to Ramsey.

Drogon decided horse flesh was more to his liking than dog, and dropped the five wounds on the Flayed Men, who activated and retreated out of melee

Sitting on two objectives with spearmen, John couldn't just sit on the centre with the Unsullied so moved out to go for my far left spearmen



HOUSE BOLTON 7 VP's (2 Dragons, 5 objectives)

HOUSE TARGARYEN 2 VP's (1 unit, 1 objective)


Activating Drogon, John swooped in and devoured my Flayed Men. But it was his activation spent for the turn and he headed back up towards my left spearmen, who had lost three from the wall shooting. I took the Horses to back those spearmen off the objective as didnt want any NCU swap out to shoot. John took the Letters so I used the bags to heal my right side, who had also lost 3 men from the bloody walls. 

Illyrio on the Crown saw a good panic check pass, and John cursing that he should have shot off the walls instead...

I moved Ben Bones away from Drogon so I could take the near left objective next turn if my Spearmen braved the Stakes

John was eyeing up a long range charge with Daenerys but instead took the swords as he knew I'd come loser when my Spearmen activated

As I did so, the Unsullied activated and charged with re-rolls from unstoppable advance. But they fell short!!


Amazingly I lost no spearmen off the walls on the left, but my right side unit took their tenth casualty in three rounds...


HOUSE BOLTON 9 VP's (2 Dragons, 7 objectives)

HOUSE TARGARYEN 3 VP's (2 units, 1 objective)

Activating first, I healed up the left side spears. Missandei activated, I used Tybald token on Horses which John took and shot from the walls at my right side unit

I shouldn't really complain. BUT I  will as I failed all five saves from the hits!!! That's fifteen wounds from a maximum twenty hits despite a 4+ saves...

The Unsullied charged my Spearmen who set for charge

I dropped a rank with the help of the Vulnerable from the Tybald token

The Unsullied did rather well and left Damon all alone. But I retreated away, denying John the token from another attack and surge forth. Still, John took the Crowns and killed me that way.

Drogon flew over towards Ben Bones Bastard Girls, who activated and took the right side objective. I was then shot off the walls by an NCU before same again at end of Turn to reduce me to three men.



HOUSE BOLTON 10 VP's (2 Dragons, 8 objectives)

HOUSE TARGARYEN 5 VP's (4 units, 1 objective)

That game was brilliant but got to acknowledge John really was unlucky early game with failing five panic checks, and not just failing them, failing them with high D3 rolls and Intimidating Presence. Despite that, I spent all my healing cards and had to stay away from Drogon as John fought back hard, with some real help from those blasted wall archers (or some cheap Bolton armour!!!) Taking a Dragon out in turn 2 and 3 really allowed me to keep scoring off the flanks as John didn't have the units to contest of fight on both side, but I did only have three men left at the end. 

At the end of a long day of hard battling, I had both won and lost against Boltons and Targaryens, so I was quite happy.




Ste meeting a strange bloke (local minor celebrity) outside the toilets and taking pictures again... 

The late night pub...

0230 hrs Last Four Standing





Including his scratch built trebuchet

My personal favourite, STEVE BUTLER'S GREYJOYS

The Ironmakers cloaks are simply outstanding

And the Blacktyde Chosen are none too shabby either



Definitely simple, but effective










Alan Bainbridge got two votes for this 

(It was his event, so he is allowed to vote twice!!!)


Stephen "PsychoSte" Connor


As my most regular opponent, have to say I wasn't looking forward to this as knew he'd run his double Tully Cavaliers. I'd already made my mind up to run Roose all day Sunday, and it was certainly right call against those Cavaliers. I'd need the 3+ armour save of the Blackguard to hold up, but also, this scenario is new to me while Ste has played it before. We chatted over Curry about it, but felt this would be a real challenge.


Eddard's Honor Guard with Eddard Stark (C)
House Tully Cavaliers
House Tully Cavaliers
Winterfell Guard with Rickon Stark & Osha

Shaggydog NCU's
Lyanna Mormont & Sansa Stark

A reminder of my list

Blackguards with Roose Bolton - Lord of the Dreadfort (C)
Flayed Men with Fortune Seeker
Dreadfort Spearmen with Grunt - Bastard's Boy
Dreadfort Spearmen
Dreadfort Archers with Damon Dance-For-Me - Bastard's Boy NCU's
Ramsay Snow & Tybald


I had choice of first or second, so I deployed right up at halfway on the Weirwood and Ste held wat back to avoid any first strikes from me.

TERRAIN: Woods, Palisade, Hedge and Weirwood

STARKS: Winterfell Guard, Tully Cavaliers x 2, Eddard's honour Guard, Shaggydog

BOLTONS: Spearmen, Flayed Men Blackguard, Dreadfort Archers, Spearmen


I chose first turn and had Roose take the Letters, and Ste had a Tully unit advance with horses

And after that I tactically withdrew my forces back five inches. I was buying time and trying to lure the cavalry in. If I could drop a Tully unit, i may be able to bring numbers to bear v the Stark infantry. With Ste going first, he risked the 6+ charge with a  re-roll but he didn't need it.

The Tully's passed the Horrific Visage test and so it began...

Northern Ferocity, Devastating impact and token heaven...

I lost seven Blackguard

But I was able to take the Swords (as Ste had taken bags to remove panic from the Tully's that charged the Blackguard

I took a wound to give Damon's Dreadfort Archers 8 shots with precision and re-rolls

Nice shooting, scoring 4 wounds plus two hits

The Second Tully Cavaliers moved up and tucked in behind

Board at End of Turn 1


Ste took the Swords but I used a Tybald token to claim the Letters. Ste was undeterred and had the Tully's attack the Blackguard. They easily passed their Horrific Visage.

From three hits, I managed to pass zero saves

And Roose was looking in trouble

Tybald took the Letters, dished out a panic. 

I used said panic to restore 4 wounds to Roose's Blackguard via Cruel Methods

I then flanked the Tully's with my Flayed Men

As Steve moved to heal up with an NCU to the bags, I played Whispered Threats. Ste healed a horse back ont eh engaged Tully's, who were no also Vulnerable and Panicked

So I flanked them with my Dreadfort Spearmen!!!

Alas, rolling a one on the way in meant I only scored three hits and Ste saved them

Eddard's Honour Guard joined the fray, flanking my spearmen.

With Winter is Coming and Devastating Impact.

Nine hits thanks to Critical Blow, requiring a 5+ to save. That's rather poor!!!

No need to use the Vulnerable either.

I failed the panic, but Ste asked me to re-rolls the D3 as a roll of 3 would score him a point with Eddard's unit

I re-rolled a 1...

I was well engaged and had to shoot with the Dreadfort Archers. Alas, it was now that I discovered Ruthless Volley affects all units engaged...

Five hits and three auto-wounds says it was worth it

The Tullys dropped to four wounds left...

But I failed panic on the Blackguard, NOT on the spearmen who I hoped would die to deny an Eddard VP next turn.

But Ste had eyes on Roose, so Shaggydog polished off the lone Spearmen

The Tully Cavaliers charged in over the hedge but I had weakened them so my Flayed men survived relatively unscathed, taking only four wounds.

 I took the Horses and brought my archers around to bear on Shaggydog, Ste retreated his depleted Tully's out of melee with the Blackguard, my spears advanced up to deny the Winterfell Guards a rear charge on my Flayed Men but they declined a frontal charge into Grunts spearmen.


Starks 0 - 0 Boltons


I took the Swords with Ramsay but forgot to influence anyone...

I had the Dreadfort Archers line up on Shaggydog

And scored all eight hits!!!

Ste managed four saves, but he needed five...

Meanwhile,  Ste activated an NCU so I had Tybald lay a token on the Horses. Ste pressed on with taking the  bags and heal up his wounded Cavaliers. So I claimed the bags, retreated the Flayed Men out of melee with Tully Cavaliers, then activated them to crash into the wounded Cavaliers on a  4+ charge. I scored three wounds, dropping them back don to 4 wounds remaining before the panic check

And with Intimidating Presence, those dice were just priceless!!!

I surged forth towards one of Ste's Banners. Think that was my most satisfying moment of the weekend, I hate Tully Cavaliers and Ste was fizzing...

Ste took the Letters for some help, but I was on a mission and charged the Tully Cavaliers with Rooses' Blackguard to pin them. I clipped the hedge but needed to in order to put a few more inches between them and Eddard 

Unfortunately, no re-rolls meant no hits...

Ste then retreated his Tully Cavaliers ready for next turn, while I pivoted to face the Winterfell Guards that were auto in charge. I  then shot a rank off Eddard with my Dreadfort archers who had shifted back a bit. Ste had Eddard activate and went for the longer 4+ charge to into the rear end my Blackguard. And he got it. Ouch!!! 

My spearmen again blocked an easy charge to the Blackguard but Ste bided his time and did not attack Grunts spears.



Tactics Board End of Turn 3


Ste took the swords and played assault orders

I was happy he rolled a 1 for the charge as it stopped card shenanigans and may help me survive with no re-rolls

Ten dice, nine hits... Nice!!! I'd forgotten his Lead By Example card on the Tully's meant he got +1 to hit. Just what those Wankers NEED!!!!

With seven wounds left, I needed some good dice. And got them!!!

But I was vulnerable and couldn't keep it up!!! No more Flayed Men

Ramsay and Eddard faced off and I risked Harsh Punishments as was on the back foot

I did little damage

As Ste started to take control, he took the bags to deny me healing, swapping it out to bring back a card...

Eddard slew Roose for a point, turning back towards my archers. I took the Horses to reposition the archers to shoot up the approaching Eddard

And the Tully's steamed into my spearmen. Set for charge was useless, the hedge didn't help but Grunt's resilience kept my casualties low, as I turned and attacked back. I didnt do much and the Winterfell Guard then piled in and wiped me out!!!

Still, I had my archers...

And from seven hits, I got two past their armour... 😏

This was a daunting sight...



TURNS 5 & 6

Ste advanced up with Horses, influencing with Lyanna so he auto passed panic checks as I took the Letters. Swift reposition put him on my objective. Ste activated the Honour Guard and destroyed the objective for 4 VP's

The Winterfell Guard cut down the palisades, and the Tully Cavaliers marched onto the other objective, which they destroyed in Turn 6.

I dropped a rank off of Eddard before he charged in to my archers but the damage was minimal

END OF TURN 6 (& Game)



I was really disappointed after this game. Still, had lunch so that soon cheered me up.
I wasnt dissapointed with Ste, my luck, my dice (which were shocking at times), nor even with the game mode. But simply that I thought I played really well and given Ste a decent match but the score line didn't reflect that with zero victory points. My aggressive deployment followed by withdrawal was a sound plan, Tybald's token again allowed me a double activation, the Dreadfort Archers were awesome with Damon in them.  But to be fair, Ste knows what he is doing and played patiently to score a deserved win. Not charging in with the Winterfell Guard for two turns was a masterly tactful display. Great game, just doesn't show in the result...

And then over lunch came out to find it wasn't just Ste that had been shitting all over me for the last two hours, as Darlington's Seagulls had been strafing the car...

Ste and Adam "Harbo1993" Harbinson chilling over lunch 

Ste was still hungry, and ate Adam's Targayen's in Game six



JAMES "James kira" KIRA

Our local minor celebrity Ste was taking pictures of outside the toilet turned out to be none other than DMG's one and only James, Ste's regular party animal at events (I don't drink, and am old, so don't go out like the other younglings. Also allows me to keep old Ste Butler company). I've played James a good few times, and we both play pretty chilled.

As lack of luck would have it, a nine activation Free Folk list is less than ideal for A Game of Thrones, especially with Styr and Thenns

Thenn Warriors with Styr - Magnar Of Thenn (C)
Thenn Warriors

Thenn Warriors
Followers of Bone
Free Folk Raiders with Raid Leader
Free Folk Trappers NCU's
Lady Val, Ygritte & Craster


Terrain: Wood, Hedge, Stakes

FREEFOLK: Thenns, Styr's Thenns, Trappers, Raiders, Followers of Bone, Thenns

BOLTONS: Spearmen, Archers, Spearmen, Roose's Blackguard, Flayed Men

I had hoped to gang up on one flank and contested centre while killing units, but the Thenns in teh Wood would be difficult to shift


I went first and had Ramsay take the Letters

We played out the tactics board as usual

And with being well out activated, I had to play more cagily than I like to, with Thenns seizing two flank objectives to my one early on



James took Val onto Swords and swapped for a move up on the Raiders, slightly

I then activated Grunt's Spearmen and charged them up the centre at the Raiders. I also risked Harsh punishments on them, as Sundering and highest attacks would be nice. I lost two men to the Trappers traps....

 Spearmen against the Raiders and they actually, shockingly, finally did some bloody good!!! All seven attacks hit

James played final strike but I trumped that with A Flayed Man has No Secrets. And all enemies in short range became panicked as the Impaling Spears were put to good use.

I lost more men than I'd have like from the Trappers shooting after Craster healed up the Raiders as did Ygritte on the bags.

But Roose took Crown to panic the Raiders

And Fear Keeps a Man Alive healed up the Spearmen

So Regroup and Reform helped the Raiders heal up

But I used Cruel Methods to also heal up four Spearmen

Good job, as Styr flanked them and cut them right down!!!

I stayed put on the left, subject to  unsporting Taunts though I was

James healed up on the Raiders and attacked with them but rolled poorly, doing one wound.

Side on shot (courtesy of Aden)

I passed my panic check

This was turning into a proper grind!!!



FREEFOLK 2 VP's (2 objectives)

HOUSE BOLTON 1 VP (1 objective)


I had Ramsay influence the Spearmen while taking the swords, allowing them to attack with highest attacks from Harsh punishments

I scored four hits and the resultant failed panic caused seven wounds total

I healed three as a result which was good as Final Strike couldn't be stopped and I took four wounds from it. And after all of this, I suddenly realised that all through this game I hadn't used Grunt's Resilience!!!

Well, I would be triggering it after the Followers of Bonerolled their attack as they charged in!!!

I died despite Resilience. Two turns ago would have been a better time to remember that

I shifted my Dreadfort Archers back and shot, wiping out the Raiders!!!

As James activated Ygritte, I Tybald Tokened the horses but James took it (I made Styr's Thenns vulnerable)

James moved Styr's unit onto the centre objective

I had to try and claw back this game so in went the Flayed Men, flanking but without re-rolls

Finally, landing some critical blows for seven in total

James still saved two and also passed his panic somehow!!! Then he played Final Strike!!!

Four wounds came back on me!!!

My Blackguard headed over to the right, as they'd been out of this fight far too long. The Trappers managed to plink a few wounds off my Flayed Men too, after playing regroup and reform to bolster Styr's Thenns.



FREEFOLK 6 VP's (1 unit, 5 objectives)

HOUSE BOLTON 3 VP's (1 unit, 2 objectives)


James activated first and charged the flank of the Flayed Men, dropping me to two wounds

Flanked and Vicious, I managed to survive by the skin on their teeth!!!

I had Ramsay take the Swords and influence the Flayed Men, who became panicked due to Harsh Punishments card. But it allowed highest attacks and sundering. My attacks dealt four wounds...

before the panic, which wiped out Styr and his Thenns and healed me four wounds back.

Importantly, another unit of Raiders appeared near the right objective as Styr had Endless horde on his unit

My Blackguard failed a charge on the Thenns who had backed off, and I failed the panic for two wounds

With first activation next, I retreated out of melee with the Flayed Men. The Trappers knew I was coming for them so charged me first

Sadly I dropped a horse to them



FREEFOLK 8 VP's (1 unit, 7 objectives)

HOUSE BOLTON 5 VP's (2 units, 3 objectives)


Ramsay on the swords, influenced the Flayed Men for Fuelled by Slaughter and an attack

Three hits resulted in three wounds

And James passed the first panic check, but they would have to re-roll that six

They died, I healed four wound and I secured the centre, but Diversion tactics saw the Followers of Bone move up around my Blackguard flank

They charged into my rear, with me vulnerable as well and passing the Horrific Visage test. But they rolled a 1 on the way in so got no re-rolls. I took three wounds. 

But I took the Bags and healed three before the Raiders charged me in the flank, but lost a full rank to Horrific Visage and Roose's Intimidating Presence

The Dreadfort Archers shot into the rear of the Followers of Bone, dropping them to two before the Flayed Men finished them off and surged back onto the centre.

I also dropped a Remorseless Examples corpse pile for extra horror for the Wildlings

I attacked the Raiders, needing to kill them to secure an unlikely win. But with a weakened token on the Blackguard, all I could do was drop a rank...


Sorry for the dead horde, but two Thenn unit held the two far objectives


FREEFOLK 10 VP's (1 unit, 9 objectives)

HOUSE BOLTON 9 VP's (4 units, 5 objectives)

Cracking finale to the weekend, so close as well despite being behind all game. James played exceptionally well as my armour and panic destroyed his centre but he just kept scoring off the flank objectives. So many little things could have changed that result, such is the beauty of the game. The attrition in the centre was frustrating us both, as James stopped even trying to get the Flayed men and went after the Blackguard. Exposing him to the Dreadfort's finest whose shooting into the rear of the Followers scored 10 wounds!!! Awesome game!!!

So from six games, two wins and four defeats. Not unhappy with that, learned an awful lot about my new Dreadfort army and have bought the starter box for some chunkier Blackguard whose saves may be better and also a few missing NCU's. As always, great event and six fabulous opponents (yes, even Ste). As for the other Wardens, Ste surprised no one by coming in the top five, Aden surprised everyone by placing in the top ten and Greg surprised everyone by not winning Most Sporting opponent for a change, which was very sporting of him. I came in 18th of 24...

I'll let Aaron have the final words, which I wholeheartedly agree with

 Aaron's post-event post

 (with pictures courtesy of Squig Studio's)

 (Think next event crowd control is needed for awards as Aden is doing his best to photo bomb everyone, except me)

 Tournament Organiser

Aaron "Midnight" Taylor

Well, that's a wrap on another successful NGT event! 

Firstly I want to thank everyone who came to the event and made it a success! Despite a couple of drop outs before the start, we still managed to get 24 players battling it out for the title of NGT champion 2024!

Everyone who attended was a pleasure to be around for the whole weekend, old faces and some new ones from my experiences. 

We had a plethora of armies entered into the best painted awards which shows people's pride and joy on the tabletop through the hobby aspect of the game. Beautiful paint jobs, basing and conversions were on show with almost all the entries getting votes! The votes were all very close until one army ran away with it at the end! A huge congratulations to John Garside with his beautifully painted and based Targaryens.

I did take some photos but they really do not do justice to the calibre of work that went into the armies on display this weekend!

Even for those who didn't manage to come in first place, we had the Best in Faction (BiF) awards. Congratulations to everyone who managed to take their faction above and beyond the rest and show that they were the true loyalists to their houses! 

BiF for Targaryen saw Mickey of Tourney Ground fame and fortune take home the slate.

Martells were represented and done proud with Shane taking home the top spit for then.

Starks had Adam Sargeant manage to pip his opponents and take home the BiF for them.

Nights Watch was almost down to the wire with them facing off in Round 4, but on day 2, Kieran managed to rise above and take the Nights Watch slate! (All the more impressive given Kieran drew his first 3 games (on equal Victory points) but "technically"  losing due to points on table)

Free folk was a hotly contested one but one true north of the wall champion managed to secure the slate. It was touch and go for a while but with all the play for, after a rough couple of matches in day 2, James Richards managed to secure his place in the animal hide histories. 

House Bolton was done proud by the one and only Brian McGonigle! If you don't know who Brian is then all I can say is you're not experiencing the game to its full potential! (That's ME!!!)

Baratheons saw another of the Welsh contingent take home the BiF slate with Luke Durham taking the top spot! Abandoning his store, shutting up shop for a weekend and venturing out of the lovely West was well worth it for the beautifully engraved stag he's leaving with. 

Greyjoys as we all know are a no nonsense, take what they want kind of people. The same can be said about Mr Darkman himself! Congratulations to Steve on managing to pull off the BiF win for the Greyjoys!

Unfortunately Lannister and neutral missed the memo that an event was happening in the North and didn't send any representatives! So as a result, I now have a lovely BiF Lannister slate on my wall!

6 games is a lot of games, versus a lot of opponents and lots of different factions and armies. Managing to have the mental capacity to continuously play at a high level and win out is no easy feat. With that, I was to give a huge shout out to our second place finisher and Best in Faction Martell player, Shane Ankers.

Shane played an absolute blinder over the weekend managing to win 5 out of 6 games, with his wins being big and his loss small safely put him into 2nd place without question. Seeing him realise where he had placed and that he had secured it was truly amazing to see! Congratulations Shane, a well deserved finish for a great opponent! 

If a magnificent run of 5 wins with massive victories and small losses doesn't secure first place then there's only 1 thing that beats it! The clean sweep. 

Changing from what we usually see him bringing to the field, we saw Mr Mickey Arnold secure his place at the top of the ranking with yet another tournament win! 6 games, 6 wins, I think that alone speaks to the skill level of such a player. 

Congratulations Mickey, a well deserved win and you gave us all the joyous spectacle of seeing you carry a trophy almost the same size as you! This means you'll have to be back for the next one to keep your title as the NGT champion!

Most sporting is a title that, personally, I believe all players should strive to hold. With the results of the vote for this award i think it clearly shows that other players hold the same views as myself. Almost all players had a vote in their name, with 4 players tied for first place! 

Unfortunately, highlander rules dictate there can be only 1 and that honour went to the ever pleasant Dan McDonald. 

(Stock image as no picture, sorry Dan)

Most sporting, third place finisher and always fielding a strong contender for the best painted awards, I can't think of a more all rounded player! 

(And Lee didn't send me a picture!!!)

Next up we have the wooden spoon award. Unfortunately in any rankings, someone has to finish last! Coveted by some, dreaded by others, the wooden spoon can be the most divisive award in any tournament. The NGT sees Tony Garry take home the spoon this year! 

Always seeming to be having fun during his games and never caving the dubious outlook of his games, Tony took it in his stride and accepted the award with a smile on his face!

Lastly we have a few special mentions and people I wish to bring to the forefront of the event. 

First up, Alan. Without Alan the event would not exist. The amount of work, time and effort he puts into the behind the scenes, Ordering prize support, creating the slates, putting event packs together, all of it is invaluable. Thank you for everything you do for the event, Alan even had an entry in the best painted awards this year, not a sentence I would ever expect to write! 

Next up, we have Louis and Fiona at Gathering Point Games. Being as welcoming and helpful as they are makes the event run far more smoothly and takes away any venue stress that could possible arise! Day 2 of the NGT was a little warm in the venue so they went out of their way to supply ice pops and choc ices for any player who wanted one, all free of charge! 

The catering they put on for the event is above and beyond any expectations myself and Alan had when we were working put feeding the masses at the event. They even opened early to put on bacon sandwiches for the players who arrived before games started! 

If you haven't checked out Gathering Point Games then I highly suggest you do so and if you're ever in or around Darlington then they are definitely worth a visit! 

Third on the list is the lads representing DMG. As a passion project of mine, seeing a playgroup represent it and come together as a gaming community is fantastic. All the lads are respectable, competitive and take everything in their stride so I want to extend my thanks to them for helping out with the event and for showing up to support the event and continue to give DMG the image it has, genuine thanks. 

Lastly but not least, the community. This game is amazing for 1 reason above all else; the community. Every single person I have met through this game is amazing in their own way. Thank you for the support for the NGT and thank you for helping to make the event a success and hopefully a continuing staple in the UK diary.

Anyway, that's enough rambling and spam from me, thank you all again and see you all at the next event.



22nd June 

Entoyment Wargaming & Hobby Centre, Poole Dorset

Wardens Unite!!!

25pt each doubles event , 3 x 2.5hr Games

Really wish I could go, this sounds awesome!!!

Some good lads (and lass) down at Cryptic Cabin, 
 and they are having a 30 point starter box event on 30th JUNE


27th - 28th JULY


40b Cowane Street

Stirling, FK8 1JR

RULESPACK (and ticket info)




Winner to be crowned Warden of Essex (PsychoSte, bring it home to Liverpool laaaa...)




"Honour, not Honours"



30th NOV/1st DEC 




March 1st/2nd 2025

Pontnewynydd, Pontypool, UK


4 weeks later, March 29th/30th 2025

and needing no introduction...


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